NGLE New Windows and Keyboard Commands
by Paolone

Room Type button

Room Type button is a multi-state button. Clicking it changes its function for the current room in the following manner:

In the NGLE program some old windows have been replaced with new windows with the same functions but which also contain more information.

Select Object Window

Description of columns

This is same slot name you find in objects.h file in trle folder.

Slot index for current object

Whatever the object type may be - Moveable, Static or Sprite

Number of meshes that form the object. Statics always have one mesh. Sprite has no mesh but a single face.

Relative Mesh Index. This is the index number of the first mesh of the current object. This is the same value you see in StrPix as #mesh. You could perform an output list (F1) and print the list to have references for each object to locate easily its mesh in Strpix.

Absolute Mesh Index. This is an absolute index value of the first mesh of the current object. Theoretically (if unofficial tools work fine) this index should always be the same even when you add or remove objects from your wad. This is true overall for important meshes, like the single mesh of moveables.

Vertices. Number of vertices that form the first mesh of the current object

Collision. There is some doubt about the meaning of this field. However, it should be the collision used only for the collision sphere of moveables. It should be ignored for statics.

Animation Index. Index of the first animation for the current moveable (not used for statics and sprites).

Hot Keys

SPACE: Change from alphabetical to numeric sorting

F1: Show text with current list

Any literal character: Select first row starting with corresponding literal

ESCAPE: Close window aborting selection

ENTER: Close window selecting current row

Select Room Window

Description of columns

Room name. If room is not yet used the name will be empty followed by the room index.

Room size in blocks, excluding bounded walls.

Room height in clicks. This value is given by max ceiling - min floor

Number of Effects in room. Effects are: lights, spots, sinks, shadows and flyby or fixed cameras

Number of triggers placed in this room

Number of moveables + statics placed in this room.


This field show the list of room type values for this room. Possible settings are:

Water: Flood room

Outside: Outside room, Lara's ponytail will move with the wind

Rain: In current room is rain (set in Water Wave intensity 1-4)

Snow: In current room is snow (set in Water Wave intensity 1-4)

Damage: Lara loses life while she is current room. Set damage with DAMAGE script command.

QuickSand: Current room contains quicksand

Cold: Cold room. Above ground, Lara's breath is visible; in water rooms, Lara will take cold damage and lose health when it runs out.

Reflex: Set with [R] button

Mist: Set with [M] button

NonLensFlare: Set with [NL] button to avoid lens flare effect in the current room

Horizon: Room editor set it byself to signal rooms where the horizon is visible

Hot Keys

SPACE: Change from alphabetical to numeric sorting

F1: Show text with current list

Any literal character: Select first row starting with corresponding literal

ESCAPE: Close window aborting selection

ENTER: Close window selecting current row

Animation Range Window

You can select an animation range in the same way as with the old room editor - use right mouse button to select an animation range and keeping the button down drag to select the range of desired textures. Use the left mouse button to select an animation range already created.


Delete Range button

Remove selected (red frame) animation range

Test button

Start a preview of the current animation range. This preview will use the frame rate currently selected in the right combo box. The preview will continue until aborted by hitting the ESCAPE key.

Assign button

Assign to the current animation range (in red frame) the frame rate value showed in the left combo box. It is necessary to hit this button to assign frame rate. If you don't assign the frame rate to the animation range, it will be visible in preview mode but will be lost when you close the window.

Reduce button

This button is visible only with v50 projects, that is with projects using textures 128x128 pixels as the default. This button reduces temporarily the size of textures to 64x64 pixels to host more textures on the page.

Frame Rates

You can set different frame rates for each animation range. The default frame rate in tomb raider is 30 fps (frames per second). This default frame rate is very high and is therefore only good for long animation ranges. Now with the facility to use lower frame rates you can use fewer textures to get decent animations. As an example, animated gifs usually have a frame rate of 5 to 10 fps.

In addition to fps you can also use spf (seconds per frame) settings, slowing down animations even further. For example if you have a setting of 3 spf, the texture will change only after 3 seconds.

Sound Texture Window

In this window you can associate sounds and bump map effects to specific textures. Now you can select a a wide range of textures and assign a sound or bump map effect to the whole range.

Note that you can set sound and bump map effects only to the first 256 textures. Beyond that point, textures will appear with a red cross through them.

Assign Sound button

To assign a sound, click on the Assign Sound button when there is a texture (or a texture group) selected. This must be done or no sound will be assigned to any selected textures.

Test button

You can play the sound sequence for the current texture by clicking on the Test button. You can also select in the combo box any sound and hit the Test button to hear it. This operation doesn't change any sounds assigned to current textures.

Note that the sound you hear with the Test button is not exaclty the same as you'll hear in game. Some changes to pitch will be not performed using the Test button. Moreover, the sequence of sounds in game will be overlapped while the Test button will only play a common sound sequence. When you select a sound type in the combo box, the specific samples name used will be displayed in the info row.

Assign Bump button

Assign current bump map effect to selected texture/s

New Keyboard Commands