
Secrets Of South America

Author: Johannes Gaechter(technojoh)

Download: Here

Extract the technojoh-SecretsOfSouthAmerika.zip, English.dat, Script.dat files into the main directory, then copy the nature files from the Graphics-Wads into the Graphics-Wads folder. Run the start_me.exe in the Audio which converts the mp3 into the wav and copy them into the Audio folder. Run the Level Converter and build the nature.TOM file then run the level. Enjoy


This level takes place in the South Pacific. I didn't find a secret but discovering of some switches is equalivent to the secrets. :-) Immediately finding the first switch below the bridge got me stopped for a bit. You have to find 2 RED RUBINS and the CROSSBOW + LASER SIGHT for shooting the small bones.
There were not too many enemies in the level, only some crocodiles, bats, natives and a wild-boar but I didn't miss them too much.
The game has a very good atmosphere but sometimes I nearly kicked my head off if I couldn't find any objectss. :-) The plants to be shooting are very witty especially the one before the spike blockage. The textures are nice and the added sounds are very good too.
There's only one thing which made me a bit trouble. There's an inactive ladder next to the receptacle of the RED RUBINS which would lead to the place where Lara has slope down in the beginning of the level. There's a gap high on the wall but I didn't manage to reach there in no way.


Slide down and go through the bridges. Climb down the ladder and push the wall switch in the opposite corner. Climb back and slide down. Directly opposite, high on the wall climb the ladder and pull the lever. Swim into the underwater opening and pull the lever, altough I don't know what this can be used for and I didn't pull it during my second walkthrough. Don't forget to pick up the Crossbow Ammo from the corner as it will be needed later. Swim into the mouth of the statue and you get into a large water room.

Observe the bones in the water as you will have to shoot them later. Climb out onto the small platform and shoot the crocodile. From where he came out swim into the another statue's mouth. Continue right then at the second junction turn right again, then turn left and pull the underwater lever. Swim back to get some air and keeping left you can climb out somewhere. Jump into the small pool, pull the underwater lever and notice the torch which you will pick up later. Swim back until the large pool. Find the two other platforms in the large pool, jump from the right side platform onto the wall, shimmy to the right until you can climb into an opening.

In the newly opened room in front of the slippery part run-up and jump onto the left-side platform and from here jump into the gap on the wall. Notice the bones below as you will have to shoot them later. On the opposite side pull the lever and drop down. Get down the slope and run through the opened door, continue left, avoid the two holes on the ground and jump to the right around the corner. When the block rolls down go to the right and Lara can have some rest. :- If you are clever enough and exploit the pauses of the fire blower Lara can pick up the first RED RUBIN and you don't have to back here later. If it doesn't succeeded there's no problem as you can extuingish the fire before it. Now turn left at the next recess and go back into the passage of the Rubin as Lara will leaky. J

After the bristly wall disappeared go there and you will reach a square. Shoot the crocodile below and pull the block out from the left side corner as there's an underwater lever behind it which opens the door leading to the Crossbow. Outside, when you came into this new area you will see a fissure on the right hand pillar and a wall switch on the opposite side. Get up through the bridges and on the side in front of the entrance climb down and releasing it for a moment Lara will grab the edge. Shimmy to the left and and above the lever leave the CTRL for a moment and pull down the lever. Now the former passage is underwater. Pull the lever behind the pulled out block and go back up to the bridges. The door has opened and Lara will pick up the CROSSBOW.

Go back into the water and swimming right you can climb out (you can find a lever in the right-hand corner but this will only give way to the water). Pull the block out from the wall and push it onto the symbol and climbing up the ladder pull the lever above. This will allow Lara to pick up the torch. Now you have two choices: find the other opened underwater trapdoor or return to the large pool and swim along to the left. Descend to the small depression and pick up the torch. Go to the fire, light the torch and throw it among the spikes but let it over the spikes. Jump up from the small slope and grab the handrail in the ceiling. Swing inside the spikes and drop down. Pick up and drop the torch on the wall floor. After it has burnt out you can pick up the LASERSIGHT. Now you would pull the other lever which extuingishes the fires at the Red Rubin bit it's unnecesarry as Lara has already picked it up.

Swim back to the large pool and shoot all the five bones here and where you have opened the door leading to the spiked walls. Swim back to the first area and the grate opened in the water on the other side. Swim in and climbing out there's a closed trapdoor below Lara. Climb ahead and pull the lever in the end of the crawlspace. Now Lara can climb down through the trapdoor and drop down the small room below. Beside the spikes shoot the plant on the right side and you can get through the trapdoor now. You will get to the large square above where you began the level. Climb up onto the small bridge and jump into the small room opposite. Pull out the block from the right hand corner and push it onto the symbol. It's unnecessary to pull the lever because it opens the trapdoor above a non-working ladder. Climbing up onto the block falling down Lara can get the second RED RUBIN.

Get out onto the bridge and go along the wall. In the next recess you will see the ladder but unfortunately it doesn't work. Place the RED RUBINS in their receptacle on the right and two blocks emerge from the swamp. Jump onto them but turn back to the wall. You will see a recess there in which you will find a wall switch. If you stand opposite it up to the right corner you will see a small protrusion in the swamp, jump there and jump into the recess from here. Push the lever and get back onto the block and from there to the opposite site.

Continue your way and you will reach a square where there are 3 huts. Shoot the plant in the center hut so a platform will emerge inside the hut on the left side. Jump onto that then jump on the other side from there and hit the CTRL in the last moment so Lara will grab the outstanding area. Pull the lever and get back outside. There's a crawlspace in front of the bridge where you came in. Get in and where Lara can stand up turn, climb up, pull the lever so this will extuingish the flames in the right side of the next room. Climb up the ladder, shimmy to the right and Lara will get onto the roof of the huts. A native awaits Lara there but he's not a strong enemy so you can do any harm only when he runs towards you. In my second walktrough he fallen down from the roof so I killed him below. :-) From the right side of the column jump onto the hut on the opposite side, slide down and grab the edge of the roof. Shimmy all the way to the right and Lara can stand up. Climb up right to the top and pull the lever there. Descend and the gate opens in the hut on the right side.

You are in a huge valley. Shoot the crocodiles from above so they won't block Lara's way. Jump down to the bridge and get to the other side but approximately two blocks before its end stop and turn left. Run up, jump and grab the edge. You need a bit practice and don't forget that Lara can be contolled left-right during her jumps. Shimmy to the left, jump into the small hole, pull the lever and a block will emerge below. Descend and jump into the hole. Pull the lever below the column so the bridge will turn away. Climb out and up to the emerged block, climb into the gap and up the ladder and you can jump onto it from above. Grab the small gap on the wall and you will get up to the bridge. You can kill a crocodile on the other side and jumping or climbing up to the opposite wall you reach the end of the level. The statistics doesn't count the secrets but picking up the objects the secrets' sound can be heared. It was a great level especially without walktrough but it took about 5O minutes for the second play as well.

Walktrough by OBig from TREditor.hu

Translated by Š Petunia from TombRaider.hu

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