Multi Switches to open Multiple Doors
Turbo Pascal and Aktrekker
This is how to have a number of switches open different doors, depending on which switches you operate, similar to the set up in the Palace Midas level of the original Tomb Raider game.
It doesn't matter which code bit sequence you use for
the first switchtrigger, or the second switchtrigger, you just have to
make sure that when you've pulled all the switches, that 'the sum' of
all the code bits in all the 5 code bit places is 1.
And some different maths apply here as we have to work in binary:
For example (with 3 switches):
switchtrigger #1: 01101 (place 2, 3 and 5 are
pressed, place 1 and 4 are not pressed)
switchtrigger #2: 10100
When you add these settings up, the result is:
So if you set switchtrigger #3 to: 00110, the final result (when you
pull all three triggers) would be 11111 and the object with (triggers on
all 3 places) is triggered.
The Exception
result of pulling different switches doesn't always have to be 11111.
When you open the OCB panel of an object, you will see that there are 5
code bits. You can press them, and these settings will also affect the
sum values when added to the switchtrigger settings.
For example (with 3 switches):
switchtrigger #1: 01001
switchtrigger #2: 10101
switchtrigger #3: 00010
So the end result of all the switches is 11110. (It doesn't
necessarily have to be 11110. It can also be 00101, 11111, 11100 etc)
Now, when you have 3 doors that need to be opened at different
times, you can use the OCB code bit of the object.
door 1: 00011
door 2:
door 3: 00001
Then you place triggers for door 1, door 2 and door 3 on the tile of
switchtrigger #1, #2 and #3 (so you place 9 triggers!). Now you just
have to add up.
say you pull switch 1 and 2:
switchtrigger #1 + switchtrigger #2 + door 1 =
11111 and door 1 will open.
switchtrigger #1 + switchtrigger #2 + door 2 =
10100 and door 2 is will not open because the end result isn't 11111.
switchtrigger #1 + switchtrigger #2 + door 3 =
11101 and door 3 is will not open.
door 1 opens after switch 1 & 2;
door 2 opens after switch 2 & 3;
door 3 opens after switch 1 & 2 & 3 AND door 1 and door 2 will close
when you pull switch 3 (because the code bits don't add up to 11111).
For further help, please see this flash video
tutorial by Pemon:
How to set
up multiple levers to open multiple doors