



Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

[Note] This level cannot be finished. It has a fatal bug. In the readme, the author stated that he never fully checked the level. [End note]

Drop into some water and swim through an underwater tunnel. In the next room you can see an opening above you for air only. Go to the back wall and pull up to kill two dogs (1,2). Pick up flares (1) and a small medipack (2). Press the button and the door opens. You now face three deadly closing doors. After the second door turn left and climb the wall. Pull up into the room at the top. Get secret #1 and pick up a shotgun (3), and shotgun shells (4). Get back down and go through the third door. Go left into a small room and pick up a large medipack (5). If you fall into the water, you swim back here anyway. Face the fire on the column and jump up to grab a monkey swing. Go forward and on the last black ceiling tile, drop, jump and grab. Pull up and slide into a corridor. At the only doorway, slide and jump over the razor wire. The two holes in front are deadly. Back flip to the hole near the entrance. Slide and grab and hear a trap door open. Release and drop into some water. Swim into the only tunnel and be carried by the current into a pool. Go and pull up to the only available ledge. Underneath the red building is an entrance but you need a key card first.

Climb the ice wall and enter a tunnel. To your left you can see the sliding doors you passed earlier. Go down the tunnel and pick up a large medipack (6) and a key card (7) [called Smuggler's Key]. If you go to the end of the tunnel and pull up into the alcove to the left, you will slide back down to where you started. Just go back and dive into the water and underneath the red building. Use the key card and the door opens. Go to the left and slide down to the bottom. Pull up to a ledge and see a lot of razor wire and two climbing walls at the back. Shimmy and pull up in front of the right climbing wall. Walk forward one step and then jump. A trap door opens but you jump over it to a slope. Jump and grab the ladder. Climb down for Desert Eagle ammo (8). Climb up and shimmy left to drop. Go left and climb the other ladder. At the top shimmy right and drop. Follow the corridor to the end. You could pull up to the left, slide and jump to get secret #2 and pick up MP5 ammo (9). But I could never get back safely so I forgot about it. Pull up to the right side. Slide down in front of two movable cages. I pushed both of them back. Pull the switch in the alcove and the trap door opens. Climb down the trap door and drop to catch a ledge. Go forward and light a flare. Look up for an opening. Climb up there and down the other side for Uzi's (10) and Uzi ammo (11). This avoids the deadly trip wires. Climb back and face another black tunnel.

At the end of the tunnel kill two dogs (3,4) and two guards (5,6). Pick up a key card (12) and a large medipack (13). Go around the area and pick up a small medipack (14) and Uzi ammo (15) on the ground near the trap door. Climb the blocks at the back to pick up a large medipack (16) and Uzi ammo (17) and notice the locked door. There is a device on the block that needs a key. Use the key card and the trap door opens. The killer whales are harmless. Use the underwater switch to open a trap door at the bottom. Go there and pick up a key (18). This key should open the door in the previous room. But now there is a fatal bug with the key in the level and it cannot be finished.

[Note] You cannot actually pick up the key. The author knows this and emailed me that after the door is open, you step inside and the level ends. So you are not missing very much. [End note]

End of the level

Pickups: 17 out of 18

Kills: 6

Secrets: 1 out of 2

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