

Author: Carlos De La Calle Homepage Homepage2


Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

[Note] According to the reviewer, if you run the level as a demo, the level crashes when you enter the basement. But if you use this level as the TR3 full game house level, you cannot save but you can access the basement aquarium for an important item. This item is required to get the full effect of the author's imagination. [End note]

You start with Lara in a nightgown. Turn left and press the pushbutton on the wall. The door opens so enter and pick up flares (1). You cannot access the lever behind the glass cage. Exit and go the right corner and enter the washroom area. Pick up a blue fuse (2) from the floor. Use the fuse in the shower and Lara is in the nude and taking a shower. At the end of the shower, Lara gets dressed and you get a cut scene of the door to the bedroom opening. Leave the washroom and look out the window to notice a woman on the balcony. Now go to the door and exit the bedroom. Go left on the balcony and when you pass the stairs, Von Croy shows up in a sexually excited state. Continue and press another pushbutton to open the attic door. Go up the stairs and go to the far corner of the attic to pick up Racetrack Key #1 (3).

Exit the attic and continue down the balcony into another open door into the piano room. Go left and up some stairs. Press the pushbutton on the bookcase and the fire goes out in the fireplace. Climb the left wall of the fireplace and shimmy to the right at the top. Follow the corridor into a room. At the far end pull out the blue block and go behind it for flares (4). There is also a switch on the ledge wall. Go onto the ledge and pull out a blue block from an opening and push it out of your way. This is short cut to the attic. Go the end of the ledge and find a switch. Pull the timed switch and get a cut scene of a door opening under the stairs. Roll and run up through the opening into the attic. Go down the attic entrance and jump over the railings of the staircase. Run under the archway and into the timed door before it closes. But if you use the switch on the ledge wall, the same door opens but it is not timed. Enter the door to the basement and you get a cut scene of a mermaid. Pick up the flares (5) and continue down the stairs. Loop at the end and go to the end of the corridor. In the demo level, the game would crash at this point. Turn left and see an aquarium. Look to the right and you see an item at the back wall of the aquarium. Go straight to the end and look through the right side window at a key on the floor. Now go back to the entrance and pull a box under a hole in the ceiling. Pull up to a tunnel. At the other end, drop into the water and swim to pick up Racetrack Key #2 (6) and a Yellow Fuse (7) and swim back for air. The fish and mermaids do not bother you. Go back up the stairs and press the pushbutton on the wall to open the door.

Exit and go to the right into the gym. You can climb the pillar near the door. You can also monkey swing to another pillar and see another Racetrack Key above you. I could not get the key. Go to the pool and press the pushbutton behind the diving board. You get a cut scene of a door opening near the front doors in the entrance lobby. If you use a Racetrack Key on the key lock, the glass cage opens. When Lara use the book switch there, she changes clothes again to an S&M dominatrix style of dress. Go to the open doors that you saw in the entrance lobby and get ready for a timed run. Pull the switch, roll and sprint across the entrance lobby. Near the end, hit ALT to roll under the closing door. This is the usual trophy room. In a corner window alcove you can use a Racetrack Key to open the glass cage. Turn the book switch but Lara keeps the same clothes. Press the pushbutton by the door twice to open the door and exit back to the lobby.

Go under the left archway and press a pushbutton at the back of the room near the stereo. This seems to play music on the stereo. Return and go into the kitchen. Go left to open the freezer door and another woman walks out. She is also dressed like Lara. Exit and go to the front door. If Von Croy is close, the woman takes a swing at him. Press the pushbutton and the front door opens. The woman will follow you outside and go to a locked gate to the left side. Use the Racetrack Key to open the gate. Inside the gate you see the quadbike. If you just follow the woman, she goes down the racecourse into a cave and stops by two short boxes. Then she exits and goes along the side of the house and reaches the outside training course. Follow the woman some more and she finally reaches the outside target range. Just in front of the target range there is a green arch over a trench in the ground. Crawl under the arch to pick up pistols. When you crawl back out, the woman is beating up on Winston. After you get bored of watching Winston getting knocked down, you can shoot the woman (1) and pick up Racetrack Key #3 (8) from her dead body. Exit the target range and go back to the quadbike.

Enter the gate and get onto the quadbike. Now have some fun running over a lot of monkeys. You will arrive at a cave area with boxes to the right. This is the area you were at before if you followed the woman. But earlier there were no monkeys there at that time. Drive into that area and run over all the monkeys. One monkey will die and leave behind Racetrack Key #4 (9). I lost count but I think there were about ten monkeys (2-11). Continue the racecourse to the end and get off the quadbike. Turn around and see an opening in the wall. Go inside and into a cave. You can use a Racetrack Key to open the glass cage. Turn the book switch but Lara keeps the same clothes.

Exit the cave and there is a ladder on the hedge in the same corner. Climb up and run over the arch and follow the top of the hedge until you can jump onto the roof of the lower building. Climb the ladder there to get to the roof of the main house. Pull up and run straight to the other side of the house. You will pass a tile with a red and blue design on it. Go straight to a tall chimney and pull up onto it as if it was a crawl space. You can pick up Racetrack Key #5 (10). Get back down on the roof side of the chimney. Go to the right of the tall chimney and approach the edge. You should see the balcony outside the starting room. The best approach is to go onto the white flat portion of the roof ahead of you and safety drop to that balcony. There is a sloped block there to help with your fall. Stand in front of the woman on the bench and use the Yellow Fuse. Lara is nude again and the woman is doing something with her hands. The final scene from the back has the woman with her legs spread doing something to herself and something to Lara from behind. When Lara walks away and turns around, it is more obvious what the woman is doing. I have zero knowledge of lesbian behavior, but I guess some other players can figure this out. Go to the corner by the window and back flip over the railing down to the ground. Or simply run jump over the railing to land back in the training course area.

Follow the side of the house and it will lead to the target range. Go through the gate in the hedge again. Press the button by the main front gate and the front gate opens. Exit through the front gate and the level ends.

I never got the Racetrack Key above the monkey swing. But I did get five keys and found only four locks to use them in. This level has many interesting screenshot possibilities but none of them can be posted.

End of the level

Pickups: 10

Kills: 11

Secrets: 0

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