
Tomb Raiders of the Lost Ark

Author: Yonatan Wilkof 

Download: Here

Unpack the YonatanWilkof-TombraidersLostArk.zip. Copy the Catacomb.TOM, the Script.dat and English.dat files from the Graphics / Wads folder into the main directory. Run the Level Converter, and build up the Catacomb.TOM file. Run the adventure, and have fun!


This is a good level. Although I was very annoyed at some places - cause I didn't find the small crucifix against the wraiths and I had to run away from them. In addition pushing certain switches is dangerous and in the end you can't get all the 4 goodies without taking 3 Large Medipacks. :) There's a timed run in the room with water. In the underwater labyrinth you have to find the second piece of the Horseman's Gem which is a Secret. Following the room with 3 ropes you will find the Pharos Pillar. I found 4 secrets but I didn't have weapon against the skeletons. There are no added sounds. The textures are average, sometimes a bit dark but we are underground. :) So you have to be clever and fast on this level.


Alternativ Walkthrough: Anya Marie McDonald Walkthrough

Slide down. Push the right-hand button on the left. The other buttons activate spike traps. Climb down the ladder, push the lever in the end of the crawlspace. Get a Small Medi Pack from one of the vases. Take the open door above, ignore the skeleton. Jump into the water, swim to the left, push a lever, and get a Large Medi Pack on your way out. Jump back into the water, and after the first left-bend find an alcove to the right. Swim up and find an underwater maze. Climb out and be hurry because of the swarm of scarabs. Swing along the ropes. Meantime jump to the left as one of the vases hides the Horseman's Gem. Find here the Secret#1: a Small Medi Pack. There's another underwater maze on the other side. Find a Large Medi Pack to the left. Swim through a gap and get the Pharos Pillar. Find the exit and finally leave the water. Enter the other open door, head up the slope, and take care of the rolling stones. Push the button in the bend, which activates the stones. Jump over the chasm. In the next room push the 2 statues on the 2 symbols, and climb up to the open door. Collect the Pharos Knot. Slide down, and place it on the other side of the main room.
In the next room jump into the water, and swimming through the gap place the Gem. Find Secret #2: a Large Medi Pack. In the room with water find 3 vases beneath the stairway. Shooting them find Secret #3: a Small Medi Pack. Getting down save your game before pushing the button, because a though timed-run is the next step. So push the button, and run up to the open door. Push the button there, and run to the other open door. Head up and place the Pharos Pillar. Jump over on the middle platform, and get the second item from the right: the Pharos Pillar. The other items make Lara caught fire. Although if you have 3 Large Medipacks you can get them, as back flipping you can extinguish Lara in the water. Jump into the water, climb out and return the way where you came. The final door has open below. Approaching the sarcophagus 2 spiked balls fall down, and an earthquake occurs. Head to the right, around the corner, and shoot the vase in the corner, which hides Secret #4: a Small Medi Pack. Now take care of the poisoned spikes, the smashing down stones and the spiked traps. Slide down backwards, grab the edge, climb up, back flip and grab the rope. On the other side the level finishes.

Walkthrough by OBig from ™TREditor.hu

Translated by Petunia from ™TombRaider.hu

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