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Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

Start in front of a door and Lara has changed clothes for this level. Run forward and towards the left toward a pool of water. Kill two ninjas (1,2) at either side of the room. Pick up Uzi's (1) from one of them. Dive into the water and into an opening in a wall near the bottom. Then swim up and to the right and at the end pull an underwater lever. You get a cut scene of a door opening. Swim to the top of the tunnel and look for a crawl space near the ceiling. Swim inside for a Golden Rose (2) [secret #1] (although it did not seem to register as a secret). Swim back and climb up to kill another ninja (3). Pull up near the column, as Lara seems to ignore the triangular segments. Go to the other end of the corridor and pull back a movable block to a rather obvious position. The door opens behind you. Enter and pull a switch and get a cut scene of a door opening back where you killed a ninja. Go there and enter to find the open door from the pool cut scene. Pull the switch and get a cut scene of the large door at the start opening. Enter there and you are on a high ledge with four closed doors.

Drop down one level and pull back the movable block. Jump into the tunnel and follow to a room. Kill a ninja (4) who drops the Desert Eagle (3). Hop into the alcove and pull the switch to get a cut scene of a door opening on the top level. Get back to the level and push the movable block so you can climb on it to reach the top level. Get up there and go into the open door. Climb up and then down some blocks. Follow the tunnel to a room and kill two ninjas (5,6). Position the movable block into the opposite corner so you can access an upper opening. You follow the tunnel to an octagonal room. Pick up Key #1 (4) from the floor and go back to the top-level ledge. Go down a few levels until you are even with a tunnel in a wall. Enter the tunnel and at the end kill a ninja (7). Use the switch and get a cut scene of another top-level door opening.

Climb back to the top level and enter the new door. Go to the back left wall and enter a short tunnel. Pick up grenades (5), a large medipack (6), and a Golden Rose (7) [secret #2]. Dive into the water and swim down the underwater tunnel. Pull up and kill two ninjas (8,9) and pick up Key #2 (8) from the floor. Exit the room and swim back and go to the top level. Get down a few levels and enter another tunnel. Kill two ninjas (10,11) and pull a movable block from the wall. Enter the tunnel and pull a wall switch to get a cut scene of another top-level door opening. Go back to the top level and enter that new door. Climb the ladder and back flip at the top. Kill the three ninjas (12,13,14) and move the blocks to pick up Key #3 (9). Be sure to push the three blocks into the three corners of the room. One ninja died on a block and when it was moved, the body stayed floating in air. The door in a wall opens behind you so go there. Enter and then back up while you kill two raptors (15,16). In the room they came from, pick up three Uzi ammo (10,11,12), one in each corner. Enter the corridor and enter the next room and hear a T-rex (17). Let him follow you back up to the room with the blocks. From there you can jump up and down and shoot him in safety. When he is dead, go back to the room that he came from.

Go to the back of the room and loop to the left to find a wall switch. Use it and get a cut scene of a large door opening. Go inside and follow the corridors to a room. Go behind the large block to find a ladder. Climb up two levels and back flip to the top floor. Pick up MP5 ammo (13), Desert Eagle ammo (14), and a small medipack (15). Climb down and back flip to the middle floor. Go to the font of the floor that overlooks the room below. Run and jump to the ledge to the left. Follow this area around to another ladder. At the top back flip to the floor. Go around the area to kill two raptors (18,19) and find a switch in a corner. Pull the switch and get a cut scene of the entrance door to this area opening. So go there, down ladders, jump the gap, down ladders, pass dead dinosaurs, and down the ladder. If the door is still closed, go back and use the switch again. You get the same cut scene and when you return it should be open.

Now go to the very bottom of the room. Look for a switch and use it to get a cut scene of the last door opening at the top level. Climb back up there and enter the doorway. Go up the stairs and go to the left. Just follow the corridors to the end. Kill the three ninjas (20,21,22) and pick up Uzi ammo (16). Pull out the movable blocks and get into the alcove and find a switch. Use the switch and get a cut scene of the large doors opening. Go back there and kill a ninja (23) and pick up Key #4 (17). Exit and get down to the ground floor again. Use the four keys and the large door behind you opens. Enter and run down the corridor and the level ends.

End of the level.
Pickups: 17
Kills: 23
Secrets: 2

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