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Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

[Note] I renamed arena.tr2 to shore.tr2 and used the Tomb Raider 3 South Pacific Demo for this level. [End note]

You start in a corner of an arena. Go forward and down the steps to the bottom of the arena. Hop on to a block and face the door with a semicircle design below it. Pick up a small medipack, flares, and shotgun. The door opens where you are facing. Shoot two MPs and go up the steps into that open door.

Run up the steps and drop onto a slope. Run down the slope and jump over a pit as a rolling ball follows you. The ball drops into the pit. Just follow the tunnel and reach a room with columns and a lava floor. Jump over a gap and run up the steps. Grab the ceiling and monkey swing to drop on a corner column. Run and jump onto another column. Run and jump to grab a wall ladder. Pull up and slide down a slope. Jump to grab another wall ladder and pull up. The blocks ahead go to the room entrance and exit.

Run and jump to the columns in the middle of the lava floor. Pull up to a higher block. Run and jump the columns around the room and see a wall ladder. Run and jump to grab the wall ladder and climb to the top. Pick up shotgun shells and pull down the switch on the wall. Walk off onto the slope to the side. Slide down and follow the path. Climb the blocks and run and jump back to the blocks at the wall. Climb up the blocks to reach the corner. Slide down the slope and jump to grab a wall ladder. Climb and go forward to slide down to the room entrance. Go back into the arena.

Go to the left and up the steps to the open door. Save the game before you enter. Jump into the open door and go forward to slide down a slope. Go to the left and see some guards. Continue and loop around to the left and go up a ramp to a quadbike. Get onto the quadbike and run over the four MPs. Get off the quadbike and return to the ramp area. Near the entrance you can pick up a Desert Eagle and Desert Eagle ammo. Get on the quadbike and drive up the ramp. Turn to the right at the top to avoid a deep pit. Drive forward and jump over a gap. Drive down a ramp and get off the quadbike.

Shoot the MP at the top of the next long ramp. Get on the quadbike and drive up the ramp. Turn to the right ands drive up a small ramp and run over two MPs. If you drive too far, just follow the same route again. Get off the quadbike and pull down the switch on the wall. Either drive or run back to the arena. You do not use the quadbike again.

Go to the left and up the steps to the open door. Pull up and drop into the large room with boxes. Use the Desert Eagle to shoot three MPs. Save the game, as there is a bug that can occur in this room. Go to the wall and find the only moveable block with a rock texture. Pull it to the entrance ledge so that you can get back onto the ledge. Pull up onto the ledge. Go up the slope and follow the ledge to the end. You see a structure with a circle design on it. Run and jump onto that circle design. The entrance door will close. Pick up the Uzi's, Uzi ammo, Desert Eagle ammo, and a keycard. Safety drop to the floor.

Go to the switch above the block at the entrance wall. Pull down the switch. Get down and shoot eight MPs. Go to the switch above the block at the opposite wall. Pull down the switch. Get down and go to the nearby corner. A gate has opened. Enter the gate and pick a large medipack and Desert Eagle ammo. Exit and shoot three MPs on the entrance ledge. The door is open again. Exit back into the arena.

Use the keycard in the card reader on the side of the block in the middle of the arena. Jump over the block and go forward and up the steps to the last open door. Turn to the left and jump over the door. Slide down the slope and follow the tunnel. You are in a maze. Take the first branch tunnel to the right. Follow it to the end. Pick up MP5 ammo, Uzi ammo, Desert Eagle ammo, and shotgun shells. Roll and shoot four MPs. Follow the tunnel back to the branch and go to the right. Then go left, straight, right, pick up a small medipack, right, left and straight to a T-junction.

Go left, right, and straight to the second branch tunnel. Enter the tunnel for a small medipack and MP5 ammo. Turn around and shoot thee workmen. Exit and go right, right, straight and ignore the ladder. Go to the right and right into another branch runnel. Pick up the MP5 and turn to shoot four MPs. Now go to the ladder and climb to the top. Shimmy to the right and drop onto the ledge. Pick up flares and a keycard. Continue and pull down the switch on the wall. Slide down a slope and return to the arena.

Run down into the arena and shoot ten MPs. Go to the open door in one corner of the arena. Enter the tunnel and use the keycard in the card reader and the level ends.


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