

Author: David Rukawa


Savegames(FullGame version):


Kill the two dragons and Pierre again, picking up his CARD. Use it in the end of the hall and return to the beginning. There's a button. Go up the ramp and operate the switch to open the trapdoor near the button. Crawl in, push the button on the left but before entering, push the one on the right. Enter the new room and operate the switch to disable the deadly red lasers. Now you can safely enter that room, crawl in and jump across to the SECRET #1.

Get down, kill the bald guard and enter the small room on the left. Push the button to open a door on the other entrance from this pit. Get there and pick up the CARD and the BLUE PASS. Use the card on the door behind to find
SECRET #2 (NOTE: it doesn't register, though). Then, return to the pit and use the pass. Crawl in, kill the guard and pick up his ID CARD. Use it on the door right behind you and crawl in the space. Operate the switch. Go to the left of the hangar, push another switch and crawl in to push yet another switch. Return to the hangar, go up the ramp and operate the last switch. The music says it all. Just enter the hangar.

End of Level.
Secrets: 2

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