
Demo Level

Author: Uwe Froehlich (UFO) Homepage

Download: Here


Unzip, copy tut1.tom to graphics/wads (make sure the other tut1 files are the originals) run tom2pc, add tut1.tom and build all. Start new game and choose the Tutorial level. (The original dat files are needed for theis level.)




Go to the room behind you, in the dark corner on the right you find clips and a scorpion. There is another clip on the higher ledge. Go to the left corner, and in the coridor push the lever. Go in the door, shoot the scorpion. In the alcoves you find small medi, flares and clips, where the ceiling is higher climb up and crawl in to collect the medi in the secret.

In the last junction to the right slide down to the pit, crawl over to the lever, while you can see an underwater door opening. Push the lever, crawl back and go in the opened door. Follow the tunnel, kill the ninja, at the end swim out, and back to the start room to the opened gate. Climb the column and jump to the crack, push the lever up here. Drop down, take care of the scorpion and go to the other room, where in the dark corner on the right the door opened. When you go for the medi the door left from the secret opens. Go there and pick up the Uzi, then the last door opens down beyond the pit. Slide down again, crawl through and go in, the level ends there.


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