

Author: DAVID RUKAWA Homepage



Slide into the level and head right. Jump across the pit using the columns and kill the leopard in the next room. Walk slowly through the spikes and throw the lever to open a door in the beginning of the level. Pick up the goodies behind the door and head back to the afore mentioned door. Go up the ramp and drop into the water. Surface and push the lever, then dive and swim back. Head back to the ramp area and cross through the now open door. Go to the left and pull the first block out of the way. Enter the hidden corridor and ignore the next block you come across, but in the end of the corridor push the block to reveal the opening to the main hall. First, go to the left side and fall into the passage. Climb up in the opposite end to collect the first RUSTY KEY. Return to the main hall. Now enter the opening straight across the room, drop into the water and swim upward. Climb out of the water, throw the lever and collect the second RUSTY KEY. Return to the main hall. Now take the remaining passage, use both keys and cross the passage. Run down the corridor to reach the end.

End of Level.
Secrets: none

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