
Lara Croft Returns 2.

Author: Boris Samojlenko Homepage

Download: Here.

2. City Quaters:


Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

Go down either side of the platform and run down the road to the left. After the first pillar turn to the left and press the pushbutton. You get a cut scene of a door opening. Continue down the road and be careful of the fire jets and the bats. Go left to the open door. Slide, jump, slide, jump, slide, and jump to land on a safe place. Pick up flares (1). Jump again to a safe place and pick up a small Medi pack (2). Pull the switch and hear a door opening. Turn right, grab the crevice, and shimmy right to pull up. Go through the door, up the stairs and the ramp. Be careful of the barbed wire trap and pick up the Smuggler's Key (3). Get a cut scene of a raptor running around. There are pickups at the end but a flame is guarding them for now. Shoot out the black windows and kill the raptor (1) from the window. Get down and use the Smuggler's Key on the black gate behind you.

Enter and the candles near the walls light up and you get a cut scene of the fire going out. Go back there and pick up flares (3), a large Medi pack (4), Mp5 clips (5) and secret #1. Get back up and run down the hallway and the level ends.

End of the level.
Pickups: 5
Kills: 1
Secrets: 1

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