NGLE New Levels
by AkyV

In General

Beta testing is perhaps the most important phase of any video game's development. Whether you've spent a month or a few years on your adventure, if you don't have it beta tested properly, all that work could be ruined by one simple little gameplay killer. If you understand the importance of beta testing, then read this tutorial carefully and take it to heart. If you don't understand the importance of beta testing, then read this tutorial carefully and take it to heart. I cannot stress enough how important the beta testing phase is.

Part 1 - The Basics

The Base

These are the minimum requirements if you want to start building a new level in NGLE:

1. You installed the official level editor: Tomb Raider Level Editor, TRLE.
2. You used the official TRLE manual to help you to make the copy of the tutorial project in TRLE to understand what the basics of editing levels are.
3. You installed the Mk installer on TRLE to 'transform' it into Next Generation Level Editor, NGLE.
4. You updated NGLE with the latest TRNG (Tomb Raider Next Generation) patch.

You can find all these programs on the Tools and Resources page.

These are the most important parts of NGLE:

- Tomb4.exe: it starts the game.
 - Room Editor (ngle.exe): use it instead of Room Editor of TRLE (winroomedit.exe).
 When you open NGLE Room Editor you can see the look of it and TRLE Room Editor are almost the same. That's why if you have mastered the basics of TRLE then you won't have real problems with using NGLE Room Editor.
 In Drop Down Menu Bar of NGLE Room Editor, choose Help\NGLE Help to download the basic tutorial of NGLE.
 - Level Converter (NG_Tom2Pc.exe): use it instead of Level Converter of TRLE (tom2pc.exe).
 - If you have tried script editing in TRLE yet (using Script.bat in Script folder) then forget it in NGLE.
 I.e. you will use NG Center (a part of NGLE) to edit script now. Use Script section of NG Center to edit Script.txt and Strings section to edit English.txt. If you've finished then you have to save the script then build that with the buttons in Script section.

 STEP 1 - The Conception

 Before you start editing you need to make some conception for your level (what its story is etc).

 Write it down, or just imagine it in your head.

 Among other things, find out the name of your level.
 Let's suppose it's 'The Great Castle' now.

 You need a short, easy ID for your level. Every important attachment of the level will use this ID as a name.

 For example, in maps folder you can find coastal folder. It means coastal folder is a folder for Coastal Ruins level.

 So, for example, grcastle is a good ID for The Great Castle level. (See more about it below.)

STEP 2 - Making the [LEVEL] Block for your Level

 Each level must have a [Level] block in NG Center\Script. A [Level] block starts from a [Level] entry and ends at the next [Level] entry.
 You can place several entries in the block of a level. Every entry has two parts: a command that indicates we define a value for some feature here, and the value itself. - For example, the entry that starts with 'Name' command always defines the name of your level.
 As you're a beginner the most simply way to create a [Level] block is if you copy an existing block.
 For example, copy the original [Level] block of TRLE level 'Temple Of Karnak':
 Name= Temple Of Karnak
 Horizon= ENABLED
 Layer1= 128,96,64,7
 Puzzle= 2,Canopic Jar 1, $0001,$0320,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0002
 Puzzle= 3,Canopic Jar 2, $0001,$0320,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0002
 Puzzle= 1,Sun Talisman, $0000,$0500,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0002
 PuzzleCombo= 1,1,Sun Disk, $0000,$0180,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0002
 PuzzleCombo= 1,2,Sun Goddess, $0000,$04b0,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0002
 Puzzle= 5,Golden Vraeus, $0003,$0300,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0002
 Puzzle= 7,Guardian Key, $0009,$0300,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0002
 Key= 2,Hypostyle Key, $0000,$0400,$0000,$c000,$0000,$0002
 LoadCamera= 89366,-258,48077,88372,-1300,45701,0
 Level= DATA\KARNAK,110

 Paste it between two other [Level] blocks or before the first/after the last [Level] block.
 It's important where you place this [Level] block now:
 - for example, if you place this block between the third and the fourth block, then your block becomes the new fourth [Level] block in Script. In this case, if you type 4 in the window of a level-jumping (FINISH) trigger in another level, then the game will load Lara into the level that has the fourth block when the trigger has been activated. And
 - in New Game list of the game the level name of the fourth block is in the fourth position.
 All you have to care about now in this new block is three commands. These commands have to be in the block when you start building your new level and they cannot be deleted later. - I'm talking about Name, LoadCamera, Level commands:

 1. Change the value of 'Name' command - because your level name is not 'Temple Of Karnak' but 'The Great Castle':

 Name= The Great Castle

 If a text that will appear on the screen in the game is typed in NG Center\Script then it also has to be typed in NG Center\Strings. Generally into [Strings] section of Strings.

 In the case of some [Strings] entries - just as the level names, for example - it doesn't matter where you type them, actually. But don't forget: there are blocks for the entry types, without perceivable block borders: for example, in [Strings] you will find all the level names in the uppermost part of the list.

 So: you've typed The Great Castle name in Script that's why you also have to type it in Strings, but you can type it anywhere in the uppermost part of [Strings]. (Updating the name of a level that is non-used any longer in your game.)
 2. LoadCamera command defines the still picture you'll always see when the game leaves 'The Great Castle' level.
 Now you can't adjust the value of this command. (You will do that later, collecting data for the value in the game.) But that's not a problem, if you let the '89366,-258,48077,88372,-1300,45701,0' value of Temple Of Karnak there now.
 (Of course, the still pictures of Temple Of Karnak and The Great Castle are not the same. Because of this, maybe you will get a very strange still picture or maybe the whole screen will be black during jumping from The Great Castle, until you will adjust the real still picture of the level.)
 3. Take a look at Level= DATA\X, Y entry:
 - You can find TR4 files in data folder. Each TR4 file will be loaded by the game, as one level. (In fact, title.tr4 means the title sequence of the game.) The DATA\X means the game will use X.tr4 file for the level of the actual [Level] block.
 It's natural we write 'GRCASTLE' as X in the [Level] block of The Great Castle level (instead of KARNAK) so that the game will load grcastle.tr4 file as a level for the level named 'The Great Castle' in Script. (Grcastle.tr4 doesn't exist yet, you will create that later.)
 - The Y means the starting background audio of the level of the actual block. I.e. when the game starts this level then it also starts Y audio file of audio folder, in loop mode.
 It's 110.wav now - write any audio file ID from audio folder instead of 110, if you want. (You can define this audio later, if you want.)
 Save the Script, then build it.
 If you find that some of the entries are unnecessary or bothering then you can change or delete them. And, of course, you can type here any new entries you want. (See more about all the entries here: NG Center\Reference\Script Old/New Commands.) But only later. Now don't waste your time with that and jump to the next step.
STEP 3 - Creating your WAD File

 Each WAD file contains the objects the game will use in one level.
 If you want to define your object set (i.e. your WAD) for your level then you have to use WADMerger program.
 As you're a beginner the most simply way to create your WAD is if you copy an existing, original TRLE WAD from your graphics\wads folder.
Some of the original TRLE WADs need to be updated to work properly. So download and install the updated WAD pack (into your Level Editor main folder). These are available from the Resources page.
 So load a WAS (!) file of wads folder into the left window of WADMerger. (Seeing the example above it should be karnak.was now.) The WAS is a list about the contents of the WAD with the same name. So the list appears in the left window, and if you click on an object name (object slot) of the list then you can see (in the smaller window below) what object belongs to this slot now. - Clicking the buttons on the top, you can change among the parts of the list to examine them: list of Moveable objects (M), Static objects (S) or sprite-taking objects (2D).

 It's important to know that 'object slot' notion isn't equal with 'object' notion. Because if you have an object slot called A then you can have X, Y or Z object in this slot as well. - For example, an object called ARCHITECTURE7 can be a statue, plant, column etc. (One WAD has only one object in any object slot, of course. So ARCHITECTURE7 is a column now and not more. But in another WAD it could be even anything else. - Though, 'anything else' is a rough expression. I mean, you will see later, each slot contains only some types of objects, actually.)

 After that, save the WAD.

 'Saving the WAD' means you have to create a WAS file in wads folder now - using grcastle.was as a name, of course. (Don't worry, it also creates grcastle.wad.)

STEP 4 - Creating a Folder for your Project

 Create a new folder in maps folder. Name it grcastle. You will set the project of The Great Castle level in this folder later.
STEP 5 - Creating your TGA File

 Each TGA file contains the square-shaped texture tiles you will place in the rooms of your project.
 If you want to define your tile set (i.e. your TGA) for your level, then I recommend you to use TBuilder program (see on Tools page of Skribblerz).
 As you're a beginner the most simply way to create your TGA is if you copy an existing, original TRLE TGA from a folder of maps folder.
 So load a TGA file of a maps subfolder into the right window of TBuilder. (Differently the example above it mustn't be karntext.tga - TGA of Temple Of Karnak level - now.) The tiles appear in the right window.
 After that, save the TGA.
 'Saving the TGA' means you have to create a TGA file in maps\grcastle folder now - using grcastle.tga as a name, of course. (As you see, TGA of Temple Of Karnak isn't karnak.tga but karntext.tga. So, if you want, you can name your TGA not grcastle.tga but, for example, grcsattext.tga now. It doesn't matter absolutely.)
STEP 6 - Starting your Project

 There isn't a 'start a new project' button or menu entry in Room Editor.
 I.e. if you want to start a new project, then all you have to do is to start Room Editor - and then don't load any project into it.
 So you've just started Room Editor and you can see a very-very simple fundament of a new, unsaved project in it: only one, big, absolutely unedited room, without a texture and an object set attached to the project.
 To attach your texture set to the project, click on Load TGA button in Room Editor or choose Texture\Load TGA in Drop Down Menu Bar. Go to maps\grcastle folder and click on gracstle.tga to load its tiles into the huge black window of texture panel.
 Then, to attach your object set to the project, hit SHIFT+O or choose Objects\Load Objects in Drop Down Menu Bar of Room Editor. Go to graphics\wads folder and click on gracstle.was to load the slots with their objects in grcastle.wad into the object panel.
 If you attach the object set before the texture set then you will notice your objects have strange colors. It's easy to prevent this problem: just load your project (after you saved it, of course).
 After that, save your project in maps\grcastle folder. The saved projects are files with PRJ extension. Of course, your project name will be grcastle.prj now.
 Click on Settings button to adjust the backup savings for your project. Backup projects could be very useful if your project will be corrupted and useless accidentally!

STEP 7 - Trying Your Level in the Game

 I'm sure you are very-very curious to try your first own NGLE level (fundament) in the game.
 That's why I recommend you to make the first one of your rooms in Room Editor, and use 'Move Lara here' button (or hit CTRL+H) to place Lara in that room. After that, won't do any more editing for the time being, but make the playable version of your level.
 To make the playable version of your level, you can use the usual method (saving project, doing 'Output WAD' operation, converting the level by NGLE Level Converter, starting the game) or two special methods that NGLE gave us:
 These are 'Exit&Play' or 'Play' methods.
 Click on Exit&Play or Play buttons on object panel to start one of the methods, and these things happen automatically, one after another:
 1. NGLE Room Editor saves the project, overwriting grcastle.prj.
 2. NGLE Room Editor accomplishes an 'Output WAD' operation. (It creates grcastle.tom file in wads folder if it doesn't exist or updates it if it does. - TOM files contain many info of your project.)
 3. NGLE Level Converter opens (then closes) to convert your project (in fact, TOM file of your project) into grcastle.tr4 level file. (It creates this file if it doesn't exist or updates it if it does.)
 4. Tomb4.exe (i.e the game itself) starts.
 5. NGLE Room Editor is closing (if you used Exit&Play) or just being minimized on the Tray (if you used Play).
 So you have to do only one click to try your level in the game. - Find The Great Castle name in New Game list, then select it so that the game will load The Great Castle level and you can test what you've edited so far in this level.
 Then quit the game and go on editing on your level.
 If the value of PlayAnyLevel command (in [Options] block of Script) is DISABLED then the game always starts with the level that has the first [Level] block, if you choose New Game entry.
 Gerneral Notes
 1. If you start your level in the game, but the level shows its former state, then maybe you've forgotten to build the actual Script or make the playable version of the actual level.
 2. I don't recommend adjusting the exact still picture (see: LoadCamera Script command) until you've finished editing the level. Because if you adjust that too early, then maybe you will notice later that the still picture is not the adjusted picture any more.

 3. You should let flying cheat be enabled and use it when testing your new level. (See more here: FlyCheat Script command.)
Part 2 for Advanced Level Builders

 Now you can try other cheats to test your new level. (See more here: DiagnosticType Script command, NG Center\Reference\Mnemonic Constants\DGX_CHEATS.)
Making Your Own WAD

 1. When 'Output WAD' operation happens then a TXT file will be created (or, if it exists: will be updated) in wads folder, with the same name as the WAD has. This TXT shows the slots of WAS and how many pieces of the object of each slot are just placed in the map.
 2. Maybe you want to create grcastle.wad as a brand new set of objects or maybe you want to re-edit grcastle.wad (now or any time during editing the level) that exists.
 If you want to do them then do some of the things below:
 a, Load the source WAD into the right window of WADMerger. Select an object slot here then use Copy button to put the selected slot to the left window, i.e. to the object slots of grcastle.was. - The object that belongs to this slot will also be copied into grcastle.wad now, of course.
 But be careful with Smart Copy ('electric bulb') button. If it's on then some of the object slot-groups that have ID numbers in the name will use the first free number if you create a slot in the group. - For example, if you copy a SWITCH_TYPE4 from the source WAD into the left window, but there are only SWITCH_TYPE1 and 2 of the SWITCH_TYPE1-8 group in grcastle.wad now, then this switch name will be automatically SWITCH_TYPE3 in grcastle.wad if Smart Copy is on now.
 These are the groups where it works:
 - ANIMATING (except MIPs)
 - All of the Statics as an organic group (except SHATTERs and EXTRAs). (The order of the Static partial groups are: PLANT0-9, FURNITURE0-9, ROCK0-9, ARCHITECTURE0-9, DEBRIS0-9. So, for example, if I copy a ROCK7 into grcastle.wad, but there isn't Static there at all now then this Static name will be PLANT0 there now, if Smart Copy is on.)
 b, Select an object slot in the left window then click on Delete button to delete it and its object from the WAS/WAD.

 c, Select an object slot in the left window then click on Rename button to rename it (into another, but existing slot name) in the WAS.

 But be careful with renaming: object slots can't always take easily any kind of objects. Because any slot has its own properties. For example, the so-called ANIMATING objects can take any types of Moveable objects, but their intelligent is very low. While the creature objects can only take few objects (or just one, actually) but their intelligent is higher. (Somewhere it's logical, though: for example, you can't place a cupboard in a CROCODILE slot, can you?) - Anyway, you can also use Copy operation to take an object into another slot: hit SHIFT when you copy an object.
 (Rename or Copy+SHIFT operation eliminates any risk if the properties of the original slot and the new slot are the same. - For example, non-SHATTER Statics have the same intelligence. So, for example, if you have a statue in FURNITURE5 slot then you can rename/copy it without any problem into DEBRIS2 slot.)

 3. When you create grcastle.was then these files will be created in wads folder:

 - grcastle.sam: it's the list of the sounds in grcastle.sfx.
 - grcastle.sfx: contains the sound files that are attached to the objects in grcastle.wad.
 - grcastle.swd: contains the info of the sprites that are attached to the objects in grcastle.wad.
 - grcastle.was: it's the list of the objects in grcastle.wad.
 - grcastle.wad: contains the objects you can use in The Great Castle level.

 1. Open SAM and WAS as if it were TXT files.
 2. If you refresh the contents of your grcastle.wad later (saving the existing WAD again in WADMerger) then all these five grcastle files will be updated, of course.
 4. When you have your WAD attached to your level and you refresh its contents in WADMerger then you also have to refresh it in your projects after that, with one of these methods:
 - You attach the WAD again.
 - Room Editor offers to refresh the WAD of your project, if you hit CTRL+O.
 - You load the project.
 But don't forget: don't delete/rename an object from/in the WAD, if that object is just placed/referred in the project/script of your level.
 Because, for example, the deleted object will disappear from the map after refreshing the WAD in the project, with some of its triggers together. Its Script entries and other triggers will stay there: it's not only bothering for you but can cause some malfunction.

 Of course, you can do all those things intentionally, but don't forget to prevent the malfunction problems. (For example: you activate a BADDY_1 with an ACTION trigger. If the BADDY_1 slot is deleted then the ACTION will remain in the map without anything to activate, so you have to delete this trigger manually.)

 5. Because TRLE and (with modifications) NGLE use TRLR engine, you can use any TRLR object in your WAD without problems. There are many ways to get all of the TRLR WAD files. For example, you can download some TRLR WADs from Skribblerz\Resources.
 You can also rip objects by WADMerger from directly the TRLR level files (also with TR4 extension), loading them into the right window.
 6. To understand what to do when you want to choose the objects for your WAD, let's see the list of the object slots shortly (see more about them in their Skribblerz tutorials or in NG Center\Reference) and the objects that the slots have in TRLR/TRLE WADs:
 a, LARA: has to be placed where Lara will be when the level begins. It also contains all the basic animations that Lara will use in that level. (Every WAD can have its own animation set for Lara!)
 b, 'General ingredients' of Lara (don't place them in the map):

 - LARA_SKIN: the actual look of Lara
 - LARA_SKIN_JOINTS: Lara's joints (the object didn't exist before TRLR)
 - LARA_HOLSTERS: Lara's empty holsters
 - HAIR: Lara's hair
 - LARA_SCREAM: it's Lara's snarling head when she's shooting
 - GUNFLASH: look of the gunflash when Lara (or an enemy) is shooting

 c, Creatures:

 - SKELETON: simple skeleton
 - GUIDE: friendly guide who you can control in a complicated way. It needs (not placed in the map) MESHSWAP2
 - VON_CROY: similar to the guide. It needs (not placed in the map) MESHSWAP1
 - BADDY_1: warrior. It needs (not placed in the map) MESHSWAP3
 - BADDY_2: warrior. It needs (not placed in the map) MESHSWAP2
 - SETHA: Egyptian god
 - MUMMY: simple mummy
 - SPHINX: bull-like demigod
 - CROCODILE: simple crocodile
 - HORSEMAN with HORSE: a manifested old warrior riding his horse
 - SCORPION: big, mutant scorpion (attacks anyone, made to attack TROOPS)
 - JEAN_YVES: special human character
 - TROOPS: friendly warrior (till Lara shoots him)
 - KNIGHTS_TEMPLAR: manifested knight templar
 - MUTANT: fire-spitting, snake- (or what) like monster (needs AHMET_MIP - not placed in the map - in the WAD to spit locusts)
 - BABOON (NORMAL, INV, SILENT): they're all baboons. Normal is friendly, use it to pull a fake switch
 - WILD_BOAR: simple wild boar
 - HARPY: 'mutant eagle- (or what) like creature', i.e. the harpy from the Hellenic mythology
 - DEMIGOD1, 2, 3: demigods
 - LITTLE_BEETLE: emitting little beetles
 - BIG_BEETLE: big, flying insect ('beetle')
 - WRAITH1: wraith that ignites Lara
 - WRAITH2: wraith that activates a flipmap when dies
 - WRAITH3: 'casual' wraith
 - WRAITH4: not used in TRLR/TRLE
 - BAT: simple bat
 - DOG: dog or jackal
 - HAMMERHEAD: hammerhead shark
 - SAS: regular commando
 - SAS_DRAG_BLOKE: a pullable corpse of a SAS
 - AHMET: 'werewolf- (or what) like creature', i.e. Ammit, a demon from the Egyptian mythology
 - LARA_DOUBLE: actually, it's a 'still copy of Lara', that can be hurt by the enemies - also making Lara hurt!
 - SMALL_SCORPION: simple small scorpion
 - LOCUST_EMITTER: emitting locusts, needs AHMET_MIP - not placed in the map - in the WAD (the emitter has the name 'Fish Emitter' in city.wad, but it's wrong now!)
 - BUBBLES: look of the missile of some monsters

 Each creature and ANIMATING object has one pair, named MIP. The original objects have a bigger resolution than the MIP objects. It's because of technical reasons: MIP appears instead of it if the original object is far from Lara. That doesn't demolish the illusion for the player but saves some memory.
 It's not necessary to use MIPs for that purpose. (However, in the case of ANIMATINGs, see the technique at the description of AnimatingMIP Script command.) Moreover, you can use ANIMATING_MIPs now as independent, single ANIMATING objects.
 (The MIP for the AHMET and the special AHMET_MIP for the locusts are not the same.)

 d, Vehicles:

 - MOTORBIKE: for Lara. It needs PUZZLE_ITEM1 as the canister of nitro to give the bike a bigger maximal speed and VEHICLE_EXTRA (renamed MOTORBIKE_LARA maybe), not placed in the map, for biking animations of Lara
 - JEEP: for Lara. It needs PUZZLE_ITEM1 as the ignition key and VEHICLE_EXTRA, not placed in the map, for driving animations of Lara
 - ENEMY_JEEP: driven by an imaginary enemy that is sitting in it now
 - SMASHABLE_BIKE_FLOOR: floor that smashes under the weight of a vehicle
 - SMASHABLE_BIKE_WALL: wall that smashes when a vehicle has been driven against it

 e, Platforms:

 - TWOBLOCK_PLATFORM: paper-thin platform that moves up and down
 - RAISING_BLOCK1, 2: block that moves up and down
 - EXPANDING_PLATFORM: block that moves forward and backward
 - BRIDGE (FLAT, TILT): stable, horizontal/tilted platforms
 - BURNING_FLOOR: see its tutorial to learn the use

 f, Other tools to move Lara:

 - ROPE: nullmesh ('red pyramid') object that will be a rope dangling from the ceiling when triggered
 - POLEROPE: vertical pole
 - DEATH_SLIDE: not used (can be used for zipline of TR2/TR3)

 g, Traps:

 - DART_EMITTER: spitting DARTS objects
 - HOMING_DART_EMITTER: I recommend you to avoid using this. Customize a DART_EMITTER in Script if you want a special DART_EMITTER
 - FALLING_CEILING: falling rocks from above
 - FALLING_BLOCK1, 2: floor that collapses under Lara's weight
 - ROLLINGBALL: boulder
 - SPIKEY_FLOOR: doesn't seem to be usable
 - TEETH_SPIKES: stakes from the floor/ceiling/wall
 - JOBY_SPIKES: spinning, long stake that extends by degrees
 - SLICER_DICER: attached cylinders with spikes (or what) that spin around their own axis and around an axis of a track
 - CHAIN: dangling chain/blade/rock
 - PLOUGH: needs four pieces and an ANIMATING7 of burial.wad. Spinning blades
 - STARGATE: moving blades in a big, vertical ring
 - HAMMER: big hammer
 - COG: cog that spin around its own axis and around an axis of a track
 - SPIKEBALL: spiky ball that falls from the ceiling, dangling in a rope
 - SQUISHY_BLOCK1: smashing rock, moves back and forth
 - SQUISHY_BLOCK2: smashing rock, falls down
 - SENTRY_GUN: machine-gun, won't hurt Lara with PUZZLE_ITEM5
 - MINE: mine. It needs (not placed in the map) MESHSWAP3, if you want to use a mine detonator
 - LIGHTNING_CONDUCTOR: nullmesh object that produces a lightning when triggered

 h, Flames (nullmeshes):

 - FLAME: place it anywhere. Lara takes fire when the object has been triggered
 - FLAME_EMITTER: harmful for Lara. Behavior can be modified by OCBs
 - FLAME_EMITTER2: harmless for Lara. Size can be modified by OCBs
 - FLAME_EMITTER3: harmful for Lara. Not a compact flame. Using OCBs it becomes an electric arch

 i, Lara's pickable supplies:

 - PISTOLS_ITEM: pistols. It needs (not placed in the map) PISTOLS_ANIM that contains Lara's pistol shooting animations and Lara's 'hands with pistols' meshes and LARA_HOLSTERS_PISTOLS that shows pistols in the holsters and GUNSHELL that shows the flying gunshells
 - UZI_ITEM: Uzis. It needs (not placed in the map) UZI_ANIM that contains Lara's Uzi shooting animations and Lara's 'hands with Uzis' meshes and LARA_HOLSTERS_UZIS that shows Uzis in the holsters and GUNSHELL that shows the flying gunshells
 - SHOTGUN_ITEM: shotgun. It needs (not placed in the map) SHOTGUN_ANIM that contains Lara's shotgun shooting animations and Lara's 'hands with shotgun' meshes and SHOTGUNSHELL that shows the flying shotgunshells
 - CROSSBOW_ITEM: crossbow. It needs (not placed in the map) CROSSBOW_ANIM that contains Lara's crossbow shooting animations and Lara's 'hands with crossbow' meshes and CROSSBOW_BOLT that shows the flying arrow that has just been shot
 - GRENADE_GUN_ITEM: grenade gun. It needs (not placed in the map) GRENADE_GUN_ANIM that contains Lara's grenade gun shooting animations and Lara's 'hands with grenade gun' meshes and GRENADE that shows the flying grenade that has just been shot
 - SIXSHOOTER_ITEM: revolver. It needs (not placed in the map) SIXSHOOTER_ANIM that contains Lara's revolver shooting animations and Lara's 'hands with revolver' meshes and LARA_HOLSTERS_SIXSHOOTER that shows revolver in the holsters
 - PISTOLS_AMMO_ITEM: unlimited pistol ammo, doesn't need to be placed in the map (but it doesn't mean it can be missed from WAD)
 - UZI_AMMO_ITEM: clip of Uzi bullets
 - SHOTGUN_AMMO1/2_ITEM: pack of normal/wideshot shotgun ammo
 - CROSSBOW_AMMO1/2/3_ITEM: pack of normal/poison/explosive crossbow arrow
 - GRENADE_GUN_AMMO1/2/3_ITEM: pack of normal/super/flash grenade gun grenades
 - SIXSHOOTER_AMMO_ITEM: pack of revolver bullets
 - BIGMEDI_ITEM: pack that gives maximal health
 - SMALLMEDI_ITEM: pack that gives 50 % health
 - LASERSIGHT_ITEM: lasersight for crossbow or revolver. It needs (not placed in the map) TARGET_GRAPHICS that shows the screen you will see if Lara uses the lasersight and LARA_CROSSBOW_LASER or LARA_REVOLVER_LASER that contain Lara's 'hand with crossbow/revolver and the attached lasersight' mesh
 - FLARE_INV_ITEM: pack of flares. It needs (not placed in the map) FLARE_ANIM that contains Lara's flare using animations and Lara's 'hand with flare' mesh and FLARE_ITEM that means a flare that Lara has dropped and can pick up again
 - BINOCULARS_ITEM: put the binoculars item in the WAD but don't place it in the map - it's in the inventory automatically when the game starts. It needs (not placed in the map) BINOCULAR_GRAPHICS that shows the screen you will see if Lara uses the binoculars and MESHSWAP2, if you want to fix binoculars bug.
 - COMPASS_ITEM: put the compass item in the WAD but don't place it in the map - it's in the inventory automatically when the game starts
 - MAP, SECRET_MAP: not used
 - DIARY_ITEM: not used (don't even use this if you use Diary Script command)

 Some objects have a name in the game but don't have one in Script. These objects must be named only in Strings, using always the same entries for them.
 For example the name of SMALLMEDI_ITEM in inventory of the game is Small Medipack, because the value of #74 [Strings] entry is Small Medipack. If you want to see another name in the game, then change and update that #74.

 (Use the same method when you want to change the name of 'USE' inventory command under the small medipack.)

 j, Pickable keys and puzzles:

 - KEY_ITEM1-12: Lara can pick up a key to use it in its hole, KEY_HOLE1-12. There are KEY_ITEM_COMBO1-8 slots without TRLR/TRLE objects in them. But if you place an item in ITEMX_COMBO1 slot and another one in ITEMX_COMBO2 slot then you can combine them in the game into ITEMX
 - PUZZLE_ITEM1-12: Lara can pick up a puzzle (functionally, it's a key, but its look isn't key-like) to use it in its hole, PUZZLE_HOLE1-12. There are PUZZLE_ITEM_COMBO1-8 slots, some of them without TRLR/TRLE objects in them. You can combine ITEMX_COMBO1 slot and ITEMX_COMBO2 slot in the game into ITEMX. You have to place PUZZLE_DONE objects in the WAD, but don't in the map: these objects show the hole when the puzzle has been set there yet.

 Use the proper Script command to give the name to the key/puzzle/combo that it will show in the inventory in the game.

 k, Other pickable objects:

 - PICKUP_ITEM1-4: items that Lara pick up to carry them in inventory. (There are some NGLE triggers to make these objects more useful.) - There are PICKUP_ITEM_COMBO slots without TRLR/TRLE objects in them. But if you place an item in ITEMX_COMBO1 slot and another one in ITEMX_COMBO2 slot then you can combine them in the game into ITEMX
 If you use the bag of sand (PICKUP_ITEM1) for the element puzzle (see its tutorial) then you need (not placed in the map) LARA_DIRT_MESH that contains Lara's 'hand with bag' mesh.
 If you use the jerrycan (PICKUP_ITEM2) for the element puzzle (see its tutorial) then you need (not placed in the map) LARA_PETROL_MESH that contains Lara's 'hand with jerrycan' mesh.
 - EXAMINE1-3: items that Lara pick up to examine them from inventory. As for EXAMINE1, only the object texture shows the information. But as for EXAMINE2, [Strings] #201 and 202 contains the text that will be printed on the screen. The [Strings] entry for EXAMINE3 is #203
 - QUEST_ITEM1-6: actually, these are pickup items, but had a special task in TRLR
 - WATERSKIN: Lara can pick up a small waterskin (WATERSKIN1_EMPTY), for 3 liters and a big waterskin (WATERSKIN2_EMPTY), for 5 liters. WATERSKIN1_1, 2, 3 and WATERSKIN2_1, 2, 3, 4, 5 objects should be placed in the WAD but not in the map: these objects are to indicate the actual amount of water in the waterskin. It needs (not placed in the map) LARA_WATER_MESH that contains Lara's 'hand with waterskin' mesh
 - CROWBAR_ITEM: crowbar. It needs (not placed in the map) CROWBAR_ANIM that contains Lara's 'hand with crowbar' mesh
 - BURNING_TORCH_ITEM: a torch that can be ignited. It needs (not placed in the map) TORCH_ANIM that contains some of Lara's torch using animations and Lara's 'hand with torch' mesh
 - CLOCKWORK_BEETLE: a mechanical scarab that can be combined from COMBO1 and COMBO2 object.
 See its use in Cleopatra's Palaces level: you have to send the scarab - maximum three times - on tracks (once per each track). Tracks are indicated by MAPPER objects. - Don't forget to place a frame under the square of a MAPPER, clicking on B button of Room Editor.

 Except pickups, pickup combos and examines, there aren't commands for these items to name them in Script.

 l, Other inventory items:

 - MEMCARD_LOAD_INV_ITEM: don't place it in the map. It indicates the point in the inventory where you can load your savegame
 - MEMCARD_SAVE_INV_ITEM: don't place it in the map. It indicates the point in the inventory where you can save your savegame

 m, Switches:

 - SWITCH_TYPE1-6: lever on the wall, button etc.
 - SWITCH_TYPE7: actually, it could be anything. If Lara shoots the mesh with the highest ID then the mesh will shatter, activating the SWITCH trigger
 - SWITCH_TYPE8: actually, it could be anything. If Lara shoots the mesh with the highest ID then it will activate the SWITCH trigger
 - UNDERWATER_SWITCH1: lever on the wall, in the water (you won't find any object like this in TRLR/TRLE WADs)
 - UNDERWATER_SWITCH2: lever on the ceiling, in the water
 - COG_SWITCH: a vertical wheel that Lara must rotate, grabbing the handles on the wheel
 - JUMP_SWITCH: a small lever on the wall. Lara jumps towards it, gets it, and pulls it down by her weight
 - CROWBAR_SWITCH: Lara places the crowbar in it and uses it as a lever
 - PULLEY: a vertical cord that Lara pulls down (you need a Static object for the illusion of the cord: see settomb.prj)
 - TURN_SWITCH: a pedestal-like switch that Lara will turn around its vertical axis (having a special setup)
 - SEQUENCE_SWITCH1, 2, 3: big buttons in a special setup with SEQUENCE_DOOR1 objects

 n, Doors:

 - TRAPDOOR1, 2, 3: trapdoors that can be opened/closed by triggers
 - FLOOR_TRAPDOOR1, 2: trapdoor on the floor level. Lara can open them, manually
 - CEILING_TRAPDOOR1, 2: trapdoor on the ceiling level. Lara can open them, manually
 - DOOR_TYPE1-8: many types of doors that can be opened/closed by triggers. (You can also use doors to be open by crowbar here.)
 - PUSHPULL_DOOR1, 2: doors that need frame. Lara can open them, manually (grabbing the doorknob)
 - KICK_DOOR1, 2: doors that need frame. Lara can open them, manually (grabbing the doorknob or kicking them)
 - UNDERWATER_DOOR: doors in the water. Lara can open them, manually
 - DOUBLE_DOORS: it's one object with two door wings. Lara can open them, manually
 - SETH_DOOR: not used

 o, Effects and other nullmeshes:

 - SMOKE_EMITTER_WHITE: nullmesh. Emitting white smoke when triggered
 - SMOKE_EMITTER_BLACK: (actually, it's the same as SMOKE_EMITTER_WHITE)
 - STEAM_EMITTER: nullmesh. Emitting steam when triggered or bubbles in the water. Behavior can be modified by OCBs
 - EARTHQUAKE: nullmesh. Place it anywhere. It simulates earthquake ('shaking level') when triggered
 - WATERFALLMIST: nullmesh. It simulates the mist when the waterfall hits the pool below
 - RED_LIGHT: doesn't have any object in TRLR/TRLE. Copy any nullmesh here and it will emit red light, when triggered
 - GREEN_LIGHT: doesn't have any object in TRLR/TRLE. Copy any nullmesh here and it will emit green light, when triggered
 - BLUE_LIGHT: doesn't have any object in TRLR/TRLE. Copy any nullmesh here and it will emit blue light, when triggered
 - AMBER_LIGHT: nullmesh. Emitting pulsing amber (?) light when triggered
 - WHITE_LIGHT: doesn't have any object in TRLR/TRLE. Copy any nullmesh here and it will simulate vibrating neon light when triggered
 - BLINKING_LIGHT: doesn't have any object in TRLR/TRLE. Copy any nullmesh here and it will emit blinking light when triggered. (Use Empty button of WADMerger on it.)
 - LENS_FLARE: nullmesh. It simulates 'the Sun shines on the lens of the camera' effect
 - LARA_START_POS: nullmesh. When Lara's back into a level, then she will continue the level from here and not the position of LARA object, if you use this object. I mean, it's the original purpose of the object, but in NGLE, it can have more tasks - for example, you can transport an enemy in a level from its actual position to a LARA_START_POS
 - KILL_ALL_TRIGGERS: nullmesh. Doesn't seem to be usable
 - TRIGGER_TRIGGERER: nullmesh. Place it on a square that is marked by clicking on T button of Room Editor, making it framed with a blue line. The trigger of this square can't be activated until you trigger this TRIGGER_TRIGGERER
 - CAMERA_TARGET: nullmesh. Attach a trigger to it, with subject TARGET. If Lara activates the trigger then she'll look where the object is. If the activation happens with overlapped by a camera trigger then the target of a camera will be this object
 - WATERFALL1, 2, 3: simulates 'streaming things': water, sand etc.
 - PLANET_EFFECT: a special effect.

 p, Artificial intelligence (nullmeshes):

 - AI_GUARD: place it on the square of a creature. If the creature is triggered, it will turn its head, but won't move, and won't notice Lara until she's bothering
 - AI_AMBUSH: place it on the square of a creature and place another one somewhere else. If the creature has been triggered, it will run to the other AMBUSH
 - AI_PATROL1, 2: place an AI_PATROL1 on the square of a creature and place another one somewhere else, and an AI_PATROL2 somewhere else. If the creature has been triggered, it will run to the other PATROL1 then PATROL2. After that, it will move back and forth between PATROL2 and the second PATROL1
 - AI_MODIFY: use it instead of or with an AI_GUARD. In this case the creature has a smaller chance to notice the bothering Lara (because of fewer or nothing head turnings). (Sometimes you must have one on a square of a SAS, because of technical reasons.)
 - AI_FOLLOW: indicates the track of some moving object. See more in the guide's setup, for example
 - AI_X1 and X2: see more about them in the official TRLE manual (they're doing some special in the behavior of SAS). And X1 can also be used in train levels

 q, ANIMATING objects:

 - ANIMATING1-16: a very simple Moveable object. Sometimes it's only a still decoration but sometimes it will do its own animation, when triggered, without any intelligence

 r, Other Moveable objects:

 - SCALES: scales with special setup
 - PUSHABLE_OBJECT1-5: Lara can push or pull them
 - ELEMENT_PUZZLE: a puzzle with a special setup
 - SMASH_OBJECT1-8: don't have any object in TRLR/TRLE. Copy any Moveable object here and it will work as a SHATTER object that you can shatter only with exploding ammo now
 - HORIZON: horizon of the level (don't place it in the map) - use 'Horizon= ENABLED' command in Script with it. (You won't see sky in the level without HORIZON in the WAD.)

 s, Special Moveable objects:

 - LARA_SPEECH_HEADX, ACTORX_SPEECH_HEADX: changeable head for Lara and for (only?) Von Croy
 - GAME_PIECE1, 2, 3, ENEMY_PIECE, WHEEL_OF_FORTUNE: objects for the game of Senet
 - MAPPER: a special machine (actually, works like an ANIMATING) from TRLR level 'Guardian of Semerkhet' (so it's not equal with MAPPER of the mechanical scarab)
 - SARCOPHAGUS_CUT: a Seth statue on a sarcophagus lid. Actually, use it as an ANIMATING, its special properties are used in a cutscene, in TRLR level 'Burial Chambers'
 - HORUS_STATUE: a Horus statue. Actually, use it as an ANIMATING, its special properties are used in a cutscene, in TRLR levels 'Temple Of Horus'
 - GOD_HEAD: use it as an ANIMATING, animating it. It produces a short 'showing Semerkhet's (?) head' animation. (Used in TRLR level 'Tomb Of Semerkhet'.)
 - STATUE_PLINTH: actually, it's a special hole (pedestal) for a PUZZLE_ITEM. (Used in TRLR levels 'Temple Of Horus'.)
 - SPRINKLER: use this sprinkler as an ANIMATING, animating it, to sprinkle some water. (Used in TRLR level 'Chambers Of Tulun'.)

 t, Static objects:

 - PLANT0-9, FURNITURE0-9, ROCK0-9, ARCHITECTURE0-9, DEBRIS0-9: different names with the same properties. These objects are still decoration.
 - SHATTER0-9: objects that will shatter having been hit by a bullet, a sword etc.

 u, Objects for sprites (don't place them in the map):

 - SKY_GRAPHICS: a bit mysterious object. It seems it has nothing to do with the sky (or maybe anything) at all
 - DEFAULT_SPRITES: it contains the looks of many important things: the rope of ROPE object, the smoke of a gun after shooting etc.
 - MISC_SPRITES: not used in TRLR/TRLE (but in NGLE it will have a task, see: 'Elevators and Detectors' demo project)


 1. If you don't know in which WAD to find an object for an object slot, try Stephen Cooper's Object finder available from the Tools and Resources page.
 2. If you can't identify by its look what a given object is, then see the project file of its level in Room Editor to examine the original use of the object.
 If you don't have a project for a TRLR level, then rip it from its level, using TR2Prj program (on Skribblerz\Tools).
 3. NGLE can give some original TRLE object slots new setups. (See for example QUEST_ITEM1 in 'Elevators and Detectors' demo project.)

 7. Open Rename list in WADMerger, seeing Moveable objects. Some object slots are marked there as NG. These slots are made by Paolone (creator of TRNG) and used for some new types of objects:

 - objects used in TR games with not TRLR engine (hydra of TR5, rubber boat of TR3 etc.)
 - new objects (PANEL objects to create special collision etc.)

 See more about them in the demo projects by Paolone.

 EXTRA00-99 slots are new Static slots, made by Paolone.
 If there are no empty Static slots for your Static object, then rename one of them into a slot named EXTRA (starting it with the EXTRA having the lowest free ID). After that, you can use the original name of the renamed slot to put another Static object there.

 8. If you want to use fan-made objects in your level then you can find many smaller or bigger fan-made WAD files on the net (not using them for a level but only using them as an object source) that are TRLR-compatible. I recommend Objects page on Skribblerz or TRSearch.

 9. You can find many WADs here at Skribblerz that are used by not just TRLE but other official Tomb Raider games. You can use any Static object of these WADs in any Static slot of your WAD, but be careful with the Moveable objects of these WADs:
 Let's see an example: you can find a tiger object in a TR3 WAD. But there are no tiger object slot in TRLR WADs. What should you do? - Well, maybe the best you can do is to find a fan-made tiger on the net that is on a strange TRLR slot (for example, DOG) in a TRLR compatible WAD, but tested to work properly on it.

 (The objects of non-TRLR engined WADs can appear in bad TRLR slots in WADMerger. So ignore those slots and try to identify the object - or see item #10 just below.)

 10. You can rip objects by WADMerger from directly not only TRLR level files but the level files of other old-generation Tomb Raider games (PHD, TR2, TRC files). Maybe this operation is necessary: for example, if you want to use a TR3 object in your WAD (a so-called v130 WAD), with its original (i.e. TR3 and not TR4) sound slots.

 These ripped objects appear not in TRLR slots in WADMerger but using the slots of their own games (or what). It makes the identification of the object easier.

 11. Don't forget to place the sound files - that the level will use - in sound\Samples folder. (Now or any time during editing the level.)
 But, if there's a sound file in that folder it doesn't mean automatically that file is usable in your level. To make a sound to be usable there, it's necessary to put an object - that uses that sound - into the WAD or to add the sound to the WAD without putting an object into it.

 You can do the 'non-object method' with these tools: the original TRLE tool (pcwadsfx), the Sound Manager function of WADMerger or (see Skribblerz, Tools page) Screamer. (So with these tools you can also update SAM and SFX files. It means SAM and SFX can contain sound files that are not attached to any object.)

 12. You can find StrPix program on Tools page of Skribblerz. With this program you can edit the texture of the objects. (If you want to edit a v130 WAD with StrPix then don't forget to use StrPix3_v130.exe - see Tools folder, created by NGLE installation - instead of the original StrPix3.exe.)

 13. You can find Metasequoia and Meta2tr programs on Tools page of Skribblerz. With these programs you can make your own objects (for example, your own tiger) or re-edit other objects.
 (Anyway, Meta2tr can do more things than editing a single object. It is worth trying.)

 14. You can edit the sprites of the WAD with Sprite Editor tool of NG Center\Tools.
 There are some ways in Script to customize fonts. But some properties of the fonts are handled as sprites of the FONT_GRAPHICS object. You can edit these sprites by NG Center\NG Font Editor.

 15. There are some more methods (I'm talking about NGLE and WADMerger now first of all) to edit or customize your objects. - See for example Switch Manager or Animation Editor tools of WADMerger or some Script entries or triggers of NGLE.
 Some tools for editing objects in NG Center\Tools2: Fast 3D or Texturize DXF File.

 16. You can create an 'encyclopedia' of your objects if you use Object Manager tool in NG Center\Tools2.
 (In this case you will need TRViewer program, but change its original EXE with the one in Tools folder.)

 17. Give a new (any kind of) name to a slot, if you want:
 Open 'Select Object' panel of Room Editor (for example, clicking on object slot window in object panel), select the slot, then click Rename button.
 (The new name is valid only in Room Editor and grcastle.txt file. - So, grcastle.was always shows the original name when you open it directly or in WADMerger.)
Making Your Own TGA
 1. Maybe you want to create grcastle.tga as a brand new set of texture tiles or maybe you want to re-edit grcastle.tga (now or any time during editing the level) that exists.
 If you want to do them then do this:
 Load the source TGA into the left window of TBuilder. Click with the square-shaped cursor on a tile here to select it then go to the right window, and click, to put the selected tile here, i.e. to the tiles of grcastle.tga. - Check TBuilder to also understand the other, easy features of editing TGA files with it.

 2. When you have your TGA attached to your level and you refresh its contents in TBuilder then you also have to refresh it in your projects after that, with one of these methods:

 - You attach the TGA again.
 - You load the project.

 You can have problems if you overdraw a tile in the TGA, if that tile is just placed/referred in the project/script of your level. (The description of the problem is similar to the similar problem of refreshing a WAD. - See above.)

 3. TRLE gave us other TGA files to get tiles from them: see Extra Textures folder.

 4. Feel free to use the TGA texture set of any other Tomb Raider games as tile source.
 (If you want, you can load old-generation Tomb Raider level files into TBuilder to rip their texture tiles from them.)

 5. If you want, feel free to make your own tiles to your own TGA, of course.
 Naturally, you can use any picture (or some part of it) to put it as a tile (directly or edited before that) into your TGA.

 6. Load your project into Room Editor, and see the texture panel. The texture tiles are arranged into four columns there. If you click one of the tiles then a red square-shaped cursor will appear around it.
 Click on Big Texture button of Room Editor, making it yellow. It means you switched on the big texture function: if you click on a tile now then the red square-shaped cursor will appear around it, the tile next to it and the two tiles above/below them. One tile is 64x64 pixel sized so this 'multi-tile' of the four tiles is 128x128 pixel sized. - Click in the map to place that 128x128 picture there instead of a 64x64 picture now.

 But this method is not perfect. It would be perfect if we could say 'tile' when we see a 128x128 picture. (There are some reasons to say that. See one of them: just think about it - you need to place whole tiles into each animation range. So you can't place a 128x128 multi-tile into any range, only if it's a 128x128 tile.)

 If a project uses 64x64 tiles then we call this project 'v49'.
 If a project uses 128x128 tiles then we call this project 'v50'.
 (Check if your project is v49 or v50: see it on the title bar of Room Editor.)

 If you want to build your TGA using 128x128 tiles and not 64x64 tiles in TBuilder, then you can find many 128x128 tiles on Textures page of Skribblerz.
 (You can find the tiles of all the original Tomb Raider games here and the tiles of some fan-made games. The original tiles of older Tomb Raider games are 64x64 originally but converted into 128x128.)

 If you want to use a TGA file with 128x128 tiles in your project then you must convert your project (with the TGA attached to it before) from v49 into v50.
 You can find the tool of the conversion in Tools folder: MapConverter2.exe (not MapConverter.exe). (Don't forget to check 'Modify ONLY�' option before the conversion.)
 After the conversion:

 - Big Texture button becomes red 'forever', indicating: 'you can't switch me off any more'.
 - Feel free to go on editing TGA, if you want.

 See the basic tutorial of NGLE to read more about 'big' texture tiles.
Arranging Other Files
1. If you want to use sky for your level, then you need not only a HORIZON in the WAD. You also need a RAW file in wads folder to show the pattern of the sky and a Layer1 command in Script to adjust the exact color of the sky.
 Now you can find more RAW files in wads folder. They belong to the WAD with the same name. - So, for example, city.raw belongs to city.wad. (Pcsky.raw is a special RAW, automatically used for a level with HORIZON and Layer1 but without its own RAW.)
 Copy a RAW then paste it with a new name. This new name is grcastle.raw now, of course. (You can adjust Layer1 later.)


 1. This sky thing could be specific if you use a special (TR3 type) HORIZON object.
 (In this case the sky is drawn on the top of HORIZON so you don't need RAW and Layer1.)
 2. Not only pcsky.raw is the only specific file in wads folder: font.pc defines the default font type for all the levels. (Don't waste your time with creating a new font.pc. If you want new font properties for your level then - see above - use FONT_GRAPHICS and/or some Script commands.)
 3. You can see many LAR files in wads folder, with the same names as the WADs have there.
 No, it doesn't mean you need a grcastle.lar file. LAR files were used for Lara's animations, but they don't have tasks now. I.e. you can find Lara's animations in WADs now.

2. If you've done with the tutorial project then you know that you can play audio files - some of them only background 'music' (noise) and the other ones are the 'foreground' music (the 'real' music) - of audio folder with WAV extension and 000-111 IDs, if you use a trigger named CD.
 With NGLE you can use more IDs (000-255) that are not only WAVs and each ID can be used either as background or as foreground (see more: NG Center\Reference\Mnemonic Constants\CUST_NEW_SOUND_ENGINE), using not CD triggers but 'Sound. (CD)' FLIPEFFECT triggers. - Read NG Center\Reference\New Commands\ImportFile to use special files as audio\sound.
 So, in NGLE you can use 256 audio slots in audio folder (and more with ImportFile) to create your own audio set for your game. - Feel free to overwrite the original audio files in the folder.

 If you still don't know what the mood of the level etc. will be then you can define your audio files later.


 1. Use cm.exe or start_me.exe in Tools folder if you want to convert your MP3 files into WAVs.
 2. When 'Output WAD' operation happens then a file with CD extension will be created - or, if it exists: will be updated - in wads folder, with the same name as the WAD has. Open this file as if it was a TXT file.
 This CD file shows some info of CD triggers that are just placed in the map. - So the file won't show anything about 'Sound. (CD)' triggers.

 3. Maybe you want to use a feature that needs files to be attached. (See for example Image Script command.)
 In this case place the required files in the required folders.

 If you still don't know what these files are (or what 'with attached files' feature you will use) then you can place those files later.

 If you place some of the files mentioned in the tutorial in their folders (for example, if you're creating a new font.pc) then you need to do a 'making a playable version of the level' operation to add/refresh that file de facto to/in your level/game.
 Title Features
 Actually, the title sequence of the game is a level: you have a title.prj project file you can edit and convert into TR4 file. - But you have to know some special things when you edit title.prj. I.e. there are some editing steps that belong to title and some other editing steps are not the same in title and the 'real' projects.
 However, when I say you can create your own, new level it also means you can create a new title, instead of the old one.
 But this tutorial is not about making title.

 In spite of that, now I'd like to mention some features that belong to title:

 1. To define the name of your game, you have to draw your own Tomb Raider logo that will appear in title of the game:
 1. Create your logo in Logo folder. (Or get one - for example, from TRSearch - to customize it.)
 This logo is a BMP (named uklogo.bmp) with 512x256 pixel. (Don't forget: black color of the picture will be transparent in the game.)
 2. Open the picture with a simple program that can care about RAW files. (For example with BmpToRaw.)
 3. Use the program to overwrite uklogo.raw in Logo folder.
 4. Run logo.bat in Logo folder to overwrite logo.pak in data folder.
 5. Start the game to admire your new logo.
 2. You can find LoadCamera command not only in [Level] blocks but also in [Title] block of Script.
 The value of LoadCamera in [Title] block defines the still picture you will see when the game leaves title sequence.
 To redefine that value:
 1. Copy the whole [Title] block to anywhere the [Level] blocks, naming this copied block [Level] instead of [Title].
 2. Give a Name command to this new [Level] block. - There is a 'Title Load Screen' entry in [Strings]. It seems obvious as a name now.
 3. Save and build the script.
 4. Start the game and start Title Load Screen level from New Game menu.
 5. Now you know how to get LoadCamera value for a 'real' level - use the same method now, reading the numbers from the screen. Then quit the game.
 6. Type the numbers to the LoadCamera command of [Title] block, overwriting the value there.
 7. Delete the whole block of Title Load Screen level.
 8. Save and build the script.
 3. Just after you've clicked on tomb4.exe, you will see a still picture on the screen, just before the game starts, showing title sequence.
 This still picture is 640x480 pixel sized, named load.bmp. You can find it in the main folder. Swap it for another picture with the same properties, if you want to see another picture after clicking on tomb4.exe.