
Sobek's Sanctuary

Author: Aza

Download: Here

Story and Walkthrough provided by the author

Sobek storyline

Lara gets a phone call off her good friend Dr Zawi Hawass asking her to investigate a small opening in the back of a cave that has opened after a small earthquake. In the cave Dr Hawass had discovered some small artifacts relating to the god Sobek and wants to know if there is anything more to find.

Lara immediately flies over to Egypt to investigate the cave with Dr Hawass. While in the back of the cave Lara hears Dr Hawass cry out and before she can turn around she is violently pushed into the crevice.

Her task now is to get out of the cavern below in one piece.

Sobek walkthrough

As soon as you hit the water turn round and climb out in the corner where the faces are. Get your guns out and prepare to be attacked by a harpy; no need to bother with the croc on the steps, it's trapped. Kill the harpy and make your way to the top of the steps, run along and climb onto the platform to find a pickup. Carry on along the steps and past the next platform till you come to the third platform and here you will find the first of the three secrets in this level.

Secret #1
Climb on top of the platform and make your way to the front right corner; turn right to face the lowered ceiling and take a running jump at it. You might be surprised to find you can grab the wall and shimmy round to the left. Shimmy round till you reach the dark area and climb up to find the secret.

Drop down into the water and make your way to the front of the Crocodile statue; you can climb out on the left or the right. Make your way to the corner where the flares are and there is a climbable wall in the corner. Before you climb up here, drop into the water facing the steps and swim down into the bottom right corner where there is a passage with a shotgun at the end. Go back to where the flares were, climb up here and make your way along the ledge, avoiding the slopes that throw you back down to the floor, and climb up in the corner. Drop into the next room and immediately do a jumping spin to avoid the spikes and be facing the skeleton that will appear. Use the shotgun to blast the skeleton into the pit. Jump over the pit and take the first left, then left again and up the slope, follow the passage round to the end.

Do a running jump and grab the ceiling, turn around and swing to the jump switch on the wall behind you. Drop to pull the lever and it will open a door that is ahead and also make some spikes active. Jump over the spikes, walk to the edge and shoot the croc in the water. Do a running jump to the ledge ahead, and then another to the ledge in the corner by the climbable wall. Climb the wall to the top, turn around and jump to the pickup, get back over and run up the slope. Get the shotgun out and blast the skeleton at the top of the slope into the next room. Drop into the next room and shoot the chest to get another pickup. Climb back out of the room; continue up the slope and around the corner to the end. Drop down, then jump up to the ceiling, swing around the corner and along the passage. Make sure you go all the way to the end of the swing before you drop or you will burn.

Jump across the top of all the walls (if you are quick you don't have to bother with the skeleton) and drop down into the last passage. Go to the end, jump up and crawl through back into the main croc room. Make your way along the ledge, avoiding the spikes, and jump up in the corner. Here is the first Pharaohs knot that you pick up. Get this and it will trigger a flyby camera that shows the doors in the crocs mouth opening.

Get down into the crocs mouth, swim down its throat to the middle door that will open as you get near it. Swimming along a few blocks will trigger a croc back in the throat, swim back out and lure the croc near to the front ledge where you can climb out and kill it.

Get back in the big croc, swim along the passage and turn right at the end, there is an air hole in the ceiling, above the face on the floor. Fill up with air and carry on down the passage, turn right, left, left, right, left, right, left and left again.
This will take you to another pickup that will also trigger a camera that shows you the door to the right ‘lung’ opening. Retrace your path back to the air hole, fill up with air again and then swim to the open ‘lung’. Go in and get the Gem, this will trigger another camera that shows the next area to go to, back to the water where you first dropped in the level. Search the wall and you will find a hidden passage. All the swimming in here has to be pretty precise if you want the pickup. To get the small medipack before you get to the air hole, take the first left in the main passage. If you want to get to the air first (recommended) go along the passage, turn right at the end, a quick right and left, then straight ahead for the air hole. You can now go back for the medipack if you want, if not, fill up with air again and swim through the passage ahead. Ignore the first right and swim to ahead, do a quick right and left then swim through the room ahead. Again, ignore the first right and swim along the narrowing passage. At the end of here go right, down, left, and along the short passage that takes you down into a small room. There is a croc in here that takes a small bite of you so swim straight ahead and follow the passage upwards to the next room. Climb out here, wait for the croc, kill it and then swim back down for a pickup that you didn't have time for first time through.

The room you climbed into has a climbable wall in one of the corners; use the look button to locate the face high up in the corner. Climb up here and do a back jump near the top to land in a passage. Go along the passage and put the gem in the wall to open the door ahead. Go in this room, climb up any side, look around and there is another climbable wall. Climb up here and do a back jump to land in a sloping passage. Stay sliding backwards and grab the edge before you drop down to the ledge. Make sure you have a lot of health or you will die. Grab the pick up off the pedestal then take the Pharaohs knot of the second pedestal. This will trigger a flyby camera that takes you on a rather interesting journey under the big croc and shows you where two ropes have dropped out of the ceiling. The best way to get to the other ledge without going getting set on fire is to hang off the front of the ledge, shimmy round the corner where you can put your feet on the wall, and do a spinning jump to the second ledge. Grab these pickups and make your way back to where you saw the ropes come out of the ceiling, by where you got the first knot.

Swing from one rope to the other and then onto the small ledge around the corner. Jump forward onto the next ledge and then onto the climbable wall ahead. Climb up here, back flip into the next passage and put the knot in the wall to open the door ahead. Be careful in the next room as there are five skeletons that float down from the ceiling, you can pick them off with the crossbow as they fall if you are quick enough.

Over on the far wall there is a small room to jump up to, and inside there is a jump switch which will raise a block in the corner so you can reach the climbable wall. Climb up here and run down the next passage to a room with big fireplaces in it. The first passage to the left is a trick one; the second takes you to some tasty pickups. The third one is another trick one; the fourth one is the way to go. A skeleton is triggered near the end of the passage that you can take care of with the crossbow.

Secret #2
The room you go into now has a jump switch on the wall behind you as you first go in; this triggers the door to the right ‘lung’ on the big croc to open and in the ‘lung’ is the second secret.

Secret #3
Use the binoculars with the torch in this room and you will see an opening up in the top corner opposite the light opening. Hang off the entrance to the light entrance and do a spinning back flip to grab the edge of the dark entrance; in here is the third and final secret.

Come back out of the secret room and climb up to the light entrance; go along the passages, past the door in the wall, down and along more passages till you come to a jump switch above a slope. Ignore this switch, it's a trick, turn round to jump up and pull the switch behind you. This opens the door that you passed earlier in the passageway. Make your way back to the door and follow the passage that is now open. Drop down into the water, swim through to the room with the blocks and jump from one to another to get to the top. Jump across to the opening and follow the passageway down to a closed door; use the second Pharaohs knot to open this door.

Enter the room, go to the front and pick up the Hathors head and staff. Turn round to face the inside of the room and leave by the left hand window. Run along the steps to the corner, put the Hathors head and staff together, and use. This triggers a camera, raises a block by the door on the far side of the room and also triggers a Harpy, kill the Harpy and proceed to the door. Open the door by putting your hand in the wall and enter the room. Kill the skeleton or he has a habit of pushing you on to an anti-trigger.

Jump on the heads on the floor to open the big doors; get off the last head by jumping on the wall or you will hit an anti-trigger that will close the doors again.

Enter the new room and avoid stepping on the floor, as it will kill you. Just for a bit of fun I have put a diving board in the room, but you don’t really need to use it. Dive in the water from the same side as the diving board, swim straight down and along the passageway that is in front of you. (There are other passages here with pickups in them but they also trigger more crocs; so it is up to you whether you get them or not). Climb out of the water and kill the Demigod; don’t run inside the big crocs head while fighting the Demigod or you trigger a skeleton at the same time.
Make your way over to the far walkway and climb up; this causes a block to raise and cover the exit to the room. Run along the platform and pull the jump switch; this raises another block by the other walkway to enable you to climb up. Get up on the second walkway and kill the second Demigod that appears; run along and pull the other jump switch to lower the first raising block. The way to the exit is now clear, except for the third Demigod that appears when you climb back on the first walkway. Kill him and pickup the third Pharaohs knot that he leaves. Go into the now open exit door from this room and place the knot in the receptacle on the wall; this opens the two big doors and when you enter the next room it is the end of the level.

This is the quickest way to finish the level; but there is plenty more exploring to be done for the curious minded.

Thank you for playing my level…Aza.

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