
Lara Croft Returns 4.

Author: Boris Samojlenko Homepage

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4. City Quaters 2:

Revised Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

[Note] You must play these levels as a full game using Boris Samoilnko's script files. Some items, such as the key, are needed in this level and must be carried over from the last level. [End note]

Go to the dark window on the left wall. You can pull up through the window and shoot them out from the inside. Pick up a grenade launcher (1) and secret #1. Exit the window go left towards the key lock. Use the key from level 3 to open the door. Go to the end of the corridor and climb a long ladder to the top. Pickup a small Medi pack (2) and enter a large room. The door closes behind you. You see a T-Rex behind a gate to your right. Go to the left and as you near the end of the room, the gates at the opposite end open allowing the T-rex (1) and two raptors (2,3) to escape. Enter into any crawlspace in the wall. On the other side crawl under the fan to prevent damage. Climb a block at the back and press the pushbutton. You get a cut scene of a trapdoor section outside dropping. Crawl back under the fan and through the crawlspace. Go up the ramp and pull up to a section above the ramp and from there you can kill the dinosaurs. Although if you wait, the T-rex will kill the raptors for you. You can run/jump over some sections to the far end to get Uzi ammo (3). It takes a lot of shooting for the T-Rex.

Go into the empty cage and pick up two large Medi packs (4,5) and some grenade ammo (6). As you leave, press the pushbutton on the wall. Two timed trapdoors drop in the main room. Run back to the ramp. Run/jump the gap and run to either ladder on the other wall. Climb up to another catwalk as the trapdoor closes behind you. Go to the middle and pull a switch. The door opens behind you. Go there and slide into a long drop into water. Swim down the tunnel and pull up at the end. Follow the short tunnel and as you drop off the other side the level ends.

End of the level.
Pickups: 6
Kills: 3
Secrets: 1

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