
Swiss Xmas 2

Author: agnes Homepage

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In the Tessin the deciduous trees have got no leaves at Christmas time, too. Only the palm trees remain green....


Secret 1-2-3:


Level 1:

This level is a long flyby of a large mountainous area and Lara with skis. It eventually finishes and the playable level starts.

Level 2: Tessin at Xmas time

You start at the bottom of some steps. Turn around and shoot the large vase in the corner and pick up flares. Go south and enter the alcove to the west with a tall tree. Climb the back wall behind the tree and pull up into a crawl space. Crawl to the end and shoot the grate. Safety drop into a room with boxes. Go to the south-west corner and pull out the corner box twice. Go behind the box and pick up the revolver. Stand on the north ledge and go to the west wall. Stand jump to grab the higher box to the south. Pull up and pick up the laser sight. Safety drop to the ground.

Get on the north ledges with the boxes. There is a box with a picture of a wine bottle. Push the box opposite that picture to the east once. Turn to the left and pull back the north box once. Go behind that box and see a tunnel. Push the same box once more to the south. Push that same box to the west wall to get it out of your way. Go to the tunnel entrance. Pull out the box to the right of the tunnel once to the west. Pull back that same box once to the south. Go behind that box and enter the alcove to pick up a large medipack for secret #1. Now enter the tunnel and then enter a crawl space. Stand up into a tunnel and pull up into another crawl space. Crawl to the end and shoot the grate. Safety drop to the area near the top of the starting steps.

Go west into another area. Go pass the tree and flowers and into the west wall alcove. You can see a receptacle in the wall next to a fancy upper block. Pull up onto the fancy upper north block. Stand jump to the south-east onto the ledge. Run and jump to the ledge at the south wall and pick up the Metal Key. Safety drop to the ground. Go to the north-east corner of this area and use the key in the key lock to open the door. Enter the room and see a fireplace, Christmas presents and some steps. There is a closed door in the north wall behind the steps. Shoot the blue present box in the far south-west corner. Hop onto the ledge and pick up a large medipack for secret #2.

Go up the steps and enter a dark red colored bedroom. Go south into the bathroom and shoot the large vase in the north-east corner. You get a cut scene of a door opening. Notice the closed trap door in the bath pool. Exit these rooms and go down the down the steps. Go north behind the steps and find the open door from the cut scene. You enter a small library room with a piano. Pull up onto the bookshelf in the south-west corner. Shoot the bowl and pick up a Ring. Use the revolver and laser sight or just drop back down and use the pistols as you fall. Get down and pull down the wall switch on the north-east bookshelf. You get a cut scene of a gate opening near a crawl space.

Exit the rooms and return outside. Go south and east back to the starting steps. Go south and enter the first small area to the east. Go to the east wall near a tree, Turn to the left and find the open gate. Enter the gate and go through the crawl space. Shoot a grate and enter another room with boxes. Hop onto the south-west box and pick up revolver ammo. Hop onto the box at the north wall. Look up to the grate in the ceiling. On section has a blue and yellow box on it. Shoot that box and the trapdoor opens in the floor. Dive into the water and follow the underwater tunnel to the north. Follow the tunnel to the end and swim up and to the left. At the next junction swim up and to the right. Go to the end and swim up to the left. At the end swim up to the left and swim to the end to pull down an underwater lever on the side wall. You get a cut scene of a trap door opening. Swim back a little and swim up into a crawl space. Swim to the end and surface for air. Dive down again and pick up a Ball from the floor. Surface again and you are back in the bathroom.

Exit the rooms and go down the steps again. Go outside and return to the south-west corner again. Combine the ring and ball to make the Star Hole Key. Place the key in the receptacle in the north wall. The fancy block to your upper left drops. Hop onto the lowered block and pull down the wall switch. You get a cut scene of a gate opening. Hop down and go east to the tree and flowers area. Go to the north-west and follow the tunnel to the open gate. You reach a T-junction. Go left to the end and pick up flares. Then return and follow the tunnel to the right.

Follow the tunnel to a T-junction. To the left is a closed door. Go to the right and enter another outside area. There are several buildings and a central pool. Dive into the pool and pick up revolver ammo in the south-west corner floor. Notice a closed underwater gate in the opposite corner of the pool. Pull up onto the north-west corner ledge. Return to the area entrance. Pull up onto the blocks to the north. Shoot the fragile looking grates on the column to the west. Run and jump there to shoot the next set of grates on the next west column. Run and jump there and shoot the grates on the third west column. Run and jump there and pull down the wall switch behind the potted plant. You get a cut scene of the underwater gate opening in the pool.

Get down and dive into the pool. Follow the underwater crawl space and surface in a small room. Pull up on the north ledge and go behind the column for a small medipack. Shoot the four large columns and hear a gate open. Enter the east alcove and pull up into a crawl space. Crawl to the end onto the fancy tile. You get a cut scene of a closed gate. Crawl out and swim back to the outside pool. Go west pass the horse statues. Enter a small maze. Go west to the back wall. Go north and then east to step on a fancy tile. You get a cut scene of a closed gate.

Return to the pool area. Go to the south-east corner and step on the fancy tile in the alcove. You get a cut scene of the gate opening. Exit the alcove and go west and immediately south and into the open gate. Shoot the bowl on the block and pick up the Diamond of the Lion. Exit this room and return to the pool area. Go to the north-east corner and place the diamond in the mount of the lion statue. The yellow door opens in the building behind the lion statue.

Enter the large room and go to the north-west corner. Pull up onto the west bookshelf and jump to grab the north wall. Pull up into the crawl space. Pick up a small medipack for secret #3. Safety drop to the floor. Go up the steps in the south-west. Approach the Christmas tree and get a very long flyby before the level ends.

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

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