

Author: David Rukawa  


Savegames(FullGame version):


Jump over the wall and go down the hole to the left. Pick up a KEY behind the column and return. Jump back over the wall and use the key near the small door. Crawl in, go up stairs and approach the doors. Push lever and crawl back to the button, enter the corridor and pick up the KEY on the ground of this small room. Return, jump once again over that wall and use the key.

Enter, pick up the Shotgun and go to the right. Kill the indians and push the lever. Go up to find some goodies and then go down to find the opend door. Climb up to the right, push the button, then go to the left and push the other button. Go down and enter the door. Climb up via the blocks to the right and climb the wall. Get across the pillars, push the lever and get in.

Follow to the right, climb up and pick up a KEY. Use it on the opposite end, enter and fall into the water. Surface on the center and push the lever. Return and get out into the desert, enter to the left and go down. Enter the first tunnel to the right, right again, climb up and push the lever. Get back down there and enter the passageway. Take the second left, climb up the stairs and shimmy across to avoid the spikes. Push the lever and return.

There's a block near the door to the right, it can be pulled to reveal a lever. Throw it and get out. Go down to the area with shallow water, go to the right, crawl and follow to the right. Push the lever behind the bush. Return to the point where you used the key, getting past the pit and the desert. Drop through the hole in the hallway, follow to the right, climb up, push lever and return to the four pillars room.

Follow the central passageway now and reach a movable block puzzle. This is a tricky - ie, senseless - one, check the image below. Move the block to open the door, go up the stairs, throw the lever and return to the door that has opened (the wall can be climbed). Take the SCROLL and dive into the lake.

End of Level.
Secrets: none

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