Author: Ray Fordyce
Download level: Here
Overwiew: Lara explores Nefertiti’s pyramid. The level centralizes about brainwork and a bit of sadism. For example, giant scorpions appear where you can’t escape anywhere. There are puzzles, but usually the same kind.
Spectacle: Its bugbear is that the textures have big flaws; somewhere you can find darkness instead of textures. But where they are, the textures are quite beautiful. There are some items from TR2, like the lava-texture. There aren’t 3D lavas. Animas aren’t there too, as they would be useless. Its atmosphere not as in a pyramid’s should be, except at the end, where the way goes out the pyramid. For all that there are nice and imaginative rooms.
Sounds: There are ambients throughout the level, but no action sounds.
Equalization and difficulty: There are not many enemies, the existing ones are good-positioned, I have really daunted for ones.
There is only one lever, you have to collect three stars (which aren’t worked out in the inventory) to go on and a few switches to activate. The game is such easy, except the scorpions.
Drop in. Pull the items amongst the blue platforms and then the door opens. Get the Shotgun and the crowbar, climb up the ladder and jump backwards. Shoot the giant scorpion, pick up the Uzi out of the columns. Go into the big lava room. Jump to the left platform, then along to the others. Shoot the appearing skeleton into the lava with the Shotgun. Go with monkey-climb to the closed door. By the door is a ladder, climb up it. Go in the green room, but beware till you don’t fill the room with water. There’s a crawlspace on your right, jump in and crawl to a switch. Activate it, go out. The room is full of water, now you can dive in and swim to the lever on the left and pull it. Swim to the right side of the room and into an underwater opening where you’ll find a Secret. Go back to the closed door which is now open. Go in, but watch out for the stone balls. Go to the columns, there is a lever on the back column, activate it. Go in the opening door, avoid the mummy. Climb up. You can find arrows and crossbow in the dark passage. Go up, pick up the small medipack from the pillar and leave the room from the other pillar. Go through the lava room’s opposite side, shoot the skeleton and the scarab, go on till you come a beautiful room complex. The order is all the same, I started with the pool. So jump into the water, avoid the crocodiles, swim along and get out the water. Warp the first star from the wall. Go back to the central room. Face to the fiery room, go in. You can see the room’s image on the right with the lava-covered platforms. Do not step to these. Go across the room then jump to the first block, and the second. After you get to the second block, you’ll be attacked by a fire ghost. Get in the next room as fast as you can and dive into the pool. The fire ghost will be expired. Swim into the channel, there you’ll find Shotgun shells. Get the second star from the wall. Go back to the central room and into the green maze. There are two scorpions here, bait them out then shoot them from a safe place. Now you can go into the maze to look for a room with grey floor. On your way you can meet with little scarabs. When you at the specific place, you can see patterns on the ceiling with filled circles and empty circles. You can step onto those platforms, which have empty circles above them. Go into the little green room; get the star. Go back to the central room once more; put the stars to their place. A trapdoor will be open at the top of the ladder. Climb up, run along the corridor and shoot the scarab. You’re now on the top of the big lava room. Jump alongside the platforms on the left, kill the big scarab and go up the ladders. Get out the duct, Jump to the crawlspace and crawl along. Explode the mummy and get the amulet from the casket. Go through the opening door, jump to the ladder. Hang over the depth and up to the new room. Shoot the Bedouins. Go out the pyramid and get down to the floor. That’s where the level ends.
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