Author: brenna (Francisco (Frank) Villalba)

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Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

[Note] This would not work with the Great Wall demo. It did work with a no-CD patched version of the full TR2 game. [End note]

You start in a closed room in front of a water hole. Go left and pick up a harpoon gun and three harpoons. Dive into the water and swim through the underwater corridor. You enter a flooded room with four columns. Swim to the right and near the middle of the wall is a hard-to-see underwater lever. Pull down the lever and a trap door opens in the ceiling. Pull up through the trap door and shoot or ignore the frogman in the water. Climb the rusty wall ladder and pull up into a large room.

Go to the right and enter a doorway. Run up the steps and pull up through a hole in the ceiling. You are on a floor above the room. Go to the right and follow the catwalk to the end. Go to the right wall and press a pushbutton. You hear a door open. Turn around and run to the edge of the floor. The room has been flooded. Shoot a frogman that cannot be ignored. You can press the pushbutton again and drain the room. The frogman will still swim in the air. Dive into the water and swim towards the left. Loop around to the left and you should find an open doorway. Swim into the flooded room and pick up the guardhouse key from the corner floor. Swim out and surface. Swim to the far corner of the room. Pull up onto a ledge with a fence and use the key to open a door.

Enter the tunnel and the door closes behind you. Follow the tunnel to a large room. In front of you is a rusty ladder. Go left and find a tunnel in the middle section of wall. Follow the tunnel to a room and walk, not run, through the broken glass on the floor. Pull up into an alcove and pull down a switch. Get down and walk through the glass again to return to the large room. Go to the opposite wall and enter another tunnel. Again walk through the glass. Pull up into an alcove and pull down a switch. Get down and carefully exit back to the large room. Shoot an invisible guard. He was a collection of blue dots but Lara knows where to aim.

Climb the rusty ladder and shimmy to the right at the top. Go around to the right and jump onto a ledge near the wall. Step down and enter the tunnel and go forward. Run to the end and jump into the water wall. There is a wall section in the corner that hides a closed underwater door. There are two holes in the ceiling. Surface in the middle hole and pull up into a room. Look for a hard-to-see wall lever in the corner near the ledge. Pull down the wall lever. Jump onto the ledge and drop into the second water hole. Swim over the corner wall ands down into the open door. Follow the underwater tunnel to the end and pull up into a room.

Move a block from the corner near the water to the opposite wall. Hop onto the block and push another block into the wall twice. Go around the block and drop into a room. Go to the right corner and pick up flares off the floor. Now go to the other side of the room and follow the corridor. You see a side tunnel. Ignore it for now and continue straight. Enter a large corridor and continue until you see two moveable blocks to your right. Move those blocks in a line under the moveable block that you see in the back wall. Go further down the wide corridor and find a third moveable block. Move it so that are three moveable blocks in a line and you can pull the top moveable block out of the wall. You can get behind the top block and follow the steps to two closed glass doors. Return and now go into the tunnel that you passed earlier.

If you go to the end of the wide corridor, you can go up a ramp and drop into a trench. At the end are headphones that you cannot pick up. Just return to the tunnel and follow the tunnel to a large room. To the right are boxes. To the left is a doorway to another room.

Go left into the room. You see a closed door and a key lock to the left. Go straight and stop at the edge of a deep pit. Run and jump forward into a floating block. Jump left onto another floating block and get a cut scene of a timed door opening. If you look straight across the pit and at the far corner, you can see the timed open door. Stand jump onto the next block and then to the next block to the right corner. Run and jump to another block. Two side jumps to the right and stand jump forward to the right onto another block. Just follow the blocks with simple stand jumps or with run and jumps only until you can see the open door. Now run and jump to grab a block. Pull up and run and jump to grab the block in front of the door. Pull up and go forward and drop into the room. I made the run on the second try. Pick up a guardhouse key and P1 handle #1 from the floor. Exit the room and jump the blocks back to the room with the key lock. Stand jump with grab to glide into the room.

Use the key lock to open the door. Follow the short tunnel and climb a long ladder. Shimmy to the right at the top. You are in a large room. On one side is a short fence and broken glass. Jump over the short fence onto a safe tile. Walk through the glass to the back wall. Climb the wall until you are stopped. Back flip and roll to grab another climbable wall. Climb to the top and shimmy to the left or right to find a blue non-climbable wall section. Release and grab the edge and shimmy onto that section before Lara gets into her climbing position. Pull up and go down the ramp. Run straight into a tunnel and be careful of rolling barrels from the sides. Go to the back of the tunnel and pick P1 handle #2.

Jump to grab the back climbable wall. Climb down and release and grab the lower wall. Climb down to the floor. Walk through the broken glass and jump the short fence. Climb down the ladder in the corner. Exit this room and return to the room with the boxes.

Jump over the boxes and find a hole. Drop into the hole and pick up harpoons. Then drop into the water and swim around to shoot a shark. Return to the hole for air. Drop into the water and swim straight into a back wall alcove. You should find an underwater lever near the floor area. Pull down the underwater lever and swim up through an open trap door. Pull up into a room and see closed trap doors on the floor. Go into the corner and pull down a wall lever. Dive through the open trap doors and into a flooded room. Pull down an underwater lever on the wall and get a cut scene of a door opening.

The ceiling surface texture makes it hard to find the hole. Exit this room and drop into the other hole. Swim back and pull up at the boxes. Jump over the hole and drop onto the floor. Loop around to the right to find the open door. Enter the alcove and press the pushbutton on the wall. You get a cut scene of two glass doors opening. Exit this room and return to the boxes that you moved. Follow the steps behind the top box and find the open doors.

Enter the room and shoot another invisible guard. Pick up two automatic pistol clips from the floor. As you approach the wall ladder, you get a cut scene of someplace very dark. Climb the wall ladder and back flip near the top. You land in a corridor. Go straight a little and take the left branch corridor. Then go to the right and save the game at a timed switch. Pull down the wall switch, roll, and run down the corridor. Go right and run pass a closed door. Continue and loop around to the right. Follow the corridor and run through the open door. Go to the right and into an alcove. Place the first P1 handle in the receptacle. Exit and run down the corridor into a second alcove. Place the second P1 handle in the receptacle. Jump back as the alcoves catch fire very quickly after you place the items.

Follow the corridor back to the door that is now open. Enter the room and run towards the ammo on the floor as the level ends.
