TR2 Style Secrets
In this tutorial I will show you how to reward Lara in NGLE, just as in
TR2, so she can collect all the three secret objects of the level: the
silver, the jade and the gold dragon.
TR2 used sprites as dragons, but this time we will use 3D objects. See
for example Item#2368 in TRSearch, by Teeth:
Place the dragons into your WAD as pickable objects. This time, for
example, we place them into these object slots:
- gold dragon: PICKUP_ITEM1
- jade dragon: PICKUP_ITEM2
- silver dragon: PICKUP_ITEM3
Let's see an example for the setup:
1. Place the gold dragon somewhere hidden in the level, on the floor of
a dry land area. A trigger will be activated if Lara picks up the
dragon, so type 64 in the OCB window of the dragon. Place a PICKUP
trigger on the square of the dragon and a SECRET trigger: so you will
hear the 'Secret!' audio if Lara picks up the dragon. (I won't tell this
part more exactly than that, because this part is just TRLE basics.)
2. Place the jade dragon somewhere hidden in the level, on a low
pedestal. A trigger will be activated if Lara picks up the dragon, so
type 64+4=68 in the OCB window of the dragon. Place a PICKUP trigger on
the square of the dragon and a SECRET trigger: so you will hear the
'Secret!' audio if Lara picks up the dragon.
3. Place the silver dragon somewhere hidden in the level, on the floor
of a pool. A trigger will be activated if Lara picks up the dragon, so
type 64 in the OCB window of the dragon. Place a PICKUP trigger on the
square of the dragon and a SECRET trigger: so you will hear the
'Secret!' audio if Lara picks up the dragon.
4. Type three Pickup entries in the [Level] block of your level, to
identify the dragons, and type the dragon names into [Strings]. (It's
also some TRLE basics.)
5. Type these entries in the [Level] block of your level:
TriggerGroup= 1, $8000, 231, $2, $8000, 232, $2, $8000, 233, $2
TriggerGroup= 2, $2000, 48, $16D, $2000, 48, $16D
; Set Trigger Type - CONDITION 2
; Exporting: CONDITION(2:0) for PARAMETER(231)
; <#> : PICKUP_ITEM1 Slot=231
; <&> : Inventory. Present <#>inventory_item.
; (E) :
; Values to add in script command: $8000, 231, $2
; Set Trigger Type - CONDITION 2
; Exporting: CONDITION(2:0) for PARAMETER(232)
; <#> : PICKUP_ITEM2 Slot=232
; <&> : Inventory. Present <#>inventory_item.
; (E) :
; Values to add in script command: $8000, 232, $2
; Set Trigger Type - CONDITION 2
; Exporting: CONDITION(2:0) for PARAMETER(233)
; <#> : PICKUP_ITEM3 Slot=233
; <&> : Inventory. Present <#>inventory_item.
; (E) :
; Values to add in script command: $8000, 233, $2
; Set Trigger Type - FLIPEFFECT 48
; Exporting: TRIGGER(365:0) for FLIPEFFECT(48)
; <#> : Inventory-Item. Increase (+1) in (E)way the number of
<&>inventory-item in inventory
; <&> : BIGMEDI_ITEM Slot=368
; (E) : Show animation of item (like it was picked up)
; Values to add in script command: $2000, 48, $16D
So if all the three dragons are in Lara's inventory then the game will
give Lara two big medipacks as a reward.
(FGT_SINGLE_SHOT flag is important, or else Lara will just get and get
medipacks while those dragons are in the inventory.)
6. Place these three triggers overlapped with the FINISH trigger of the
; Set Trigger Type - FLIPEFFECT 47
; Exporting: TRIGGER(56:0) for FLIPEFFECT(47)
; <#> : Inventory-Item. Remove <&>inventory-item from inventory
; <&> : PICKUP_ITEM1 Slot=231
; (E) :
; Values to add in script command: $2000, 47, $38
; Set Trigger Type - FLIPEFFECT 47
; Exporting: TRIGGER(57:0) for FLIPEFFECT(47)
; <#> : Inventory-Item. Remove <&>inventory-item from inventory
; <&> : PICKUP_ITEM2 Slot=232
; (E) :
; Values to add in script command: $2000, 47, $39
; Set Trigger Type - FLIPEFFECT 47
; Exporting: TRIGGER(58:0) for FLIPEFFECT(47)
; <#> : Inventory-Item. Remove <&>inventory-item from inventory
; <&> : PICKUP_ITEM3 Slot=233
; (E) :
; Values to add in script command: $2000, 47, $3A
If Lara activates the FINISH trigger, she also activates all the
'Inventory-Item' FLIPEFFECT triggers. (It doesn't matter if you just
have zero, one, two or three dragons in the inventory when activating
FINISH. So the thing works, even if Lara hasn't found any dragon/all the
dragons before leaving the level.) So she will show up in the next level
in 'dragonless', to collect the three dragons of that new level.
Naturally, it would be pretty strange, if Lara shows up in the next
level with dragons in the inventory from the previous level. That's why
this kind of level building is not recommended:
'Lara can get two dragons in Level A. She will step a FINISH to load her
to Level B. Later she will get back to Level A. Then she can get the
last dragon of Level A. Then she will step on another FINISH, where the
overlapped triggers will remove the dragons so Lara will arrive back
into Level B without the dragons of Level A this time'.
Made using TRNG