

Author: DAVID RUKAWA Homepage



You start sliding down into Venice. Before doing anything else, kill all the baddies on the catwalks to make this area safe. Go to the area with a ladder over a slope (you can't reach it from down here) and dive into the water. There's a tiny passage near the ground Lara can swim squeeze through. Surface on the other side and push the block of the right until an opening is revealed. Climb up and flip the switch behind the plant to open a niche with a button. Push it and a door near the beginning of the level will open, crash through the windows and get there. Climb up the ladder, kill the thug and jump out of the window to the pillar with a key on top of it. Pick the KEY up and slide down to ground level again. Proceed to the area with the gondolas, use the key and get in. Climb up to the right to pick up some goodies and then go to the end of the corridor to reach the rooftop. Slide backwards, so you can grab the edge, and climb down the ladder until the window to the Opera House. Break in and walk through the shattered glass. Jump to the crates, grab the edge, let go and quickly grab the lower crack. Shimmy to the left, hoist up and go downstairs into the opening. Flip the switch and slide into the ventilation shaft. As you get near to the fan, jump and grab the wall above it (unmarked climbable wall). Climb it up and left. Climb up the opening in the ceiling and drop down past another deadly fan. Pick up the CHIP in the corner and exit through the newly opened door. Get out, use the chip in the middle of the shattered glass and enter the next area. Follow up to the left and throw the lever. Get back down and enter the next room, pick up the M16 behind a curtain Lara will look at and drop in the nearby hole. Activate the switch behind the column and climb back up through the hole. Go up and throw the lever on the left. Down again and enter the corridor to the left, follow through and approach the pedestal.

End of Level.
Secrets: none

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