Author: Jesse G. (SSJ6Wolf)

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It had all begun when Lara met Luke outside a scavenged temple in Egypt in part 1. He was a wolfman created by Sophia Leigh as one of her experiments to form new life from the scion. Leigh thought that the wolfman would forever do her bidding. However, she underestimated the intelligance of a wolf.

In part 2, Lara and Luke found their way from Leighs desert outpost, back to the atlantean pyramid that had shattered with Natla several years ago. It was there that Leigh found the shattered scion pieces left in the rubble, and it was there that she started her final experiment - to breed a more evolved, resilient version of herself. Lara and Luke stopped this process and subdued the unfinished beast.

In the previous part, Whiplash, Lara Croft discovered the Whip of Manipulation, but when she breached the room, a strange creature snuck in, took the artifact and escaped into an unusual portal. Lara of course, went ahead and entered the portal.

Now Lara finds herself in an unfamiliar room. The portal behind her dissapears in a flash. A glance out the window reveals that she is on some sort of ship in outer space. Putting aside these circumstances, she guns down the alien carrying the whip and seizes it. Suddenly an alarm goes off and several more of these aliens appear around both corners of the hall, one of them a highly decorated creature, perhaps the leader. Deciding that they should not possess the whip, Lara gives it a crack and finds that it lives up to its legend - Winston appears at her side, in a daze. Winston, guard the whip the best you can while I deal with these guys! Winston uses his tray to fight off the aliens as he holds the whip closely. Lara is doing her best to dispatch the aliens, but the leader is able to jump over her gunfire and grabs hold of Winston. In a fit of panic, he throws the whip behind him...

Ekul is seated in his cabinet, looking woefully through the nearest window at the planet Sacco, that the modest ship is orbiting. It has been some time since the atmospheric processor on the savage planet began to fail. As a consequence their capital, Lupana, is falling to ruins among the surrounding areas. It seems like they would not be able to recreate a planet to compare to the one from which they were banished.

His thoughts are interrupted by the entrance of a guard. Sir, we have news on the whip project. One of the Earth habitants was able to breach the holding room of the whip, and our scout positioned in the base has successfully secured it from her and used his only portal generator to come here. However, the human has managed to enter the portal before it was sealed. Ekul fires orders to seize the human and joins the guards in the persuit. The human is able to summon her slave with the whip, though he did not appear to be very strong. As Ekul moves to get the whip, the slave tosses it behind him, and to Ekuls dismay, it is sucked down a nearby garbage disposal and ejected out of the ship. It is pulled out of orbit and sucked toward the planet below...

After some casualties, their number manage to take hold of the human and her slave. Ekul clears his throat. Lets see...human, can you understand me? Yes, replies the human, you look very much like... Ekul cuts her off, Do not confuse me with anyone. I am here with the Atlanteans. The original Atlanteans. Perhaps youve met those fleshy offsprings, the result of Natlas abusive powers. You have been making things difficult for us, human. While we were not as fond of those of your kind like Natla or Leigh tampering with the Scion, we were at least hoping their use of its power would provide us a gateway back into your world. You see, your atmosphere has become rather toxic for us - way too much carbon dioxide - but the scion would give us evolutionary powers to withstand this and create a foundation to begin on Earth anew.

Lara considers their quest. I suppose you do not plan on sharing with the rest of us? Of course not. We are ready to take back what rightfully belongs to us. Natla was able to discover the scions power, and Luke joined himself with the Scion after Leigh fumbled about with it. Thanks to you we can use that fancy whip to bring him to our waiting hands, since we own the Scion and now him too. Now, I will not kill the two of you, for I want you to witness the consequences of your selfish actions and those of your species. Guards, bring them to the holding cell up here. Then lets get someone in Lupana to summon the wolfman.

Luke is blinded by a flash, and senses he is in some sort of dream. He feels himself split into two beings. Soon it all vanishes and he wakes up in a different part of the Atlantean pyramid. He is now one with the Scion and instinctly knows he has appeared in the spot where the Scion was forged. He wonders about why there might be two of him, but is suddenly taken away, only hearing the crack of a whip...

Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, with the help of copious notes provided by the builder.

Here's the portion of the builder's readme related to new moves and vehicular controls:

4 - Luke's New Moves

Luke can perform moves uncommon to the TR3 engine. Note that some moves have changed from the other "The Wolf" levels.

The name of the move is given, along with the KEY COMBINATION required, followed by notes on the move.

Ledge jump, Ladder jump, Monkeyswing jump - Tap LEFT or RIGHT twice

--Can be used to grab ledges/surfaces vertically above Luke.

--Note that the ladder jump reaches higher than the ledge jump, although either could be used on a ladder.

--The Monkeyswing jump has Luke turn and reach up in the opposite direction.

Ladder crawlspace - DOWN immediately followed by JUMP

--Used to enter a crawlspace above a climbable surface.

Monkeyswing turnaround - UP + DOWN while hanging still

--Can be used to easily turn and face the other direction on a monkeyswing.

Crawlspace Roll - ACTION + DOWN while crouched, facing ledge

--Used to quickly drop out of a crawlspace forwards.

Crawlspace Jump - keep holding ACTION during Crawlspace Roll

--Perform a small jump forwards. Keep holding ACTION to grab any surfaces.

Sprint Jump - JUMP while sprinting

--Used to cover the greatest gaps. Hold ACTION to grab any surfaces.

--For a proper setup, Walk to the edge and stop, hop back three times, then press SPRINT, FOWARD, and JUMP together. With this setup Luke does not jump until the very edge.

Sprint Roll - WALK + JUMP while sprinting

--This is the same move as from the original series (TR3 through TR5), just with a different key combination used.

Sprint Crouch Roll - CROUCH while sprinting

--As in TR4 and TR5, Lara can also roll into a crouch. A quick way to enter and get through crawlspaces.

Swimming Dash - While swimming, release JUMP and quickly tap JUMP again. Can be repeated as needed.

--Used to gain extra lateral speed (not vertical speed).

--Works best when Luke has gained some normal swimming speed.

5 - Vehicle Moves

Remember that vehicles control differently in this game than they do in TR4-style levels.

These actions are not "new" to the TR3 engine but are listed for convenience. Some may not be common knowledge.

Press ACTION when facing the vehicle to board it.

Motor Boat:

Action = Accelerate

Jump = Reverse/brake

Arrow Keys = steer

Sprint + Action = Turbo speed

Roll + left/right = Dismount jump from boat to the left or right

NOTE: Hold action during dismount to grab nearby ledges.


Action = Accelerate

Jump = Reverse/brake

Arrow Keys = Steer

Sprint + Arrow Keys = Drift

Roll + left/right = Dismount quadbike

To do a Peel-Out: When stopped, hold SPRINT, then hold ACTION, then release SPRINT to start at a high speed.

Level 1: Lupana City Ruins

5 secrets

Draw your pistols and dispatch the ugly lizard with the foul green breath, then pick up the WHIP OF MANIPULATION that it dropped (although you'll find no use for it here). Go to the corner and pick up a small medipack and a large medipack. Go outside onto the roof and head to your right. If you look down to the ground, you may see another one of those foul-breathed lizards cavorting about below. Take a sprint jump and grab the edge of the next roof. (Hop back three times from the edge of the roof, sprint forward and hold down the jump key.) Pull up and enter the central structure ahead for SECRET #1. Pick up a rocket, shotgun ammo, uzi ammo and a health crystal.

Exit the central structure. Safety drop from the edge of the roof straight ahead to land on a slope that allows you to slide safely to the ground. The lizard you saw earlier may by this time be trying to dig a hole in the side of the hill just across the muddy creek. If so, it makes a tempting and easy target. Hop onto the nearby block in the muddy creek and take a running jump and grab to the next block in the mouth of the cave.  Crawl forward to the far edge of the block and use the crawlspace jump to access the third block. (Press and hold the action key while pressing the down arrow key.) Pull up and crawl forward until Luke can stand up. Jump forward into the mud and quickly wade forward until you can pull out onto dry land.  Locate some flares on a block to your right.

There's a ladder on one side of this block. Access the higher portion of the ladder by using the ladder jump. (Tap either the right or the left arrow key twice in rapid succession.) When you get to the top of the ladder, press the jump and walk keys together to transfer Luke to the overhead monkey bars. Follow the lighter green path on the ceiling a short distance around to your right and release to drop down onto a roof canopy.  Pick up the small medipack, then go to the left corner of the canopy, facing the muddy creek, and take a sprint jump angled slightly to your left to clear the lower muddy slopes. Slide down into a new area.

You can hear the crackling of a fire off to your right. Go around to your left and explore the alcoves one by one. In the first one you'll find another one of those lizards.  After killing it, go inside for some uzi ammo. The next opening leads to a closed alley.  The third opening holds another lizard and a pair of moveable blocks for later. The fourth opening leads to another closed alley. The fifth and last opening leads to a room with that crackling fire and some shotgun ammo.

Exit this room and locate the crawl space up in the wall ahead and slightly to your left. Jump to grab the sloped edge and pull up into the crawl space. Hop down into the trench and pick up the uzi ammo, the rocket, a small medipack and a health crystal for SECRET #2. Crawl back out and return to the room with the moveable blocks. Pull back the block on the right once, then climb up onto it and hop down into the room. Pull back the first block once. Go to the second block and push it once from the left into the corner. Get to the right side of the second block and pull it back once so that the two blocks are now lined up with a higher block up in the wall. Pull that third block back once, then get up onto it and hop down to your right and loop around to your left into the alley. Vault up into the opening and push the third block forward. Climb up onto it and take a running jump and grab to the opening in the wall ahead.

Pull up and jump across the gap. Pick up the shotgun ammo, then loop around to the left and take a series of jumps from ledge to ledge until you reach the horseshoe-shaped ledge above the fire. Take an angled jump to the ledge with the push block. Pull back the block and climb over it to claim the small medipack.  Push the block back to its original position, climb up onto it and take a running jump and grab to the higher ledge. Pull up and locate the zip line. Ride it down to a small niche and you'll hear some blades start to pump. Drop down to the ground, find the uzi ammo behind a pillar and locate a push block in the wall ahead. Don't push it yet, but crawl over it and drop down the other side. Push the block forward and crawl back onto it. Drop down the other side, climb up onto the block until Luke's feet are "set" and use the ladder jump (tap the right or left arrow key twice) to access the ladder surface above the block. Climb to the top of the ladder block and face the blade you heard earlier. Save your game.

Take a running jump over the first spike pit to land in the left corner where you'll be safe from the blade. Take another running jump over the second spike pit and quickly run down the slope to your right as a boulder chases you. Run off the edge to your left into the room below to evade the boulder. Don't stop to wipe your brow, as a spiked ceiling is now descending toward you. Reverse roll and run forward to pull down the wall switch in the corner. Reverse roll again and run into the next room. Turn right as a spiked wall comes at you from your left, and pull up into the alcove in the wall to your left. When the coast is clear, hop down and, facing away from the spiked wall, pick up the SKULL KEY and run forward through the open doorway to safety.

Pick up the flares in the next room, then pull back the block to reveal an opening to a dark green alley. Pull out and shoot the lizard that comes calling. Use the nearby sloped block to access a higher block for a small medipack.  Follow the alley into a cave and turn left to get back outside. Run forward along the muddy river bank past the palm tree. Turn right and take a running jump across the river. Run forward between two large structures and turn right into a small opening. Pull up onto the tall block ahead, turn right and pull up still higher. Turn right and jump to a higher lone pillar. Turn right and jump to a long ledge. Turn left and take a running jump to an opening in the next structure. Step forward, slide a short distance down the slope and jump off to grab the monkey bars. Swing forward and release at the end. Jump immediately upon landing with a right curve to land on a stable surface. Pick up the uzi ammo and look around to note a crawl space high up in the wall near the burning sconce.

Jump to the low spot near that corner and climb the ladder to your right. Use the ladder jump previously described to grab the overhead monkey bars. Turn around and monkey swing to the wall, then turn left and go to the edge of the monkey bars. Use the monkeyswing jump (same as the ladder jump) to transfer Luke to the crawl space. Pull up inside and crawl to your right and onto the protruding ledge until you can stand up.  Grab the ceiling and money swing across to the far corner of the room. Release and turn to your right to take a running jump and grab to the ledge in the other corner. Pull up and run forward to jump up and grab the crack in the wall. Use the ledge jump (same as the ladder jump) to reach the higher crack. Pull up, turn to your left, and pull up onto the roof of this structure. Go to the little hut and enter it to find a wall switch. Pull it down to open a gate elsewhere.  Go outside, turn to your right and safety drop to the ledge below and from there to the ground.

A couple of wolf warriors are waiting for you. Kill the nearer one first, then take your time with the one across the muddy river. Jump across the river and find the open gate. Enter and pick up the UZIS and some extra uzi ammo, then insert the Skull Key in the keyhole to open a double gate and summon two more wolf warriors. Kill them and look for a nearby lake. You can see a spiked wall down in the water, beneath the suspended bell. Use the ledges in the water to get to the large medipack.  Save your game, then jump into the water and allow the current to grab you.  As soon as it does, start swimming forward and use the swimdash (release and tap the jump key repeatedly to give Luke extra swimming speed) to reach the underwater lever in the far wall. After pulling it, swim around to your right (in lieu of trying to flip turn, which causes control problems) and swim down into the open trap door just before the spiked wall arrives.

Swim into the next room filled with odd-shaped pillars and grab the uzi ammo on the floor in the far corner. Look for a opening in the far wall leading to a horizontal passage.  Don't go that way yet. Instead, look for a hole in the ceiling to the left of that opening and go up for air (pausing along the way for a large medipack). Pull out and run forward to pull down a wall switch. An underwater gate opens elsewhere. Turn to your left, jump up to grab the crack in the wall, and use the ledge jump to access a higher crack. Pull into the crawl space and crawl forward into SECRET #3. Pick up the rocket, the large medipack and the health crystal, crawl back out, pick up the flares and jump into the water. Locate the nearby underwater lever and pull it to open an underwater trap door.

Fill your lungs with air, then swim down and locate the opened trap door ahead. Quickly swim down into the passage and make your way along until you reach a room with a descending spike wall. Swim to safety and ignore the small medipack in the nearby alcove (you won't have enough air). Swim up to a higher alcove with an underwater lever. Pull it to cause the large bell in the room beyond the bars to drop (sealing off the current), then swim back for air and return for that small medipack if you wish. In the larger room with the underwater pillars, locate that opening leading to the horizontal passage that you bypassed earlier.  Go there now and follow the passage to the opened gateway and a higher passage.  Pause for the shotgun ammo if you have enough air and continue to the bars and surface. Pull out into a familiar area and look for the uzi ammo in a nearby alcove.

Return to the lake and jump into the water. The pulling current is gone, so swim down to the corner and pick up the shotgun ammo. At another corner is a hard-to-see underwater lever that opens a double set of gates. Flip turn and look for some uzi ammo in a depression near the wall.  If you swim through the large opening in the wall you'll simply encounter another strong current, so pull out of the lake and return to the muddy river. Jump across it, run between the large structures and turn right into the opening where you've been before. Go around to the far side of this area for some shotgun ammo, then slide down and jump into the water. Swim through the passage through the double gates you opened earlier, turn left and continue to a dead-end where you see another set of opened double gates. Surface, flip turn and pull out onto a ledge. Step forward and push the button in the wall to lower the motorized raft.

Take a standing jump into the raft and turn your sound down as necessary. Guide the raft past the opened double gate and over the slope to your left and land in the muddy river. Continue forward and turn left at the wall. Navigate the river past some familiar area and into the opening.  Go to your right next to a ledge and get out of the raft (hit the end key and either the right or the left arrow key, depending on which way you've parked), if you wish, to explore the area for shotgun ammo and uzi ammo. Get back into the raft and drive it in the other direction. Line up the raft with one of the slopes and gun it over the edge to land in a pool down below. There's a closed gate to your left, so turn the raft around, dismount and swim down for some harpoons from the floor before pulling up into the small tunnel underneath the slopes.  Jump into the water beyond and swim down into an enclosed area. Locate a small opening at the far end of the room and swim through it. Straight ahead is a small opening that you can follow around to your left for a small medipack. Go back the way you came, turn left and swim forward into a new area where you can see an opening ahead (and some harpoons on the floor directly in front of it).  Swim inside, avoiding the twin blades as best you can, and surface in still another area.

Swim around and find two sets of harpoons and some uzi ammo. You'll also find the HARPOON GUN in an indentation on the other side of the central column. Use the harpoon gun to shoot out the grate in the nearby alcove (shoot from just outside the alcove, not from within it), then swim inside and surface in a new room. Go down and retrieve two sets of harpoons, then come back and pull out into the corner where you see vines growing on the walls. Climb the wall and transfer Luke to the ceiling monkey bars by hitting the jump and walk keys together. Turn back around to face the vine-covered wall and monkey swing a short distance to your right until you're over a crawl space. Release, grab the crawl space and crawl inside. You'll get a brief shot of the boulder hazard ahead. Use the crawl space jump (down arrow with the action key depressed) to get over to the facing ledge and pull up quickly as the boulder rumbles by.

Hop down into the trench, climb up onto the block near the flaming sconce, and monkey swing to a higher alcove in the central column. Release and push the button inside to open the gate near the spot where you left the raft. Jump into the water and watch out for a crocodile swimming about nearby. Go through the opening where you shot out the grate earlier and climb the wall again. This time, after transferring Luke to the ceiling, monkey swing to the far corner of the room until you're over another crawl space.  Release and pull up into the opening. Back Luke out of the adjacent side of the crawl space and use the ledge jump to access the vines above. Climb up and transfer Luke to the ceiling. Turn as necessary and monkey swing around the corner. Face the wall and release to grab the vines. Shift left until you run out of vines, then climb down a bit and jump off with a roll to grab the ledge behind you. Pull up and locate the wall switch to your left. Pull it down to open another gate (you may see another crocodile swimming lazily nearby).

Swim back to the original vine wall (there's an opening nearby that affords a short cut). Climb up and head over toward the crawl space at the far side of the room. This time, head in the opposite direction.  When you reach the end of the monkey bars, use the monkeyswing jump to transfer Luke to the ladder on the other side of the monkey bars. Now use the ladder-to-monkeyswing jump to grab the ceiling. Monkeyswing along the ceiling track until you can turn left into an alcove. Drop down for SECRET #4 and pick up the rocket and health crystal.

Hop down into the water and swim all the way around to the open gateway. Get back into the raft and drive it through the waterways you've already explored on foot. Go over the ramp into the next area past the suspended chess piece. Get out onto the lower green ledge and shoot the last crocodile if you haven't already done so. You can use the harpoon gun to shoot the grate in the wall and dive in for some uzi ammo if you wish. If so, get back onto the raft and from there get back onto the lower green ledge. Take a curved running jump (otherwise, you risk falling back into the raft if you parked it on the right side of the ledge) and grab to the higher green ledge, pull up and enter the opened gateway. The gate closes behind you as you enter the gray passage. Turn left and take a sprint jump over the spike pit to land safely on the other side. Turn around, walk through the spike field and access the floor crawl space to your left. Crawl forward and turn left.  Without stopping, continue crawling past the triangular opening until you can stand up.

Step forward, jump up to grab the higher ledge and pull up. Turn around and pull up still higher into a crawl space. Pick up the large medipack, then crawl back out and use the ledge jump to access the higher ledge. Pull up and crawl forward to stand up on a bamboo ledge in front of a button. Save your game, then push the button to drop the ledge beneath you. As soon as you land, sprint forward as a boulder gives chase. When you slide down the slope, make a hairpin turn to the right and continue sprinting as a second boulder is released behind you. The camera angle is fixed here, which makes your timing more difficult, but take a sprint jump over the field of spikes and jump up to grab the vines in the wall.  Climb up to safety before the boulder reaches you.

Transfer Luke to the vine-covered ceiling and monkey swing around to your right past the opened gateway. Drop down and hop past the blade trap. Get on the zip line and kick aside that giant chess piece. Drop down into the water and climb out into the opening that was formerly blocked by the chess piece. Follow the passage to a shallow canal and hop down into the water. Wade forward and trigger a panoramic view of the area beyond. When you reach the edge, hop down onto the stone ledge to your left. From the far edge of this ledge, take a sprint jump forward and land in a small pool for SECRET #5. Pick up the rocket, the shotgun ammo and the health crystal, then pull the underwater lever to open the exit gate and trigger the secret chimes.

Swim out and note the timed gate ahead. Turn to your left and locate the underwater lever in the opposite wall. Save your game, pull the lever, flip turn and use the swimdash to boost Luke past the timed gate before it closes. Follow the passage, ignoring the bend to your left.  When you enter the larger open area, quickly swim down into the hole in the floor ahead to avoid being squashed by an approaching yellow contrivance. Swim back up and locate the parked vessel at the far end of the passage. Swim there, pull up into the hole in the bottom and locate the button. When you push it, the level ends and you'll see the statistics screen. Push enter and you'll see a spinning globe that defaults to "Select Nevada Dot." If you select this option you'll restart the first level. Instead, hit the right arrow key to bring up the "Select This Dot" option. Push enter and you'll be taken to the next level.

Level 2: The Strabo Starship

3 secrets

Step forward and push the button to open the exit door. Turn around at the entrance and jump up to grab the roof. Pull up and step forward to claim the uzi ammo. Turn right and take a running jump to the companion structure. Pull up to the top of it, turn right and take a sprint jump and grab to the metal ledge across the room. Pull up, run forward and pull down the wall switch to disable some lasers down below. Drop down and get some flares on the ledge at floor level. Cross the room and push the button on the wall to the right to open the door of the structure above you. Go to the ledge where you got the flares and use the ledge jump to access the thin catwalk above it. Pull up, turn around and take a running jump and grab to the first structure you entered earlier. Jump across to the second structure and enter through the opened door.

Pick up the uzi ammo to your left (or the UZIS themselves, if you happened not to get them in the first level) to sound an alarm and bring a wolf warrior running into the room to join you. After he's dead he drops a SECURITY PASS. Pick up the ROCKET LAUNCHER and exit this structure. Drop down to the floor and engage two more wolf warriors. Go to the receptacle in the far wall and insert the Security Pass to open the door to your right.  Explore the next room, in the area to your left, for some flares and a small medipack.

Go to the right side of the room and locate a lone moveable block. Move it away from the slope and next to the two similar blocks.  Go around to the rear of the room and find the companion moveable block. Move it next to those similar blocks, opposite the first one you moved. Climb up and push the higher block aside (to the front of the room) to reveal a switch in the column. Pull it down to neutralize some lasers and summon a pair of wolf warriors. Shoot them from this comparative position of safety and take a running jump and grab to the crate against the rear wall. Pull up, turn to your left and jump to the crawlspace gap. Pull up inside, turn to your left and take a crawlspace jump to reach the next ledge. Pull up and shoot two panels ahead.

Take a running jump to clear the gap to the next passage. Climb the ladder to your left and pull up onto a higher ledge. Loop around and locate the wall switch. Pull it down to set some nearby machinery into motion (while at the same time opening the exit door). Pull up to the opening at the end of the passage and time a jump past the moving crane to the crate against the far wall. Turn left, jump to the higher ledge and use the ledge jump to access the room above. As you pull up, the trap door closes behind you.

Turn around to your right and save your game in front of the button. Pushing the button initiates a timed sequence. Go ahead to the right side of the block, hang from the edge and use the ledge jump to grab the timed platform above you. Pull up and take a running jump to the platforms lined up against the wall ahead. Turn left and take a sprint jump to clear the lasers ahead.

There are two rows of blocks in front of you. There's a block perched on the center of the second row against the wall. Pull up onto the middle block in the first row and take a running jump and grab to the block.  Pull up and turn to your left, facing the wall button. Crouch down and lower Luke from the edge as if you were in a crawl space. Release and you'll be safe from the flame blower. Wait for the flames behind you to subside, then push the block forward, climb up onto it and push the wall button to open the passage to your left. Hop down into the opening and go left into the mess hall. Vault up onto the nearest table and jump to grab the pillar near the opening. Pull up for some uzi ammo, then jump up to grab the ceiling.

Monkey swing around the perimeter of the room (you can take the long way or the short way; it makes no difference) until you're over a crawl space in the wall. Release to grab the edge of the crawl space, then pull up inside and take the ENGINE ROOM KEY.  Crawl back and drop back down to the floor of the mess hall. Turn right and exit the mess hall. Pick up the flares to your right and note a series of buttons in the far wall. Open the first door on the left and go inside to kill a wolf warrior. Pick up the SHOTGUN he drops, then open the next door, enter and crawl into the adjacent room for a small medipack. Push the final button and enter the next room for some uzi ammo.  There's a closed door in the far wall (for later), so go back the way you came, cross the mess hall and enter the green-tinted passage leading to an observation deck. Grab the small medipack from the alcove, then use the Engine Room Key to open the double doors in the far wall.

Enter the next room and locate the crawl space beyond the ledge to your right. Climb down the ladder on the other side and safety drop onto a block in the engine room. Hop down to the floor and push the block aside to reveal a button. Push it to raise a platform beneath a switch in the next room. Get up onto the other block, jump up to grab the ceiling and monkey swing ahead to a dead end. Use the monkeyswing jump to transfer Luke to the ladder on the other side. Climb up and use the ladder-to-monkeyswing maneuver to grab the ceiling. Monkey swing over to the far wall, drop down and pull the wall switch to open a set of double doors in front of the Quad Bike.

Return to the previous room, kill the wolf warrior and get back on the block at the opening dividing the two rooms. Grab the monkey bars above, facing away from the Quad Bike switch, and transfer Luke to the ladder on the other side. Climb up and use the crawl space to get back to the upper room. You can see the Quad Bike in the next room dead ahead, but first turn left and go back past the observation deck and the mess hall to the laser-trapped room with the flame blowers. Get back onto the row with the block and follow the same directions as you used earlier to move the block to the other end of the row. Get up onto the block, hang from the far edge and use the ledge jump to reach an upper alcove. Stand in front of the timed wall switch and save your game.

Pull down the wall switch and hit the look key to kill the cut scene. Turn to your left and hop back down to the floor. Run between the two rows of blocks into the mess hall and turn right into the observation deck. Sprint through to the next room and quickly lower Luke down the crawl space to your right. Instead of dropping down, wait until Luke's feet get "set" and take two ladder jumps in quick succession and pull up into the upper room.  Ignore the wolf warrior for the moment and take two running jumps down to your right toward the timed door and roll when you hit the floor following the second jump to get through the opening before the door closes. Kill the pesky wolf warrior who has followed you inside, then pick up the rocket, the shotgun ammo, the Health Crystal and the large medipack for SECRET #1 before leaving. Pause for the uzi ammo dropped by the wolf warrior and get the shotgun ammo on the other side of the ramp.

Go back down and through the crawl space to return to the opened doorway leading to the Quad Bike. Remember that closed door in the last room of the living quarters? The nearby button opens that door, but only for a short time. Save your game in front of the button, then push it, reverse roll and quickly mount the Quad Bike. Drive into the hall and turn right.  From here it's a fairly straight shot to the living quarters (you can drive right through the table in the mess hall). Turn left into the last doorway and gun it past the timed doors. Dismount and push the nearby button to open the air lock.

Take a standing jump forward to the first ledge and turn right. Go to the end of the ledge and line up for a sprint jump over to the next ledge. Locate the nearby hole in the floor and safety drop to the lower area. Pick up the uzi ammo, the shotgun ammo and the rocket arranged in a pile at your feet. Then step over toward the Health Crystal for SECRET #2 and crouch down to get it. Jump up to grab the crack in the shaft and use the ledge jump to grab the upper edge of the ledge. Pull up and back flip to safety (with little margin for error). Turn around and take a curved running jump and grab back to the previous ledge. Pull up and jump over to the Quad Bike.

Mount the Quad Bike and ride it over the gap to the first ledge. Turn sharply to the left and hit the brakes by pressing the jump key. Turn the Quad Bike to your left and prepare yourself for a grueling course. A walkthrough is not of much help here, but what you need to do is guide the Quad Bike from ledge to ledge in a clockwise direction until you drop down onto a lower ledge where you dismount and proceed. The builder offers this additional bit of advice for handling the Quad Bike: In both of these parts [described below] it might be helpful to drift - you do this by pushing the sprint button while turning. Drifting will make the vehicle turn more sharply, and if you add the brakes to the drift, it will be easier to stop the vehicle on the sharp turns.  Start by backing up a bit (again, by pressing the jump key), then gun it over the ramp to the next ledge. Swerve sharply to the right and brake to avoid dropping off into oblivion, then loop around to the right to face the next ramp. Jump the ramp to reach a long ledge. It's easy to lose control here, but the best strategy is simply to keep your finger on the action key and drive straight forward. Jump to the next long ledge, and here you have to brake while turning a bit to your left (no easy task) to avoid driving off into a hole. If you make it this far, the rest is fairly easy. Bring the Quad Bike around to the right and drive forward until you reach that lower ledge mentioned earlier.

Dismount and shoot out the grate in the wall. By this time you can probably hear the sound of frantic footsteps. Lower Luke into the crawl space and drop down into a room partially filled with water. A wolf warrior will soon start shooting at you, but you can find shelter behind the various structures in the water. You might want to use this time to explore the underwater area for some shotgun ammo and a small medipack, as you won't be able to get these pickups later. Look around and locate the ladder against the same wall where you can see the agitated wolf warrior. Pull out of the water there and climb the ladder to the top, transfer Luke to the ceiling, and monkey swing over to the platform against the wall.  Press the button to raise a trap door down at water level.

Jump into the water, swim across the room and pull up onto the raised trap door. Save your game for another tight timed swim. Pull down the wall switch, whereupon the trap door drops you back down into the water.  Immediately flip turn and swim for dear life across the room, using the swimdash for an extra burst of speed, and pull up onto the ledge before the water turns toxic. Save your game again after you've accomplished this.

Climb the nearby ladder and get into the crawl space. If you draw weapons before crawling forward, you can target the wolf warrior below and eliminate him with no risk to you. Then use the crawlspace jump to reach the crate in the water below. Jump forward onto the ledge formerly occupied by the wolf warrior and pick up the CRANE REMOTE CONTROL he dropped.  Turn around and take a running jump and grab back to the crate. Pull up, turn right and take a running jump and grab to the lone block. Pull up onto the surface that reads "stand here." Since you're now doing that, take three steps forward into the small rectangle and use the Crane Remote Control from your inventory. The crane apparatus ahead starts swinging back and forth. Turn around, take a running jump and grab to the crate, pull up, turn left and jump to the ledge where you shot the wolf warrior.

Climb the ladder and transfer Luke to the ceiling.  Monkey swing across the room past the swinging apparatus and drop down in front of another ladder against the wall. Reverse roll and take a slightly angled (to the right) running jump and grab to the crate below the swinging apparatus.  Pull up, step forward and jump up when the apparatus swings away to grab the platform above. Quickly pull up into the crawl space and lower Luke down the other side. Shimmy to your right along the crack and use the ledge jump to grab the ceiling. Turn around and monkey swing to the far wall. Release and pick up the uzi ammo. Jump back up to grab the monkey bars and face the corner. Use the monkeyswing jump (same as the ledge jump) to transfer Luke to the outside ladder. Climb up to the top, pull up and slide down into a new room.

There are two wolf warriors patrolling the high ledge up to your right. You can target them from down here if you wish and dispose of them before proceeding. Note the receptacle off to your left, and the nearby rocket ship. Head for the middle of the room and locate two push blocks. Move them until they line up with a stack of crates (the higher of which is similar to the push blocks) directly opposite the rocket ship. Get up onto the blocks you moved and pull the higher crate back once toward the rocket ship. Go to the other side of it, pick up the shotgun ammo and push the block forward, then turn around and pull the next block back once. This frees up another push block on the floor, so hop down and move that block away from the rocket ship and underneath the tall ledge next to the far wall. You can now use the block to access that ledge.

Pull up, turn to the right and take a sprint jump to the hole in the corner of the room. Push the button. Although there's no visual clue, doing this raises two smaller rockets that are now blocking an essential crawlspace. Hop back and jump forward to slide back down into the room. Go to the far corner of the room, next to the receptacle, and run up the ramp. Vault up onto the purplish ledge ahead and note the crawl space to your right. You can see and hear a wolf warrior patrolling the room beyond (and if you're lucky, he'll be standing invitingly just on the other side of the crawl space). If you step right up to the crawl space you'll alert him, he'll run to close the secret door, and you'll be screwed out of the last secret in this level. Therefore, draw your rocket launcher and blow him into eternity before getting into the crawl space.

In the next room, turn left and enter the first room on your left and stop just inside as the door closes behind you. A wolf warrior steps forward, so shoot him from where you're standing. If you step forward and cross the hard-to-see green lasers, you'll be riddled with bullets from the sentry gun in the far left corner of the room. Therefore, gird up your loins and dash forward and to your left as the sentry gun blasts away. Push the button in the wall, then quickly reverse roll and run down the dark passage to pull down the wall switch. The sentry gun is now disabled, so go back to pick up the uzi ammo dropped by the wolf warrior, as well as a small medipack in the middle of the floor. 

The exit door is open once again, so return to the previous hallway and turn left to enter the last room for SECRET #3. Enjoy the view a bit, then pick up the uzi ammo, the rocket, the small medipack and the Health Crystal. Exit this room, turn right and run all the way to the far wall. Enter the now-accessible crawl space and use the crawlspace jump to reach the platform ahead. Pull up, jump up to grab the ceiling and monkey swing forward. Pause to allow the laser ahead to complete its cycle, then drop down onto the top of the column. Turn right and take a standing jump to the left slope ahead, slide ever so slightly and jump off to grab the edge of the platform. Pull up and take the STORAGE KEY from the wolf warrior you killed earlier.  Don't try to jump across to the facing platform, as a laser bars your way.

Safety drop to the floor below and find the receptacle you noted earlier (just to the right of the ramp). Insert the Storage Key to open the door to your right. Go inside to find another Quad Bike. Get on it and drive it up the ramp to your right. You really have to gun it to clear the flat space at the top. Loop around to the right, back up as far as you can and use the ramp ahead to access the platform with the other dead wolf warrior.  Dismount and pick up the MANUAL ROCKET KEY from the inert body. Your work with the Quad Bike is done, so safety drop from here and enter the large hallway to the left of the rocket ship. Save your game, then insert the Manual Rocket Key in the receptacle. Quickly turn left and jump forward to safety as the rocket's engines ignite. Go to the opened doors, turn around, drop down and hang from the edge until the flames subside. Pull up and run back down the hallway. Turn left and run up the ramp in the corner.

Take a standing jump and grab to the nearest pillar to your right. Pull up and note the hole in the ceiling created by the ascending rocket. Jump up to grab the ceiling and monkey swing to the edge of the hole.  Use the monkeyswing jump to bring Luke to the upper level. Go through the nearest doorway and the door closes behind you. Continue forward toward the throne. The Boss Man swivels around to face you, and two wolf warriors also begin firing at you from the wings. After dealing with them, the throne explodes to reveal the CODE CLEARANCE DISK. Picking it up opens the exit door and summons two more wolf warriors.  Kill them and pick up the shotgun ammo dropped by one of them, then explore the room at leisure for two stashes of uzi ammo.

Exit this room and turn to your right. Locate the receptacle and insert the Code Clearance Disk. A door opens in the hallway to your left. Go there, enter the room and observe Lara taking a nap. There's also a presently inoperable "stand here" tile. Grab the shotgun ammo and exit to the hallway. Turn right and continue to the next room. Take the uzi ammo from the ledge, then hop down and locate the hole in the ceiling. Jump up to grab the ladder and climb up. Pull up to an outside area and kill the wolf warrior. Loop around to the right and pull down the wall switch to open a door down below. Climb back down the ladder. Pull back the block, kill the wolf warrior and pick up the rocket he drops. 

Exit this room and turn right. Sprint forward as the door closes behind you and flames erupt from the wall to your right. In the next room, turn to your right to trigger a cut scene of your final boss, a Sophia look-alike fondly known as EKUL.  Avoid the flame blowers as you head down the hallway in preparation for mortal combat. Pick up the shotgun ammo along the way if you wish. In the next room, avoid the flame balls tossed by Ekul as you fill him with lead. When he expires, step forward and push the button in the wall. Pick up the PORTAL GENERATOR in the far corner of the room and return to the room where Lara was taking a nap. Stand in the indicated red rectangle and use the Portal Generator to create a spiral above Luke. After a few seconds an explanatory epilogue will roll across your screen, followed by credits and your final statistics.