Lara's Animations
by Fluen

The Imprisoned Spirits - Next Generation

Explanation of left and right foot/hand first:

All of Laras animations are built in 'chains' (→) to allow other states to occour. For example; there must be a state change when lara is hitting a wall during a jump. If this state change is removed Lara's jump-animation will keep playing until its end and wouldn't look realistic at all.

Most of laras animations have 'state changes' to change to another animation depending on what lara is doing at the time it changes. In such a case when the player is running or walking there is a state change to change to the correct left foot/right foot animation, to make laras animations smoother and not jerky. That means that many of Lara's animations come in almost duplicate pairs.

In those cases Lara will have one limb (hand or foot) further forward than the other at the beginning of the animation. To these I have added the comment: 'left/right hand/foot first'. If another term is fits the actual situation better than 'first' it will be used.

Or all her limbs will be aligned at the beginning of the animation and then she moves one limb as the first (no matter if the movement takes it behind the other like in walking backwards). In that case I have added the comment 'the left/right hand/foot moved first'.

If no such comment is added the animation is unique

Some of the 'animations' are just one single frame linking two other animations together.

Many animations are seemingly not used. They have no state-ID and no other animation calls them, nor do they call any next animation. Never the less they appear in game. I suspect many of them are hardcoded (example: the animations where Lara jerks away hurt from an enemy). Many are possibly used to 'fill out' an empty space between animations - during a jump/fall a bit longer than the jump animation.

Left and right is seen from Lara's point of view - so is clockwise and counter-clockwise

→ = linking animation used between 2 positions

(?) = not sure

??? = unknown

000 - Run
001 - Walk
002 - Walk → stand (right foot moved first)
003 - Walk → stand (left foot moved first)
004 - Walk → Run (right foot moved first)
005 - Walk → Run (left foot moved first)
006 - Stand → run
007 - Run → walk (left foot first)
008 - Run → stand (left food first)
009 - Run → walk (right foot first)
010 - Run → stand (right foot first)
011 - Stand still (used as a link between many standing animations)
012 - Turn right on the spot, small turn
013 - Turn left on the spot, small turn
014 - Forward jump/fall (less than 7 clicks high) → land (to a standstill), first part → 015
015 - Land (after jump/fall less that 7 clicks high), second part → stand still (from 014)
016 - Run → take off for forward jump (right foot first) → 017
017 - Running take off for forward jump (left foot first) → forward jump
018 - Run → take off for forward jump (left foot first) → 019
019 - Running take off for forward jump (right foot first) → forward jump
020 - Stand → walk forwards, first part → 021
021 - Walk forwards, second part → walk (from 020)
022 - Jump → fall
023 - Fall
024 - Jump/fall (more than 7 clicks) → crouching landing → stand
025 - Fall → die (break neck)
026 - Stand → take off for upward jump to grab
027 - Jump upwards to grab
028 - Jump upwards
029 - Grab (after upward jump to grab) → hang by the hands
030 - Hang by the hands →  fall
031 - Land after upward jump  → stand
032 - Jump → hit something while in the air, first part → 033
033 - Hit something while in the air, second part → fall (from 032)
034 - Downward curve during long jump, first part (not used?) → 035
035 - Downward curve during long jump, second part (not used?) (from 034)
036 - Downward curve during long jump → fall
037 - Hang by the hands →  fall (great fall) (not used?)
038 - Walk backwards → stand (right foot moved first)
039 - Walk backwards → stand (left foot moved first)
040 - Walk backwards
041 - Stand → walk backwards
042 - Climb block (3 clicks high)
043 - Stand (after jumping to a higher point) → run (not used?)
044 - Turn right on the spot, large turn
045 - Jump forwards → fall (?)
046 - Forward jump trying to grab → land (not used?)
047 - Roll (not used?)
048 - Roll → stand (not used?)
049 - Jump forwards → fall (at earlier stage of jump) (not used?)
050 - Climb block (2 clicks high)
051 - Climb block (2 clicks high) → stand
052 - Stand (after climbing block 2 clicks high) → run
053 - Run → hit wall (left foot first) → stand
054 - Run → hit wall (right foot first) → stand
055 - Ascend block (1 click high) running (left foot first)
056 - Ascend block (1 click high) running (right foot first)
057 - Ascend block (1 click high) walking (left foot first)
058 - Ascend block (1 click high) walking (right foot first)
059 - Descend block (1 click high) walking (right foot moved first)
060 - Descend block (1 click high) walking (left foot moved first)
061 - Descend block (1 click high) walking backwards (left foot moved first)
062 - Descend block (1 click high) walking backwards (right foot moved first)
063 - Activate (lower) horizontal switch
064 - Deactivate (raise) horizontal switch
065 - Sidestep left
066 - Sidestep left → stand
067 - Sidestep right
068 - Sidestep right  → stand
069 - Turn left on the spot, large turn
070 - Slide forwards down steep slope (3 clicks high)
071 - Slide forwards down steep slope (3 clicks high) → stumbling landing, first part → 072
072 - Stumbling landing (after sliding forwards down slope), second part → stand
 (from 071)
073 - Stand → take off for jump in all directions
074 - Take off for backward jump
075 - Jump backwards
076 - Standing take off for forward jump
077 - Jump forwards
078 - Take off for sideways jump left
079 - Jump sideways left
080 - Take off for sideways jump right
081 - Jump sideways right
082 - Crouching landing after jump in all directions → stand
083 - Jump backwards → fall
084 - Jump sideways left → fall
085 - Jump sideways right → fall
086 - Swim underwater (1 stroke)
087 - Motionless underwater (driven only by momentum)
088 - Stand → take off for backward hop
089 - Hop backwards
090 - Hop backwards → stand
091 - Take off for upward jump
092 - Jump forwards → running landing → run
093 - Downward curve during long jump, second part (with less momentum than 035? - not used?
094 - Jump forwards (at late stage during jump) → grab
095 - Grab during forward jump
096 - Grab in mid-air → hang by the hands at wall
097 - Hang by the hands → pull up → stand
098 - Failed attempt to grab during forward jump → fall
099 - Fall → crouching landing

100 - Downward curve during long jump → grab~
101 - Downward curve during long jump (with less momentum than 100) → grab (not used?)
102 - Pull up (after hanging by the hands) → stand
103 - Stand still (breathing)
104 - Land on steep slope (3 clicks high) → slide backwards down
105 - Slide backwards down steep slope (3 clicks high)
106 - Slide backwards down steep slope (3 clicks high) → stumbling landing → stand
107 - Stop swimming underwater → drift underwater
108 - Drift underwater
109 - Drift underwater → swim underwater
110 - Tread water on water surface
111 - Pull out of water (onto ledge 1 click above the water surface) → stand
112 - Fall/jump into water → swim underwater
113 - Tread water on water surface → dive  → swim underwater (not used?)
114 - Swim underwater → break water surface → tread water on water surface (?)
115 - Swim forwards on water surface → dive  → swim underwater
116 - Swim forwards on water surface
117 - Swim forwards on water surface → tread water on water surface
118 - Tread water on water surface → swim forwards on water surface
119 - Fall/jump into water → swim underwater (not used?)
120 - Stand → ready to push/pull pushable
121 - Ready to push/pull pushable → stand
122 - Pull pushable
123 - Push pushable
124 - Drown/die underwater - with convulsions
125 - Jerk backwards hurt (standing)
126 - Jerk forwards hurt (standing)
127 - Jerk right hurt (standing)
128 - Jerk left hurt (standing)
129 - Pull underwater switch at wall
130 - Swimming pickup (right hand)
131 - Use key
132 - Die on the water surface (less dramatic than 124)
133 - Run → die
134 - Insert puzzle item
135 - Standing pickup from floor (right hand)
136 - Shimmy left
137 - Shimmy right
138 - Stand → die
139 - Crushed by boulder
140 - Tread water on water surface → swim backwards on water surface
141 - Swim backwards on water surface
142 - Swim backwards on water surface → tread water on water surface
143 - Swim sideways left on water surface
144 - Swim sideways right on water surface
145 - Land after jump/fall → die (?)
146 - Stand → roll, first part → 147
147 - Roll, second part (from 146) → 148
148 - Roll, third part → stand (from 147)
149 - Impaled on spikes
150 - Grab in mid-air → hang by the hands in free air (swinging forth and back)
151 - Swan dive → rolling landing
152 - Swan dive → shoot through water at sloped angle (at early stage in swan dive)
153 - Swan dive → dive headfirst
154 - Swan dive → shoot through water vertically (at later stage in swan dive)
155 - Swan dive → die (break neck)
156 - Run → swan dive (right foot first)
157 - Run → swan dive (left foot first)
158 - Swan dive
159 - Hang by the hands → hand stand → stand
160 - Stand in water or under low ceiling → ascend ladder (without the jump and grab)
161 - Ascend ladder
162 - Ascend ladder → hang still on ladder (right foot higher)
163 - Ascend ladder → hang still on ladder (left foot higher)
164 - Hang still on ladder
165 - Hang still on ladder → ascend ladder
166 - Descend ladder → hang still on ladder (left foot higher)
167 - Descend ladder → hang still on ladder (right foot higher)
168 - Descend ladder
169 - Hang still on ladder → descend ladder
170 - Climb sideways right on ladder
171 - Climb sideways left on ladder
172 - Hang by the hands on ladder
173 - Hang by the hands on ladder → gain footing on ladder
174 - Hang still on ladder → pull up → stand
175 - ??? → stand still
176 - Swim forwards on water surface → wade (the depth change is very small) (?)
177 - Wade
178 - Run → wade (left foot first)
179 - Run → wade (right foot first)
180 - Wade → run (left foot first)
181 - Wade → run (right foot first)
182 - Hang still on ladder → jump backwards off ladder, first part → 183
183 - Jump backwards off ladder, second part → jump backwards (from 182)
184 - Wade → stand (right foot first)
185 - Wade → stand (left foot first)
186 - Stand → wade
187 - Hang by the hands on ladder → ascend ladder with the the hands only
188 - Hang by the hands on ladder → descend ladder with the hands only
189 - Throw flare away (standing)
190 - Swim forwards on water surface → wade (the depth transition is greater) (?)
191 - Pull out of water (onto ledge even with the water surface) → stand
192 - Swim underwater → stand in shallow water
193 - Tread water on water surface → stand in shallow water
194 - Hang still on ladder → descend ladder → hang by the hands
195 - Activate horizontal lever switch (electrical switch)
196 - Deactivate horizontal lever switch (electrical switch)
197 - Push small button
198 - Swim underwater (huddled up position during the stroke) → drift underwater
199 - Swim underwater (sprawling position during the stroke) → drift underwater

200 - Swim underwater (medium position during the stroke) → drift underwater
201 - Climb sideways right on ladder → hang by the hands
202 - Climb sideways left on ladder → hang by the hands
203 - Roll underwater, first part → 205
204 - Pick up flare from floor while standing (left hand)
205 - Roll underwater, second part → drift underwater (from 203)
206 - Pick up flare while swimming (left hand)
207 - Jump forwards with backtwist (after running takeoff), first part → 209
208 - Somersault during swan dive
209 - Jump forwards with backtwist (after running takeoff), second part (from 207)
210 - Jump forwards with backtwist (after standing takeoff), first part → 211
211 - Jump forwards with backtwist (after standing takeoff), second part (from 210)
212 - Jump backwards with forward twist, first part → 213
213 - Jump backwards with forward twist, second part (from 212)
214 - Stand → grab zipline
215 - Ride zipline
216 - Fall off zipline
217 - Stand → crouch
218 - Crouch with right elbow on knee → take off for crouched roll (not used)
219 - Crouched roll (not used)
220 - Crouched roll → crouch
221 - Crouch → stand
222 - Crouch
223 - Sprint
224 - Run → sprint (left foot first)
225 - Run → sprint (right foot first)
226 - Sprint → skidding halt → stand (right foot first)
227 - ??? → stand (right foot first) (not used)
228 - Sprint → skidding halt → stand (left foot first)
229 - ??? → stand (left foot first) (not used)
230 - Sprint → take off for sprinting roll (left foot first) → 232
231 - Stumbling takeoff for sprinting roll (not used) (?)
232 - Sprinting roll  → run (from 230)
233 - Grab monkey-bars during jump
234 - Hang still by the hands in free air (from monkey-bars or wafer thin ledge)
235 - Hang still by the hands in free air (from monkey-bars or wafer thin ledge) → fall
236 - Monkey-swing forwards
237 - Monkey-swing forwards → hang still from monkey-bars (left hand first)
238 - Monkey-swing forwards → hang still from monkey-bars (right hand first)
239 - Hang still from monkey-bars → monkey-swing forwards (left hand moved first)
240 - Sprint → take off for sprinting roll, first part (not used) (?) → 241
241 - Take off for sprinting roll, second part (not used) (?) (from 240) → 242
242 - Sprinting roll → run (not used) (?)
243 - Sprint → run (left foot first)
244 - Sprint → run (right foot first)
245 - 'Springy' crouch (used as a link to and from crouching animations)
246 - Slide forwards down steep slope (3 clicks high) → stumbling landing → run
247 - Crouch → take off for crouching roll (not used)
248 - Jump forwards → grab (at early stage during jump)
249 - Jump forwards → grab (at middle stage during jump)
250 - Grab during running takeoff (right foot first) (?)
251 - Grab during running takeoff (left foot first) (?)
252 - Hang still from monkey-bars → monkey-swing forwards (right hand moved first)
253 - Shimmy left
254 - Shimmy (left) → hang still by the hands (?)
255 - Shimmy right
256 - Shimmy (right) → hang still by the hands (not used) (?)
257 - Turn around at the spot while hanging from monkey-bars (not used) (?)
258 - Crouch → crawl position, first part → 273
259 - Crawl position → crouch, first part → 274
260 - Crawl forwards
261 - Crawl position → crawl forwards
262 - Crawl forwards → crawl position, first part (right foot first) → 266
263 - Crawl position
264 - Crouch → crawl position, third part (from 273)
265 - 'Slightly springy' crouch (not used?)
266 - Crawl forwards → crawl position, second part (from 262)
267 - Crawl forwards → crawl position, first part (left foot first) → 268
268 - Crawl forwards → crawl positon, second part (from 267)
269 - Crawl position → turn left crawling
270 - Crawl position → turn right crawling
271 - Hang still from monkey-bars → turn left hanging from monkey-bars
272 - Hang still from monkey-bars → turn right hanging from monkey-bars
273 - Crouch → crawl position, second part (from 258) → 264
274 - Crawl position → crouch, second part (from 259)
275 - Crawl → crawl backwards
276 - Crawl backwards
277 - Crawl backwards → crawl position, first part (right foot moved first) → 278
278 - Crawl backwards → crawl position, second part (from 277)
279 - Crawl backwards → crawl position, first part (left foot moved first) → 280
280 - Crawl backwards → crawl position, second part (from 279)
281 - Turn left crawling → crawl position
282 - Turn right crawling → crawl position
283 - Turn left hanging from monkey-bars → hang still from monkey-bars (at early stage during turn)
284 - Turn left hanging from monkey-bars → hang still from monkey-bars (at late stage during turn)
285 - Turn right hanging from monkey-bars → hang still from monkey-bars (early stage during turn)
286 - Turn right hanging from monkey-bars → hang still from monkey-bars (at late stage during turn)
287 - Hang by the hands → pull up → crouch, first part → 288
288 - Crouch, second part (after pulling up from hanging by the hands) (from 287)
289 - Crawl position → climb down → hang by the hands, first part →290
290 - Hang by the hands, second part (after climbing down from crawl position) (from 289) → 302
291 - Crouching pickup (right hand)
292 - Crawling pickup (not used)
293 - Jerk forwards hurt (chrouching)
294 - Jerk backwards hurt (chrouching)
295 - Jerk right hurt (chrouching)
296 - Jerk left hurt (chrouching)
297 - Jerk forwards hurt (crawling)
298 - Jerk backwards hurt (crawling)
299 - Jerk right hurt (crawling)

300 - Jerk left hurt (crawling)
301 - Crawl → die
302 - Hang by the hands (after climbing down from crawl position), third part (from 290)
303 - About to crouch → stand (cancelling a stand → crouch command)
304 - Run → crouch, first part (left foot first) → 306
305 - Run → crouch, first part (right foot first) → 307
306 - Crouch, second part (after running) → crouch (from 304)
307 - Crouch, second part (after running) → crouch (from 305)
308 - Sprint → take off for sprinting roll (right foot first) → 309
309 - Sprinting roll  → run (from 308)
310 - Sprint → small roll → crouch (left foot first)
311 - Sprint → small roll → crouch (right foot first)
312 - Pick up flare while crouching (left hand)
313 - Use doorknob to open door and push it open
314 - Use doorknob to open door and pull it open
315 - Kick door open
316 - Push Sequence button
317 - Open trapdoor in floor
318 - Grab (after upward jump) and open trapdoor in ceiling
319 - Stand → grab turn handle (clockwise)
320 - Stand → grab turn handle (counter-clockwise)
321 - Pull cog wheel
322 - Stand → grab cog wheel
323 - Let go of cog wheel → stand
324 - Use lever switch
325 - Use hole-in-wall switch/pickup
326 - Stand → climb onto vertical pole
327 - Jump off vertical pole
328 - Hang still on vertical pole
329 - Climb vertical pole
330 - Hang still on vertical pole → fall
331 - Jump forwards → grab and climb onto vertical pole
332 - Hang still on vertical pole → turn clockwise on vertical pole
333 - Hang still on vertical pole → turn counter-clockwise on vertical pole
334 - Hang still on vertical pole → slide down vertical pole
335 - Slide down vertical pole
336 - Slide down vertical pole → hang still on vertical pole
337 - Jump upwards → grab and climb onto vertical pole
338 - Climb vertical pole → hang still on vertical pole
339 - Stand → grab pulley
340 - Pull pulley
341 - Let go of pulley
342 - Hang still on vertical pole → put feet on floor → stand
343 - Turn clockwise on vertical pole (not used?)
344 - Turn clockwise on vertical pole → hang still on vertical pole
345 - Turn counter-clockwise on vertical pole (not used?)
346 - Turn counter-clockwise on vertical pole → hang still on vertical pole
347 - Push turn handle (clockwise), first part → 348
348 - Push turn handle (clockwise), second part (from 347)
349 - Push turn handle (clockwise) → stand
350 - Push turn handle (counter-clockwise), first part → 350
351 - Push turn handle (counter-clockwise), second part (from 349)
352 - Push turn handle (counter-clockwise) → stand
353 - Crouch → turn left crouching
354 - Crouch → turn right crouching
355 - Shimmy around left outer corner, first part → 356
356 - Shimmy around left outer corner, second part (from 355)
357 - Shimmy around right outer corner, first part → 358
358 - Shimmy around right outer corner, second part (from 357)
359 - Shimmy around left inner corner, first part → 360
360 - Shimmy around left inner corner, second part (from 359)
361 - Shimmy around right inner corner, first part → 362
362 - Shimmy around right inner corner, second part (from 361)
363 - Climb sideways on ladder around left outer corner, first part → 364
364 - Climb sideways on ladder around left outer corner, second part (from 363)
365 - Climb sideways on ladder around right outer corner, first part → 366
366 - Climb sideways on ladder around right outer corner, second part (from 365)
367 - Climb sideways on ladder around left inner corner, first part → 368
368 - Climb sideways on ladder around left inner corner, second part (from 367)
369 - Climb sideways on ladder around right inner corner, first part → 370
370 - Climb sideways on ladder around right inner corner, second part (from 369)
371 - Hang from monkey-bars/jump upwards → grab rope (?)
372 - Fall off train → die
373 - Loose momentum on rope → wrap legs around rope → hang still on rope
374 - Hang still on rope
375 - Hang still on rope → slide down rope
376 - Climb rope
377 - Hang still on rope → begin to swing with still some momentum left (no kick necessary)(?)
378 - Have just grabbed rope → fall (?)
379 - Jump forwards → grab rope
380 - Somersault from rope to ledge? (not used)
381 - Swing on rope → fall (when Lara is in the fore end of the swing - haft past four o'clock)(?)
382 - Swing on rope→ fall  (when Lara is in the middle of the swing) (?)
383 - Swing on rope → fall (when Lara is in the back end of the swing) (?)
384 - Slide down rope
385 - Slide down rope → hang still on rope
386 - Swing on rope → jump off to grab ledge (when Lara is in the back end of the swing)
387 - Hang still on rope → give a kick to gain momentum to swing (begin to swing)
388 - Swing on rope→ fall  (when Lara is just before the middle of the swing - 7 o'clock) (?)
389 - Swing on rope→ fall  (when Lara is just before the middle of the swing - half past six o'clock) (?)
390 - Swing on rope → fall (when Lara is in the fore end of the swing - 5 o'clock) (?)
391 - Have just grabbed rope → fall (same animation as 378?) (?)
392 - Turn clockwise on rope
393 - Turn counter-clockwise on rope
394 - Swing forwards on rope with much momentum
395 - Hang still on ladder → abandon footing → hang by the hands alone (not used) (?)
396 - Swing backwards on rope, second part (from 398) → 397
397 - Swing backwards on rope, third part (from 396)
398 - Swing backwards on rope, first part → 396
399 - Swing forwards on rope with little momentum (?)

400 - Empty waterskin
401 - Fill waterskin
402 - Pour waterskin on scale
403 - Open door with crowbar
404 - Reach fore end of swing on rope with very much momentum
405 - Swing on rope and grab a new rope? (not used?)
406 - Swing on rope → jump off to grab ledge (when Lara is in the fore end of the swing - 4 o'clock)
407 - Swing on rope → jump off to grab ledge (when Lara is right in the middle of the swing)
408 - Swing forth and back with almost no momentum (Lara is too high on the rope?)
409 - Swing on rope → jump off to grab ledge (when Lara is just before the middle of the swing)
410 - Swing on rope → jump off to grab ledge (when Lara is in the fore end of the swing - 5 o'clock)
411 - Swing on rope → jump off to grab ledge (when Lara is in the fore end of the swing - 3 o'clock)
412 - Push double doors
413 - Push big button
414 - Pull jumpswitch
415 - Pull underwater switch in the ceiling
416 - Open underwater_door
417 - Push pushable → stand
418 - Pull pushable → stand
419 - Use crowbar to get puzzle item from wall
420 - Use crowbar to activate broken leverswitch (Desert Railroad)
421 - Roll forwards out of crawlspace (not used)
422 - Play harp (The Lost Library)
423 - Place trident on Poseidon statue (Temple of Poseidon)
424 - Standing pickup from high pedestal (Lara's height)
425 - Standing pickup from low pedestal (waist-height)
426 - Play game of senet (Tomb of Semerkhet)
427 - Light torch with flame 0-1 clicks high
428 - Light torch with flame 2-3 clicks high
429 - Light torch with flame 4-5 clicks high
430 - Light torch with flame 6-7 clicks high
431 - Light torch with flame higher than 7 clicks
432 - use mine detector
433 - Small steps forward to correct Lara's position (hardcoded, used to put line up Lara in front of switches and puzzles)
434 - Small steps to the left to corrcts Lara's position
435 - Small steps to the right to correct Lara's position
436 - Use crowbar to break train link? (not used)
437 - Picked up and tossed away by ???
438 - Blown up by mine
439 - Pickup from sarcophagus
440 - Dragging dead body (City of the Dead)
441 - Look through binoculars (not used)
442 - Picked up and tossed away by big scorpion
443 - Picked up and tossed away by Seth
444 - Wind up beetle → put beetle on floor

Additional animations from TR5:

086 - Float-swim in deepsea suit (Deepsea Dive)
087 - Motionless underwater (driven only by momentum) in deepsea suit (used as a link between swimming animations) (Deepsea Dive)
107 - Stop swimming underwater in deepsea suit (at start or end of float-swimming animation) → drift underwater (Deepsea Dive)
108 - Drift underwater in deepsea suit (Deepsea Dive)
109 - Drift underwater in deepsea suit → swim underwater (Deepsea Dive)
124 - Drown/die underwater - with convulsions (Deepsea Dive)
130 - Swimming pickup in deepsea suit (right hand) (Deepsea Dive)
198 - Stop swimming underwater in deepsea suit (in middle stage of float-swimming animation) → drift underwater (Deepsea Dive)
199 - Stop swimming underwater in deepsea suit (in late stage of float-swimming animation) → drift underwater (Deepsea Dive)
200 - Stop swimming underwater in deepsea suit (in early stage of float-swimming animation) → drift underwater (Deepsea Dive)
206 - Pick up flare while swimming in deepsea suit (left hand) (Russia-levels)


437 - Use swipe card
443 - Lara painfully gets to her feet after fall in elevator (VCI-levels)
445 - DOZY Animation
446 - Walk on tightrope
447 - Walk on tightrope → stand on tightrope
448 - Stand on tightrope
449 - Walk on tightrope → tread carefully → stand on tightrope
450 - Stand on tightrope → walk on tightrope
451 - Turn around on tightrope
452 - Stand on tightrope → loose balance and lean left
453 - Lean left on tightrope → regain balance and stand on tightrope
454 - Fall off tightrope (to the left)
455 - Stand on tightrope → loose balance and lean right
456 - Lean right on tightrope → regain balance and stand on tightrope
457 - Fall off tightrope (to the right)
458 - Stand → walk out on tightrope
459 - Walk off tightrope → stand
460 - Examine and turn doveswitch (Rome-levels)
461 - Jump forwards → grab horizontal pole        
462 - Swing around horizontal pole
463 - Jump off horizontal pole
464 - Open cabinet and search it
465 - Open drawer and search it
466 - Search shelves
467 - Stand → put hand to headgear to listen (VCI-levels)
468 - Hold hand on headgear and listen (VCI-levels)
469 - Remove hand from headgear → stand (VCI-levels)
470 - Turn valve wheel
471 - Pull object off wall (to use as crowbar)
472 - Kneel to open box and pick up item (VCI-levels)
473 - Climb wall → pull up in crawlspace

Separate Animations in Separate Animation Slots
I have added a letter to the number to distinguish between them 

P00 - Hold pistols at chest 
P01 - Holster pistols
P02 - Unholster pistols 
 hold pistols at chest
P03 - Aim 
 fire pistols

U00 - Hold uzis 
U01 - Holster uzis
U02 - Unholster uzis 
 hold uzis
U03 - Aim 
 fire uzis

S00 - Hold shotgun at chest 
S01 - Unholster shotgun 
 hold shotgun at chest
S02 - Aim 
 fire and reload shotgun
S03 - Hold shotgun by chest 
 holster shotgun
S04 - Aim 
 hold shotgun at chest

C00 - Hold crossbow at chest 
C01 - Unholster crossbow 
 hold crossbow at chest
C02 - Aim 
 fire crossbow
C03 - Hold crossbow at chest 
 holster crossbow
C04 - Aim 
 hold crossbow at chest

G00 - Unholster grenade gun
G01 - Hold grenade gun 
G02 - Reload grenade gun
G03 - Aim 
 fire grenade gun
G04 - Aim 
 hold grenade gun
G05 - Hold grenade gun 
 holster grenade gun

Sixshooter_anim (Revolver)
R00 - Hold sixshooter 
R01 - Holster sixshooter
R02 - Unholster sixshooter 
 hold sixshooter
R03 - Aim 
 fire sixshooter

F00 - Hold flare
F01 - Hold flare 
 throw flare away
F02 - Produce flare
F03 - Ignite flare 
 hold flare

No animations - they are included in the general animations

T00 - Hold torch
T01 - Throw torch away - a throw from the hip and up
T02 - Lower torch to side (is this the drop torch animation used before a draw guns animation when the player uses a shortcut key to draw a weapon?)

Torch_anim (The Mastabas - both the torch mesh and animation TT01 are different)
This animation serie seems unfinished or damaged: the textures at Lara's hand and the torch look like those from the crossbow and if Lara uses a weapons shortcut her arm moves in an odd way when she drops the torch. It might be used in a level with a young Lara.
TT00 - Hold torch
TT01 - Throw torch away - a throw from over the shoulder and forwards (is buggy)
TT02 - Lower torch to side (is this the drop torch animation used before a draw guns animation when the player uses a shortcut key to draw a weapon?)

Vehicle_extra (motorbike)
M00 - Ride forwards 
M01 - Brake while going at full speed
M02 - Ride forwards
M03 - Ride forwards 
 turn left
M04 - Turn left
M05 - Turn left 
 ride forwards
M06 - Ride forwards 
 fall with motorbike
M07 - Fall with motorbike
M08 - Fall with motorbike 
 land  ride forwards
M09 - Stand 
 mount motorbike
M10 - Dismount motorbike 
M11 - Thrown backwards on motorbike
M12 - Thrown forwards on motorbike
M13 - Thrown right on motorbike
M14 - Thrown left on motorbike
M15 - Speed boost? (not used?)
M16 - Deccelerate 
 run idle
M17 - No animation
M18 - Run idle
M19 - Ride forwards 
 turn right
M20 - Turn right
M21 - Turn right 
 ride forwards
M22 - Ride forwards
 → jump with motorbike
M23 - Jump with motorbike
M24 - Jump with motorbike 
 land  ride forwards
M25 - Kickstart motorbike
M26 - Run idle 
 pull motorbike backwards  run idle
M27 - Pull motorbike backwards (loops with part of M26 for multiple pulls backwards)
M28 - Stand 
 insert nitrous oxide feeder  stand

Vehicle_extra (jeep)
J00 - Drive forwards 
J01 - Brake while going at full speed
J02 - Drive forwards
J03 - Drive forwards 
 turn left
J04 - Turn left
J05 - Turn left 
 drive forwards
J06 - Drive forwards 
 jump/fall with jeep
J07 - Jump/fall with jeep
J08 - Jump/fall with jeep 
 land  drive forwards
J09 - Stand by right side of jeep 
 climb into jeep
J10 - Thrown forwards in jeep
J11 - Thrown backwards (thrown around) in jeep
J12 - Thrown left in jeep
J13 - Thrown right in jeep
J14 - Run idle
J15 - Drive forwards 
 turn right
J16 - Turn right
J17 - Turn right 
 drive forwards
J18 - Stand by left side of jeep 
 climb into jeep
J19 - Run idle 
 climb out of jeep  stand
J20 - Drive backwards 
 fall with jeep in reverse gear
J21 - Fall with jeep in reverse gear
J22 - Fall with jeep in reverse gear 
 land  drive backwards
J23 - Run idle 
 change to reverse gear
J24 - Drive backwards
J25 - Run idle in reverse gear 
 change to forward gear
J26 - Drive backwards 
 turn wheels left in reverse gear (but going right)
J27 - Turn wheels left in reverse gear (but going right)
J28 - Turn wheels left in reverse gear (but going right) 
 drive backwards
J29 - Drive backwards 
 turn wheels right in reverse gear (but going left)
J30 - Turn wheels right in reverse gear (but going left)
J31 - Turn wheels right in reverse gear (but going left) → drive backwards
J32 - Run idle → turn wheels left running idle
J33 - Run idle → turn wheels right running idle
J34 - Turn wheels left running idle → straigthen out running idle
J35 - Turn wheels right running idle → straighten out running idle
J36 - Run idle in reverse gear → turn wheels left running idle in reverse gear
J37 - Run idle in reverse gear → turn wheels right running idle in reverse gear
J38 - Turn wheels left running idle in reverse gear → straighten out running idle in reverse gear
J39 - Turn wheels right running idle in reverse → straighten out running idle in reverse gear
J40 - Turn wheels left running idle → change to reverse gear with the wheels still turned left
J41 - Turn wheels right running idle → change to reverse gear with the wheels still turned right
J42 - Run idle in reverse gear
J43 - Turn wheels left running idle in reverse gear → change to forward gear with the wheels still turned left
J44 - Turn wheels right running idle in reverse gear → change to forward gear with the wheels still turned right

Lara's extra Animations from Previous Games
These are usually placed in an individual slot and is normally found among Lara's many other weapons- or object-holding meshswaps. And sometimes in one of the real meshswap-slots.

Tomb Raider 1 (and Gold)

Home and several other levels (Lara's training suit):
0 - Walk (any difference from the usual animation?)

Lost Valley and Tomb of Qualopec (Lara's badly hurt meshswap):
0 - Take pickup from pedestal and duck. Is used in Tomb of Qualopec when Lara takes the scion and the place collapses.
1 - Shaken and tossed away by T-rex
2 - Crushed by boulder (any difference from the usual animation, except for the badly hurt meshswap?)

Palace Midas (Lara's golden meshswap):
0 - Place lead bar and pick up gold bar
1 - Transformed to gold

Sanctuary of the Scion:
0 - Pick up scion and look at it

0 - Jump and try to snatch the scion

The Great Pyramid:
0 - Smashed into the floor several times by big mutant

Cutscene 1 (Tomb of Qualopec - Lara holds gun):
0 - Talk with Larson. An almost complete animation during which Lara gestures, points at Larson with her gun and eventually kicks him.

Cutscene 2 (Tomb of Tihocan):
0 - Read wall inscription and look at grave

Cutscene 3 does not involve Lara

Cutscene 4 (The Great Pyramid)
0 - Talk with Natla. Laras attempt to snatch the scion (the end of the Atlantis level) fails, she gestures, attempts to shoot the scion and is pushed into the abyss by Natla, but pulls up on a ledge.

Tomb Raider 2 (and Gold)

Default Lara:
214 - Kick something (not used?)

The Great Wall:
0 - Shaken and tossed away by T-rex

Venice and Bartoli's Hideout:
0 - Climb into boat from the left side
1 - Run idle
2 - Sail boat
3 - Accelerate boat from idle
4 - Deccelerate boat to idle
5 - Jump out of boat to the left side
6 - Land in boat (after jump)
7 - Jump out of boat to the right side
8 - Climb into boat from the right side
9 - Slide boat off ramp to the right (counterweight position)
10 - Slide boat off ramp to the right 
 straighten up (after landing)
11 - Jerked left in boat
12 - Jerked right in boat
13 - Jerked forwards in boat
14 - Jerked backwards in boat
15 - Sail boat 
 fall with boat
16 - Fall with boat
17 - Fall with boat 
18 - Die in boat
Note: there is only one ramp Lara might slide off, so there is no mirrored version of animation 9 and 10.

Venice and Bartoli's Hideout:
0 - No animation
1 - Activate detonator and duck

Offshore Rig, Diving Area, 40 Fathoms, Wreck of the Maria Doria and The Deck:
0 - No animation
1 - Shaken by shark
2 - Turn valve wheel
3 - Lie down 
 sit up  get to feet

Tibetan Foothills:
Snowmobile animations:
0 - Ride forwards
1 - Stand by right side of snowmobile 
 mount snowmobile
2 - Ride forwards 
 turn left
3 - Turn left
4 - Turn left 
 ride forwards
5 - Ride forwards 
 turn right
6 - Turn right
7 - Turn right 
 ride forwards
8 - Ride snowmobile 
9 - Jump/fall 
 land  ride snowmobile
10 - Jump/fall with snowmobile
11 - Jerked left on snowmobile
12 - Jerked right on snowmobile
13 - Jerked forwards on snowmobile
14 - Jerked backwards on snowmobile
15 - Run idle
16 - Run idle 
 dismount snowmobile to the right  stand
17 - Run idle 
18 - Stand by left side of snowmobile 
 mount snowmobile
19 - Run idle 
 dismount snowmobile to the left  stand
20 - Jump/fall with snowmobile 
 fall away from snowmobile
21 - Die on snowmobile
22 - Fall off snowmobile 

Catacombs of the Talion and Ice Palace:
0 - No animation
1 - Picked up and tossed away by yeti
2 - Hit gong with hammer

Floating Islands and The Dragon's Lair:
0 - No animation
1 - Picked up and tossed away by spear warrior
2 - Take dagger out of dragon's heart

Home, Sweet Home:
0 - No animation
1 - Admire dagger 
 put dagger away
2 - Prepare for bath 
 shoot player with shotgun

Cutscene 1 (The Great Wall):
0 - Look at gate, duck from gunshots and fight off mobster
1 - Get to feet, pull guns and talk to mobster
2 - Get closer to mobster and rest knee on step (not seen)
3 - Talk to mobster
4 - Stay in previous position (not seen)
5 - Talk to mobster
6 - Aim closer at mobster
7 - Stay in almost previous position (not seen)
8 - Talk to mobster
9 - Move back on feet (not seen)
10 - Holster guns
11 - Use laptop

Cutscene 2 (Opera House):
0 - Look around in airplane
1 - Crouch, look cautiously around and open crate
2 - Rummage crate 
 look up alerted
3 - Close crate 
 get to feet
4 - Slightly unbalanced by turbulence 

5 - Turn around 
 grab hook in ceiling
6 - Hold on to hook during turbulence
7 - Move forward while holding on to hook
8 - Look around while holding on to hook
9 - No animation (not seen)
10 - Climb on crates 
 thrown over by strong turbulence
11 - Stay in previous position (not seen)
12 - Kick crate away 
 get to feet
13 - Brush arms 
 walk ahead (only part of animation seen)
14 - Asume following position (not seen)
15 - Stand 
 climb ladder
16 - Stay in previous position (not seen)
17 - Climb ladder 
 jump off  aim guns at Bartoli
18 - Knocked out by attack from behind

Cutscene 3 (Diving Area):
0 - Walk to monk, talk to him, crouch and examine his injuries
1 - Get to feet 
 look around  talk to monk
2 - Examine diving suits
3 - Stay in previous position (not seen)
4 - Talk to monk while standing near diving suits
5 - Stay in previous position (not seen)
6 - Stay in previous position (not seen)
7 - Walk back to monk while zipping diving suit
8 - Place hands on hips (only part of animation seen)
9 - Stay in previous position (not seen)
10 - Turn around and shoot (at Bartoli) 
11 - Run while shooting
12 - Run to diving area 
 jump into water

Cutscene 4 (Temple of Xian):
0 - Walk cautiously closer to ceremony
1 - Stay in previous position, but closer (not seen)
2 - Stay in previous position (not seen)
3 - Choke a gasp (at Bartoli stabbing himself)
4 - Stay in previous postion (not seen)
5 - Stay in previous position (not seen)
6 - Run along ledge (only part of animation seen)
7 - Run 
 bump into pillar  jump to floor (only part of animation seen)
8 - Land on floor (only part of animation seen)

Tomb Raider 3 (and Gold)

Home, The River Ganges and Nevada Desert:
Quadbike animations:
0 - Die on quadbike
1 - Ride forwards 
 brake suddenly
2 - Ride forwards
3 - Ride forwards/backwards 
 turn wheels left
4 - Turn wheels left
5 - Turn wheels left 
 ride forwards/backwards
6 - Ride forwards 
 fall with quadbike
7 - Fall with quadbike
8 - Fall with quadbike 
9 - Stand on right side of quadbike 
 mount quadbike
10 - Dismount quadbike to the right side 
11 - Thrown backwards on quadbike
12 - Thrown forwards on quadbike
13 - Thrown to the right on quadbike
14 - Thrown to the left on quadbike
15 - Ride backwards
16 - Ride forwards/backwards 
17 - Ride forwards 
 small jolt
18 - Run idle
19 - Fall off quadbike 
20 - Ride forwards/backwards 
 turn wheels right
21 - Turn wheels right
22 - Turn wheels right 
 ride forwards/backwards
23 - Stand on left side of quadbike 
 mount quadbike
24 - Dismount quadbike to the left side 
25 - Ride forwards 
 jump with quadbike
26 - Jump with quadbike
27 - Jump with quadbike 
28 - Jump/fall with quadbike 
 fall away from quadbike

Home, Nevada Desert, High Security Compound and Area 51:
0 - Walk

0 - Walk 
 stand with hands on the hips

Temple Ruins:
0 - No animation
1 - Picked up and killed by Shiva statue

Temple Ruins, The River Ganges, Caves of Kaliya:
0 - Draw guns (primitive version?)

Nevada Desert:
0 - No animation
1 - Activate detonator and duck

High Security Compound:
0 - No animation
1 - Lie down 
 sit up  get to feet

Coastal Village:
0 - No animation
1 - Drown 
→ carried off by stream?
2 - Turn turnwheel

Coastal Village, Crash Site, Mabudu Gorge, Temple of Puna:
0 - Stand 
 run (primitive version?)

Crash Site:
0 - Grab aeroplane rocket launcher
1 - Let go of aeroplane rocket launcher
2 - Aim high (bend in knees) and low (stand on toes) with aeroplane rocket launcher

0 - No animation
1 - Shaken and tossed away by T-rex

Madubu Gorge:
Kayak animations:
0 - Paddle backwards 
1 - Drift 
 paddle backwards
2 - Paddle backwards
3 - Climb into kayak from the right side
4 - Pick up oar from its storage place
5 - Die in kayak
6 - Upside down in kayak and stuck 
7 - Paddle forwards 
8 - Paddle forwards
9 - Drift 
 paddle forwards
10 - Thrown forwards in kayak
11 - Thrown backwards in kayak
12 - Thrown to the left in kayak
13 - Overturning to the left in kayak
14 - Place oar in its storage place
15 - Paddle left
16 - Drift
17 - Paddle right
18 - Upside down in kayak and trying to roll
19 - Roll upright to the left
20 - Drift 
 paddle turn to the left
21 - Paddle turn to the left 
22 - Drift 
 paddle turn to the right
23 - Paddle turn to the right 
24 - Place oar in its storage place 
 jump out of kayak to the left
25 - Drowning in white water (independent death-animation for Lara falling into white water)
26 - Paddle turn to the left
27 - Paddle turn to the right
28 - Climb into kayak from the left side
29 - Thrown to the right in kayak
30 - Overturning to the right in kayak (not used?)
31 - Roll upright to the right (not used?)
32 - Place oar in its storage place 
 jump out of kayak to the right

Thames Warf, Aldwych, Lud's Gate, City and All Hallows:
0 - No animation

0 - Run over by train

Lud's Gate:
Underwater propulsion vehicle (UPV) animations
0 - Ride UPV 
1 - Drift while holding UPV 
2 - Jolted/attacked while riding UPV (not used?)
3 - Riding UPV
4 - Attacked while drifting with UPV (not used?)
5 - Drift while holding on to UPV
6 - Drift while holding on to UPV 
7 - Ride UPV 
8 - Drift/ride while holding on to UPV 
 let go of UPV
9 - Let go of UPV 
 tread water on water surface
10 - Tread water on water surface 
 grab UPV
11 - Grab UPV 
 Drift while holding on to UPV
12 - Let go of UPV 
 drift underwater
13 - Drift underwater 
 grab UPV

Boat animations:
0 - Climb into boat from the left side
1 - Run idle/sail backwards
2 - Sail forwards
3 - Accelerate boat from idle
4 - Deccelerate boat to idle
5 - Jump out of boat to the left side
6 - Land in boat (after jump)
7 - Jump out of boat to the right side
8 - Climb into boat from the right side
9 - Turn left
10 - Turn left 
 sail forwards
11 - Thrown right in boat
12 - Thrown left in boat
13 - Thrown forwards in boat
14 - Thrown backwards in boat
15 - Sail forwards 
 fall with boat
16 - Fall with boat
17 - Fall with boat 
18 - Die in boat
19 - Turn right
20 - Turn right 
 sail forwards
21 - Sail forwards 
 turn left
22 - Sail forwards 
 turn right

0 - No animation
1 - Drown 
 carried off by stream?
2 - Turn valve wheel

Antarctica, RX-Tech Mines, Lost City of Tinnos and Meteorite Cavern:
0 - Walk (cautiously?)

RX-Tech Mines:
Mine cart animations:
0 - Climb into mine cart from the left side
1 - Climb out of mine cart to the left side
2 - Ride horizontally 
 duck while horizontal
3 - Duck while horizontal
4 - Duck while horizontal 
 ride horizontally
5 - Pick up wrench from mine cart floor
6 - Hit switch with wrench
7 - Put down wrech on mine cart floor
8 - Ride horizontally 
 lean slightly left
9 - Lean slightly right
10 - Pull brake lightly during ride
11 - Pull brake hard during ride
12 - Ride horizontally 
 lean slightly right
13 - Lean slightly left
14 - Pull brake hard while leaned slightly right
15 - Pull brake hard while leaned slightly left
16 - Lean strongly right
17 - Lean strongly left
18 - Lean slightly right 
 lean strongly right
19 - Lean strongly right 
 lean slightly right
20 - Lean slightly left 
 lean strongly left
21 - Lean strongly left 
 lean slightly left
22 - Ride horizontally
23 - Collide with something → thrown out of mine cart 
24 - Ride horizontally 
 ride downwards
25 - Ride downwards
26 - Ride downwards 
 ride horizontally
27 - Ride horizontally 
 ride upwards
28 - Ride upwards
29 - Ride upwards 
 ride horizontally
30 - Overturn with mine cart 
31 - Loose balance 
 overturn with mine cart
32 - Fall with mine cart 
 fall out out of mine cart
33 - Fall alone
34 - Ride mine cart 
 hit head on beam
35 - Ride downwards 
 duck while riding downwards
36 - Duck while riding downwards
37 - Duck while riding downwards 
 ride downwards
38 - Ride upwards 
 duck while riding upwards
39 - Duck while riding upwards
40 - Duck while riding upwards 
 ride upwards
41 - Pull brake while leaned slightly right
42 - Pull brake while leaned slightly left
43 - Lean slightly right 
 ride horizontally
44 - Lean slightly left 
 ride horizontally
45 - Stand still in mine cart
46 - Climb into mine cart from the right side
47 - Climb out of mine cart to the right side
48 - Pull brake hard and constantly

Meteorite Cavern:
0 - No animation
1 - Picked up and killed by Willard-monster

Cutscene 1 (Coastal Village):
0 - Turn slightly and is moved sideways (not seen)
1 - Walk 
 stand with hands on the hips
2 - Stay in previous position and moved forwards (not seen)
3 - Cross arms over chest and speak
4 - Walk forwards
5 - Stay in previous positon (not seen)
6 - Walk 
 stand with hands on hips and talk
7 - Stay in previous position and turned ninety degrees left (not seen)
8 - Place hands on hips, look around while talking to wounded souldier walk towards him and kneel
9 - Reach right hand out (receiving map)
10 - Stay in previous position (not seen)

Cutscene 2 (Thames Warf):
0 - Run, duck from enemy fire and return fire
1 - Run while shooting (only parts of animation seen)
2 - Shoot, walk closer to assassin, kick his gun away, fight him and talk to him with pointed guns while lying on the back
3 - Push him away, lean against wall, point guns at him and jump into bell tower

Cutscene 3 (Antarctica):
0 - Walk to Willard, place bag on table, talk to Willard, point guns at him, knocked down by him and run after him (only parts of animation seen)
1 - Pursue Willard, shoot at him and jump into elevator shaft (only parts of animation seen)

Cutscene 4 (Crash Site):
0 - Walk and look around
1 - Stay in previous position (not seen)
2 - Climb step and look at wall paintings
3 - Startled by native, talk to him for a while and walk away (only parts of animation seen)

Cutscene 5 (Aldwych):
0 - Fall down
1 - Land and look up
2 - Dragged to leaders chair and forced to kneel before leader
3 - Talk to leader while rubbing sore elbow
4 - Stay in previous position (not seen)
5 - Look around (only part of animation seen)
6 - Change position from kneeling to crouching
7 - Talk to leader (only part of animation seen)
8 - Talk to leader and get to feet
9 - Stay in previous position (not seen)
10 - Talk to leader
11 - Talk to leader while he leaves (only parts of animation seen)

Cutscene 6 (Jungle):
0 - Walk into camp, startled by Tony and talk to him (only parts of animation seen)

Cutscene 7 (Nevada Desert):
0 - Jump/crash with quadbike, lie unconscious and later carried off by guards

Cutscene 8 (High Security Compound):
0 - Hide in truck, loose balance when truch starts to drive, sit down and drink found soda while truck drives off with her

Cutscene 9 (Temple Ruins):
0 - Slide down slope, spot Tony and shoot at him, stumble because of earthshake, jump for cover (three times) from falling parts of temple, spot quadbike and run over to it (only parts of animation seen)

There is no cutscene 10

Cutscene 11 (Lud's Gate):
0 - Walk into office, talk to Sophia, try to take scepter and draw guns (only parts of animation seen)

Cutscene 12 (Lost City of Tinnos):
0 - Run

1 - Run
2 - Run (identical to animation 0?)
3 - Run
4 - Run 
 reach edge  try to brake and fall down
5 - Land 
 lie still  sit up
6 - Land 
 lie still  begin to sit up (shorter version of animaition 6?)
7 - Get to feet (only part of animation seen) (shorter version of animation 8?)
8 - Get to feet, stand still, gasp (at Willard throwing himself into meteorite crater), begin to run forward (only part of animation seen)
9 - Run to edge of meteorite crater 
 look into it  walk away (only part of animation seen)