
Nikolaus von Myra

Author: Lumina Artis Coloris

Download: Here


Unzip, copy the files from data and audio to the same folders of TRLE, before copying, convert the latter to wavs, with start_me. Copy the effects.bin, english, load, script és tomb4.exe to the main folder of TRLE, start new game.


There are not much sources about the historic Nikolaus from Myra.

Myra is a small town located in Turky (ca. 100 km southwest from Antalya) and has been in the 4. Century home of a bishop.

According diffrent traditions Nikolaus was born in Patara, a town in Lyka - Asia Minor between 270 and 286 a.D..

At 19 years old, he has been ordained to priest by his uncle, also bishop from Myra. After that he was abbot of the monastery Sion neas from Myra.

Coming from a rich family, set him in the position to help the poor and deserving.

There are a couple of ancient buildings an ruins in Myra. It is said, that one is the tomb of Nikolaus.

Lara came across a document during an investigation, point at the fact that the ancient Nikolaus of Myra was a pilgrim to Mount Ararat in Turky, where he is maybe also buried.

Because Nikolaus of Myra istn't only a legend, but also was rich, Lara decides to trace the track to the old uneffected sultanate in the mountains of the border region of Türky, Iran and Iraq.

Thanks to her relationships she managed to get in touch with the decendents and owners of the land with the old sultanate palace. She get the permission to investigate.

Until now her investigation were to controlled by the sultans guards. Short time after the dusk she decides to sneak off her guestroom to seek undisturbed after some indices.

Secret 1-2-3-4-5-6-7:



Take the small medpack from the vase, the flares from the box, the Letter too, and read it.

Open the door and go outside, remember, you are on a Christmas level, the inhabitants don't harm you, so don't harm them. At the second pool go in the corridor at the right, and open the door with the lever, where you can pick up a Key. Go further in, and find the lock which you can open with it, there are shells nearby in a box.

He must be Ahmet, whom the unknown friend mentions, because once you set him free - how did he get locked in? - he opens the grate leading upstairs, and another one in the balcony. Here you find the Switch Room Key under the box. There are some ammo in the fountain, and a lever in the corner, which opens a curtain in the next room, but you go there later. Go back down to the corridor, and open the door with the key, you can't use the lever, but when you step inside a fly-by shows the big door opening outside, where the guards stand.

Go in there, and push away the front vases on both sides, the levers behind raise a block in the corner of the room. Shoot the boxes next to the guards to raise another one. Climb the first one and pull the lever to open the curtain above the other. Get up the first floor, the lever at the left opens the door at the right, go down the stairs, and open the blue doors, behind one a curtain blocks the way, the other leads to a room, where open the doors to the garden. Ahmet shows up again, follow him to see what he is doing. He lights up a torch, opens a door, then comes back to the garden and opens the grate to the square. In the garden next to the palm tree find the Crowbar, on the upper level of the room where Ahmet lighted up the torch you can jump up to grab the monkey bars, and swing over to the dark corner, for the 1st secret, which is the 1st Golden Star. Here the monkey swinging was a bit strange for me, only diagonally Lara was able to swing over to the horizontal ceiling. Once you get it, go to the door, Ahmet opened, and shoot the boxes to take the small medpack, and the lower Sleeping Room Key. You can go over the big room on the rope, for the 2nd Golden Star, into the 2nd secret. Be aware that with this new exe, tightrope is somewhat harder than it used to be, or was it just me? Go back to the blue door, and open the curtain with the key, inside you find a large medpack, the lever behind the vase opens the door to the balcony, where the Ammuniton Camp is yours.

Which is located behind the grates, next to the pool, outside. When you put it into the receptacle, not only the grate opens, but a door too, on the roof of the palace. Go in, open the door, and you can find ridiculous amount of flares, in the inner room shoot the boxes to find the Revolver + ammo, and in the crawling space the Crossbow + arrows in the 3rd secret. In front of the crawling space, under the not shootable boxes is the Shotgun, unfortunately, I couldn't pick it up with legal gameplay. On the right side, with continous run/jump Lara can go into the lighter box, and about the middle, if ducking, she can take it. If you find a more satisfying, solution, please let me know.

Go back to the palace, where the monkey swing was, and on the roof find the Coffeeshop Key. The coffeeshop is in the end of the corridor, at the starting place, here you can find the Lasersight. Take it, then go out, turn left before the pool, now you can shoot the lock, and the ball too above the burning cauldron. The grate opens under it, the lever inside puts out the fire, climb up, push away the cauldron, to reveal the Library Door Key. Go into the labyrinth, here I encountered with an unfriendly ninja. It seems he appears on the roofs, where he can't get down from, only if falls down by accident. Where and when that takes place - if ever -, is random, so you may encounter with him elsewhere, or not at all.

The optimal route in the labyrinth; start along the right side wall, after a few short turns, you reach a lever, opens a grate nearby. Follow that route until another lever, after using it, continously turn right to reach the opened grate. On the way note the closed grate, that will be a secret. Behind the tree, the lever opens the timed grate, so run all the way along the pool, at the end turn right, and into the corner at the right. Go in, and find the Vezier Room Key, the meantime you can hear a grate opening, that would be the 4th secret, go back there and take the 3rd Golden Star.

The Vezier's place is between the two pools in the square, go in, push away the cauldron and open the trapdoor in the ceiling. Upstairs, the lever opens the door to the familiar balcony, among the books you can find a Key. Use it downstairs, to lower a block, push the four cauldrons into the corners of that room, to open the other door in the balcony, where you can pick up the Sheherazades Rooms. In that small room, there are three levers, one closes the curtain, tha other two opens the timed grate nearby, but no need to rush. Behind it, the lever opens the second grate, leading to the 5th secret, the 4th Golden Star, and a small medpack are there.

Go back to the upper level of the palace, where you tightrope walked, and put your acquisition into the receptacle. On the bed you can find the Library Main Entrance, and another Key in the bath. The entrance to the library is on the corridor at the starting place. On the upper floor open another door with the key, behind the candle in front of you pick up the ancient Scroll. Go further in, push away the globe, and put the scroll to it's place, to open a door in the corner. Don't go in just yet, go back to the previous room, where an opening also revealed, with the lever you lower a block under the 1st Nikolaus Statue Piece. Go into the dark inner library, at the right climb up and take it. Climb higher up, and monkey swing over the slope, let go and jump toward the lever. A fly-by with wonderful atmosphere shows the lowering block, where you go next. But first, monkey swing for the 5th Golden Star, this should be the 6th secret, but for me it didn't count as a secret, because of a bug.

Go to the opened corridor, turn left and open the grate with the key, follow the passage till the lever, which opens the way to the desert. Go back for the motorcycle, and ride through the desert. In a pit, find the 2nd Nikolaus Statue Piece, then go to the oasis. A bug allows you to ride into the water, but you rather swim. On the other side of the tunnel, in the small pool, you can swim into the 7th secret, through a small opening to the left, to find some ammo. In the room put the pieces on the statues, and watch the fly-by when stepping into the next room. If you don't have the five stars, the adventure ends by sliding down behind the statue at the left, if you have them all, put them into the receptacles, and you will be awarded by getting into the treasure chamber.


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