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Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

You start in front of a temple and the doors are closed. Look on the wall to the left of the door for a switch. Pull the switch and the door opens. Enter and climb down the ladder in the pit in front of you. Follow the tunnel to a wheel. Turn the wheel and the walls around you rise up out of your way. From the wheel go forward through a doorway between two pictures. The wall drops again cutting you off from the wheel. Go down the corridor there and see a closed door. But look up to your left for a crawl space in the wall. Crawl in there and pick up a Blue Gem (1). Exit and go to the right, around the throne, and into another doorway. At the closed door, hop into an alcove to the right. Use the Blue Gem and the door besides you opens. Most of the floor tiles are deadly fire. I saw nothing to indicate a way but by trial and many errors a path can be found as:



Where S is safe, D is deadly and W is a wall. The second jump from the entrance is the hardest. Try to get right back against the wall for a diagonal run and jump. Pull the switch in the alcove and get a cut scene of the other door opening. Carefully jump back to the entrance and use a jump with grab to clear the doorway. Now go to the other tunnel and the open door. Enter the room and pull a switch to get a cut scene of the trap doors near the throne opening. Go there and drop into either trap door. Follow the tunnel to see a closed double door. Go around the column and into a tunnel. Enter a room and a door drops behind you. Run to the opposite wall, pull a switch, and then run to you left into an opening as a spike wall follows you. When you are safely inside, climb a ladder and follow the passage. Go into the first opening to the left. Hop in the right alcove for a small medipack (2). Jump across to the other alcove and pull a switch. You get a cut scene of the double doors opening. Get down and continue along the passage and enter an alcove on the left. Pull the switch and hear a trap door drop. Go to the end of the passage and climb down the ladder. Roll and run out and turn right into the open double doors. Enter the tunnel at the end. Look up to the right for a crawl space. However it contains nothing so just continue down the tunnel. Enter a room and go to the left. Go up the ramp and jump to grab a ladder. Climb and back flip to a ledge. Go to the opposite corner where you see a ladder. Climb the ladder to the roof and the level ends.

End of the level.
Pickups: 2
Kills: 0
Secrets: 0


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