Searching For The Amber Room
Author: Marion Hundertmark (Commari)
Download: Here
This five-part level was a great adventure. Various places, enemies, textures and puzzles. The story takes place in bunkers, sunk ships, in a museum and mines. You have to find the 2 Amber Pieces because they will open the exit door. One peace is in the Museum and the other is in the end of the third level, in the water. Unfortunately the final targeting is missing but the saga ends in the Amber Room. Meantime soldiers, dogs, bats, rats, knights, barracudas and even a diver familiar from the TR2 attacking Lara. Anyway I had a sense of TR2 in many places, the atmosphere was like the Maria Doria's wreck's. I found 3 secrets: UZI, Shotgun and Shotgun ammo. I liked the added sounds and of course the story. I recommend it to everybody.
In the year 1716 the Amberrom,which was a Present of
the Soldierking Friedrich Wilhelm the 1st, reached the russian Zar Peter the
1st in Memel.
Later it was stored in the zarristic Summerresident Zaraskoje Selo in the
Katharinpalace near St. Petersburg.
At the end of WW2 St. Petersburg (Leningrad) was Conquered by the Soldiers
of the Wehrmacht.
Many treasure pieces of art were stolen by them,also the Amberroom.
It was brought to Königsberg by the Nazis, where it became part of the Königsberger
Artmuseum, which was imputed to Dr. Alfred Rhode.
After a bombing night at the 30 of August 1944,the trace of the Amberrom was
Rhoe said that the Amberrom was destroyed by fire.
This possibility is rather unbeliveable, as no pieces of mirrors and metal
were found.
Experts think,that the Amberroom was saved by a Special Unit of the SS or
Many Tomb Raiders searched for the legendary treasure.
Some of them died,thats why some people speak about curses of the Amberroom.
Till now has not been completly discovered expect for some pieces.
1. Searching For The Amber Room 1.
On the left-hand corner climb up into the crawlspace and pull down the wall switch. A block has risen outside. Climb up onto the floor and down on the other side to the ground floor. Pulling down the wall switch a rope appears on the floor. Swing over to the other side after taking care of the rats and a bat. Shoot the grate of the ventilating shaft on the left and climb in. Follow your way above first 'cause you will be able to collect the Uzi in the end of another ventilating shaft. Now climb in below and reach the store. Pushing the boxes find the Crowbar and force open the door on the right.
You are in a wreck now. Pull the underwater levers next to the first door, on both sides. In the next room first go to the left for the goodies. Now head to the right and swim out of the window. Swim into the other and pull the lever. A trapdoor has opened there. Glance around carefully as there are Uzi ammo in the water -of course sometimes take a bit air. :-) Climbing out of the water 2 soldiers and a dog attack Lara. Look under the moveable blocks and open the door. Open the right-hand door in the corridor. A soldier attacks you but explore the wardrobe (stand in front of it from a step and push the CTRL). Open the opposite door and get ready your pistols. During shooting the 2 soldiers continually back on the corridor and lure them after Lara. One of them has the Commando Key and if he drops it in a room you may won't be able to collect it (first the Key dropped under the table for me). Open the door with it, shoot the dog and pull down the wall switch. Get down the stairs and into the bathroom. The trapdoor has opened. Get your pistols as 3 soldiers and 2 dogs welcome Lara below.
You are in the library now. Pull the lever to the left and go along. Climb into the crawlspace and pull down the wall switch on the other side. Climb into the gap and find the lever. If you succeeded in time you can return the way you came anyway you must choose the crawlspace. Another soldier welcomes Lara. Notice the 2 moveable boxes. There's a lever behind the right-hand box and a door behind the left one. Continue your way and the first level finishes.
2. Searching For The Amber Room 2.
Climb up the ladder to the right, jump onto the rooftop, shimmy to the right until the line of the door and jump back. Find the Uzi and a lever above which opens the gate below. Jump into the water and pull the underwater lever. Swimming out 2 rats attack Lara. Climb up to the right and pull down the wall switch. Swimming behind the boxes find the Africanroom Key. Outside, where you climbed up you can swim through the small gap and find the secret #1: another Uzi. Use the Key outside and the Shotgun inside. Find the Egyptroom Key by the left side of the house, in the end of a crawlspace. Using it the big door opens inside. Pull once the statues toward the middle of the room and notice their places on the platform. Find the Knightroom Key in the sarcophagus. Open that room too. The iron soldier drops a Horseman's Gem which opens the trapdoor. Get through the moving walls above but find the ammo to the left and the lever at the third wall. Pull this lever. Going on to the gate in front of Lara 2 horsemen come alive. The best way is running back to the stairs where you came from and jumping on the stairs kill one of them. The other gets stuck into the wall. Stand in front of him from his hatchet and you can kill him without any lost of energy. Use what they have dropped and you have the Music Scroll. Return to the first room and use it. A doors opens in the main room. Pull down the lever inside and get the torch. Light it in the African room and light tea-lights with it on the floor. Another door opens there. Find the lever on the statue inside which opens the large gate outside. Collect the Amber Piece 1. and going toward the jeep the lever ends.
3. The Search in Goes on.
Swimming forward find the 3 gaps in the cave. In the upper one Lara can get some air, in the middle one she can find the secret #2: the Shotgun and you can continue your way below. Swim to the right and finally get some air in the hulk in one of the corners. Interestingly the barracudas don’t injure Lara there. Swim down at the grate and pull the lever among the boxes. Return to get a bit of air. Swim through the open door, to the left and to the right you will reach a big room. Swim to the left right immediately and find another lever above. It opens a door in the corridor to the right. Climbing out take care of the scuba diver. Climbing up reach the quarter. Kill the rats and look around on the lairs too.
Now you are on the board. Jump into the water and swim through the gap then into the ship to the left. Get the Captains Key from the kitchen which use at the previous place. Pull the lever inside which opens a trapdoor behind the cabin. Shoot the rat below and pull the lever behind the boxes. In the next room the trapdoor opens next to the boxes. Find the Amber Piece 2. below. Pulling the lever swim out of the gap and leave this level.
4. In the Mine
Kill the dog and get behind the big house. Certainly you can pop in the smaller building meantime. Force the door open with the Crowbar and find the Mine Key behind the door in the middle. Use the Key next to the rails. Take care of the 2 dogs. Ride in and down the slope, over the bridge and get off the bike in front of the door with lock. Return to the junction and head to the right. In the mine jump onto the small hill, completely next to the wall. Jump ahead once and you are in the water. Find another Mine Key there. Climb up the ladder and save your game under the large slope. Slide down, jump, get the large medipack, jump into the passage before the spiked walls would horn Lara. You will have time to kill the bat inside. But it's not necessary to get the medipack now, you can return for it after getting done with the rolling stone. In the next junction jump backward on the slope and run back on the way you came so you will avoid it. In the next room the spiked wall comes from above. Pop in one of the alcoves and wait there safely. Pull the levers. Getting along you return to the place where you have left your bike. Use your Key and the level ends.
5. In the Mine 2.
It's interesting that if you hadn't left the bike here earlier now it would have been here too. Well, ride a bit and collect the Flares. Ride over to the left avoiding the rolling stones. Jump back to the sloping area and climbing down in the middle find the crawlspace. In the next room with lava climb over to the other side. In the next room monkey-swing to the left, pull the lever and continue to the other side. Return to the motorbike. Get another Flare and stand in front of the grate. There's a crawlspace to the right which leads to the house. Force open the door and after killing the rat pull the lever. Return to the bike. Find the crawlspace on the right-hand wall which hides the secret #3: Shotgun ammo.
Jump over the lava. In the room with lava get off the bike before the bridge. Turn left and grabbing along the gap in the wall get down. Pull the switch below and a ladder emerges above. Swing over to the other side. Shoot 4 soldiers above. Now you have to open the kennel of the dogs and kill the animals because the fresh Mine Key is inside the kennel. Use it next to the door. Place the Amber Pieces in their receptacles and the door opens leading to the Amber Room. This is Lara's final objective. The level finishes. Unfortunately the final targeting is missing.
Walkthrough by OBig from ™
Translated by Petunia from ™
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