

Author: IGOR

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The level begins as Lara drops into these mines. Move the box to jump on the higher column, and from there, jump to the little passage on the wall. As you enter it, pick up the small Medi pack (1) on your right. As you activate the lever on the wall, a trapdoor right above you will be triggered for a limited time, so as you do, run backwards, climb up the column and jump to shimmy over the trapdoor. Climb up in the end of the shimmy and push another lever to open a door in the initial room. There, pick up the large Medi pack (2) and push the lever to operate that drill and get it out of the way. Get back there to find the rusty key (3). Use it on the remaining door in the initial room.

To your left, pick up some
Uzi clips (4). Jump on to the central column and push the two levers on the two sides of the room to open a door. But before going there, drop down by the base of the column. You will hit a safe ground, from where you can jump to the SECRET #1 - the Uzis (5). Take the passage to your right, pick up some more Uzi clips (6) and keep climbing, eventually you will be back to the upper level. Now go to the door you just opened, as you enter, a cowboy (1) will come to greet you. Kill him and take his Magnums (7) plus some magnum clips (8) on the floor. Push the box until you can see a large Medi pack (9), then go around the box and push it to the side to reveal the switch on the wall. It will open a trapdoor above the structure on the previous room - just climb it up.

Pick up the
small Medi pack (10) on the only available entrance and push the lever to open the opposite room. As you enter that room, the camera will show you where you have to go - move the box so you can jump over the fire pit and shimmy to the right. When you get to a safe spot, drop down and climb the rock behind you to find some magnum clips (11), then get back on track and you will soon find a water pit. Time to get wet.

In the middle of this underwater tunnel, there's a small passage where you will find
SECRET #2 - a small Medi pack (12), Uzi clips (13), magnum clips (14) and some shotgun shells (15). Get back to the tunnel, pick up the shotgun shells (16-17) and surface for a room with four crates. On the top of one there are magnum clips (18). Push the lever and exit through the door. Meet the bald man (2), and as you take him down, get his Shotgun (19) and the large Medi pack (20) on the floor. Push the lever to open another path in the trapdoor room - get back there.

Take the first part of the
Scion (21) on the floor (note: the author warns about this bug in the read me, the scion pieces look like pistols when they're on the ground) and push the lever to open the door in the cowboy room. Get back down there and pick up a fuse (22), and as you do, the last path will open. Through this one, kill another cowboy (3) and pick his Magnums (23). In the darkest corner of this room, on a column, you can pick up SECRET #3 - a small Medi pack (24) and some Uzi clips (25). Go up the stairs and cross the lava pit. On the other side, underneath the second breakaway floor, pick up a small Medi pack (26), then go through the passage underneath the first one.

On the right side of the room, jump over the water to pick some
Uzi clips (27). Drop down to the water to pick up a large Medi pack (28) and some magnum clips (29). Surface, climb out of the water and on the left side of the room, jump to the passage to fight another bald man (4). Take his Shotgun (30) and climb up the lower rooftop of the house to the left. Jump to the next house and fall with the breakaway floor to pick up a large Medi pack (31), shotgun shells (32) and Uzi clips (33). Jump to the last house and from there to the passage on the wall.

Save if you haven't yet. In this room, you will meet the boulders the author mentions in the read me. The best way I found to get through this puzzle was rolling and dodging the balls, although I am not quite sure if this was the movement the author hinted at. It's pretty obvious that the boulders will run down as soon as you approach them, so we'll have to trick 'em. From the edge of the place you just came from, take one step forward, so you are almost centered in this tile. Turn a little to the left (11 hours) and then roll TWICE. You will end up in the same position, but the boulder will not. Do the same with the next one. Done! Piece of cake isn't it?

Drop down and take the second
fuse (34) before falling to the water. Get back to the place where you get the last secret. You might have found out you have to use the fuses on those receptacles, so move those crates in a way you can do so. This will open a door in the first path you entered in the trapdoor room. Get in there and take down the ever-so-annoying skateboard kid (5). Take away his Uzis (35) plus the large Medi pack (36) on the floor. To the right of those golden doors, there's a small passage. Slide down to the lever, push it and jump back. Run to the small golden door.

Cross the breakaway bridge and shimmy to the right. Pick up another
small Medi pack (37). Slide down and fall with the first breakaway tile - it will lead you to the pyramid key (38). Pick it up and then go back to the breakaway path. In the last tile, climb up the passage on the left. Climb up to the right and on the top, pick up the second part of the Scion (39) (note: the author warns about this bug in the read me, the scion pieces look like pistols when they're on the ground). Drop down through the trapdoor and you're back in the golden doors room, go back to the little secret room to the right, but this time use the key on the wall. It will open the big doors.

Inside, kill yet another
bald man (6) and take a last Shotgun (40). There are several pick ups in this room: Uzi clips (41-42), a large Medi pack (43) and a small Medi pack (44). Pull the block and climb up to the higher level so you can operate a lever. This will open the door on the room behind you. Enter them and, as you step on the golden tile, you will be teleported to the end of the level.

End of Level.
Kills: 6
Pickups: 44
Secrets: 3 out of 3


Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

Lara falls into a mineshaft with a closed gate behind her. Run to the other end and see a gate needing a key. Pull the orange movable block towards the door twice. Use it to climb to the tall pillar. Jump across the block into a tunnel. There is a switch on the wall ahead and a switch in the upper right corner. A mine car blocks a tunnel to the right. Pull the first switch and a timed platform rises beside you. Roll, run to the pillar in the corner and climb up. Jump to the wall to grab a crevice and shimmy right before the platform drops to reach the second switch. Pull the second switch and the gate near the starting point opens. Go there but enter slowly as a boulder rolls in front of you. Pick up a large Medi pack (1) from the ground. Pull the switch and get a cut scene of the mine car moving from the tunnel. Go back to that tunnel and pick up the key (2).

Go back to the key lock and use the key. Run to the middle block and stop as the breakable tile crumbles behind you. Drop back to a safe square and turn around. Jump to the alcove for Uzi's (3). Jump back and jump to the right alcove. Go to the end for Uzi clips (4). Step back a bit and turn right. Jump up and start climbing. Eventually sliding back to the start point at the breakable tiles. Jump to the centre section. Jump to both sides to pull two switches. Then jump to the far side and into the gate. Ahead of you is a structure with a closed trapdoor at the top. Go around it and into a tunnel at the other side. A cowboy (1) drops from the ceiling. Kill him and pick up the Magnums (5) that he drops. There is a closed gate at the end of the tunnel. To left is a movable block. Push it in twice and go to the left side and push it once more into a hole in the wall. Pick up a large Medi pack (6) and pull the switch to open the trapdoor.

Go there and pull up into a room with three closed gates and an open tunnel. Go into the tunnel and pick up a small Medi pack (6). There is a closed gate at the end and a switch to the right in an alcove. Pull the switch and the gate in the opposite tunnel opens. Go there and pull a movable block from the wall and push it next to the lava. Climb up and run/jump to the wall and grab a crevice. Shimmy to the right and drop at the first safe block. Turn around and climb the block for Magnum clips (7). Back down and jump to the right and around the corner to a hole with water. Dive in and follow the tunnel. When you see shotgun shells of the floor, swim left and upwards to pull up into a room. Pick up Magnum clips (8), shotgun shells (9), small Medi pack (10) and Uzi clips (11). Back in the water to pick up the shotgun shells (12) and follow the rest of the tunnel into a room. There is a switch on the wall and four boxes. On one box pick up Magnum clips (13).

Pull the switch and a closed door opens behind you. Go there a kill a shotgun guy (2). Pick up the large Medi pack (14) from the floor. Pull a switch and get a cut scene of a gate opening. Out of this room and swim back through the tunnel. Carefully get over the lava and exit this room. Through a tunnel and the gate to the left is open. Go inside and pick up a Scion (15) from the yellow-coloured alcove. On the opposite wall, pull the switch and the gate opens below where you shot the cowboy. Go there and pick up an blue and red fuse (16). Get a cut scene of the last door opening above the trapdoor. Go there and kill a cowboy (3) who drops Magnum clips (17). On the back wall are two fuse boxes needing two fuses. But they are too high to reach. To the right is a block on a ledge and a space to the left of it. Pull/push the block near the door to fill that space. Now the block can be pulled/pushed to reach the key locks.

First go to the stairs on the left wall. At the bottom step turn left and jump/grab a column. Pull up into a black area and pick up a small Medi pack (18) and Uzi clips (19). Back down and go up the steps and into the tunnel. You reach a lava area so use the blocks against the walls to get over it and into another tunnel. Follow down over breakable tiles. The second tile covers a hole with a small Medi pack (20). The first tile leads to a tunnel. Drop down and follow the tunnel to some water and openings in the cave walls. In the right opening pick up Uzi clips (21). In the water you can pick up a large Medi pack (22). In the middle is the item you need but can't get. Jump to the left opening and then into the left tunnel. Enter a room with building and a shotgun guy (4). Kill him and pick up the shotgun (23) that that he drops. Climb the building left of the entrance. Jump to the building to the right and run over a breakable tile. Drop down to pick up a large Medi pack (24), shotgun shells (25) and Uzi clips (26).

Go to the next building and look up to the left side. Jump into the hole in the wall to face a double boulder trap. I used full health and took a running jump from the left side. I was hit by boulders and fell the down the hole on the other side with almost all the health gone. But I made it. Jump to the alcove above the water and pick up the second fuse (27). Jump in to the water and swim up the other side. Now go back through the tunnel, jump the lava and back to the fuse boxes. Use both fuses and you see a door opening. Exit this room and turn right into the other tunnel. The open gate is at the end. Go inside to kill the skateboard guy (5). He seems to drop Uzi clips (28) but they didn't show in the inventory. I guess I reached the maximum. In the left corner is a small door. To the right of the double doors is an alcove. Go inside and pull a switch and the small door opens. Go inside to face breakable tiles and notice the un-named square piece to the right.

Run over the breakable tiles and jump up to grab a crevice. Shimmy right and pull up to pick up a small Medi pack (29). Slide down and drop through the tile to get the un-named square piece. Now back flip to the edge and jump to the breakable tiles. Run to the end and jump into an alcove on the left wall. Go to the end and start climbing. At the top pick up the second Scion (30) from the floor and a trapdoor opens. Actually it looks like a set of guns but shows up a Scion in the inventory. Drop down the trapdoor to the double doors. Go to the alcove again and use the un-named square piece at the end. The double doors open so go there next. Go to the right and kill a shotgun guy (6). Pick up his shotgun (31), Uzi clips (32) and a small Medi pack (33) from an alcove. Back to the doors. Go around the left to a corner to pick up a large Medi pack (34) and Uzi clips (35) from an alcove. Back to the doors and pull out a movable block on the right side. Pull/push it to the ledge so you can climb it to reach a switch. Pull the switch and go behind the alcoves below to some double doors that have opened. Step on the fancy floor tile and you appear in another room. Run to the other fancy floor tile and the level ends. I got three secrets but I am not sure what there were as TR1 only gave a total at the end of the level.

End of Level.
Kills: 6
Pickups: 35
Secrets: 3 out of 3

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