Palace of Horror
Author: Andy
Download: Innen-Here
Unzip, copy the english and script dats to trle main folder, copy settomb.tom graphics/wads, then start tom2pc, add settomb.tom and build all.
The whole level is about getting through traps, but they not even hard. Plus a few dogs bats and scorpions. There is no end trigger, and from the secret we can't get out. Only streched textures on the walls, and mostly they were put next to each other as if randomly, the result is positively ugly. I could get around the load bug by renameing the tr4 file of the level to tut1, and playing with the original english and script dat files, that way you can load as usual. Although I reckognise the idea of making an obstacle course level, but this one was done poorly, I recommend the final level of Recon Labs 3 instead.
Since I renamed the tr4 file of the level to tut1 and played with the original dats, the savegames work only that way.
Jump over the pit and get through the blades by running under them when they lift up. Over the corner run next to the wall while the trap is upside, draw pistols and shoot the dog. Crawl under the darts and wait till the boulders go down. Go to the right through additional traps, in the corners at the right you can find flares and small medi. In the dark corner next to the stairs push the lever to open the door on top of it, go up there.
Go in the door and shoot everyone, go up the stairs in the second row from the right, run under the blades while shooting some more bats. In the next room there is nothing on the sides, kill every opposition and run after the trap, over the bridge. Go down the slope in the second row from the left, at the end continue on the right side till the bottom, kill the enemies on the way. Run through the next room, avoiding the traps, the lighter piece of wall before the door is a ladder, just because of the streched texture it's hard to reckognise. Climb up and jump on the column, push the lever to open the door, climb back down and go in.
Shoot the dog and scorpion, climb the column at the right and jump over the floating platforms to the top of the high structure. Climb down inside and push the lever to open one of the doors outside, get out the way you came in. Use the lever behind the door to open the other one, continue through there.
Jump over the platforms to the big area, run under the blades to the other end, while shooting dogs and bats. Climb the ladder in the corner and jump over the columns to reach the lever, which opens the door down there. The end of the level probably would be behind it, on top of the stairs, but there is no end trigger. So you might as well go for the secret, come out through the door and turn right, next to the wall in the darkness drop down to the pit, then climb down the ladder for the secret. Watch out for the falling boulder in the middle of the room, you can find a small medi close by. You can't get out from here, but there is no need to, nothing else to do in the level, exit the game.
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